(Back up) Floflo.moe - A WK-friendly website for reading

There are three anime as of now :wink:

Lists for seasonal anime should be available for patreon as well. (In the future, that is)

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First Scripter! :tada:

…and that is going to be?

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Not sure yet.
I’m actually waiting for the result of the next two polls.
I’m only halfway down with the current book anyway…
(Which actually means nothing, since I read until I have 25 new words in my review queue, and they are starting to be a lot further apart)

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I don’t currently have a favorites system or anything like that. I personally just add a lesson from each book I’m interested in and then use the lesson’s menu’s ‘filter by series’ feature to make sure I don’t accidentally do them.

Is this one of those “if I get $X a month” type of features, or one you’ll consider adding out of the goodness of your heart? :hugs:

One I’d add out of the goodness of my heart :hugs:


By the way, @Raionus, I see that you have removed the link to noragami from the book list.
Technically, I don’t have that many words remaining in that list (around a hundred at freq 1).
I can give it a try if you want. (The anime section of Tsutaya has been overwhelming so far, it’s good to have a target rather than try to find something interesting on the spot anyway :stuck_out_tongue: )

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Sure, go for it. Apparently Kalas is dead irl so he’s retired from testing. The anime remains unlisted but you can still access it directly here. If you really get into it I can add the rest of the episodes as well

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Oh, I know how to find it anyway :wink: The search feature can still give me the link.
I was just checking by curiosity, that’s how I realized I have almost all the words already.

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By the way there’s been less updates than usual. Aside from the fact that nothing’s been horribly broken for a week (yay), I’m currently working on two-and-a-half big things right now:

  1. Learning the Vue JS framework (which I will migrate everything over to eventually)
  2. Revamping the review page
  3. Vocabulary imports (yes, I’m actually doing something)

I expected the review page to be pretty quick work, but someone very nice dropped me a great design, so now the site’s just waiting on me to learn Vue so that it can be functional. I have no idea how long this will take, but I’m working on it.

Anyway, that’s where we’re at right now.


Small thing: you didn’t put the WK book club tag on Hataraku Maou-sama I

Fixed :slight_smile:

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I’m totally happy to wait for nice things :blush:

I love that literally every single option on the latest poll has two votes atm.

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If you need any help with Vue, hit me up fam :peace_symbol:

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There’s like 1 day left on the Shin Sekai Yori/Norwegian Wood/Snow Country poll. Reminder that I flip a coin if there’s a tie in normal polls, and that I only pick up all the tied books in the loser’s bracket poll. So like someone go break the tie unless you wanna leave the book up to rngesus.


Out of curiosity, where is the poll?

The polls are on Patreon!

You have to be a $5 supporter to vote in the polls for new things (like this one), but polls for continuing series will be open to $3 supporters as well (we haven’t had one of those yet).

Why don’t you just pick the one you want if it’s a tie? :joy:

That would be “unethical”


What if you are drunk at the time?
Preferences while drunk are a fairly unbiased random generator.