Ouran High School Host Club 🌸 Volume 2 (桜蘭高校ホスト部)

I have to say that not only do I appreciate the mischievous twins being girls, I also just appreciate having more female characters in general, especially the more eccentric kind. I know that the idea of Ouran is basically it being a reverse harem, but I miss having female characters around with interesting personalities.


Me too! Ouran’s female characters are mostly audience with the same personality.


Now Let’s Read ロマンティック・エゴイスト - Part 2

Start Date Chapter Page Numbers Page Count
Sep 9th ロマンティック・エゴイスト - Part 2 + Egoistic Club 167 - 188 22

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Only three and a half months behind, and I got through chapter 5 in a single (one-hour) reading session!

Something about this manga makes it so difficult for me…


At least for me, I also build up the difficulty, so the longer I’m away, the harder I remember it to be. (I’m really in trouble on getting back to it. :sweat_smile: )


Same, plus I keep turning to other manga I think I might enjoy more. I think if I get back on track with club and then stay on track, it might be ok, but idk how well I’ll be able to catch up since I’m already behind again in… all my active clubs?


I must confess I gave it up for now :smiling_face_with_tear: it started feeling like a chore compared to other readings and I’d keep leaving it behind. I might come back to it someday, but I don’t think it will be too soon.


Finally finished volume two, except for the Romantic Egoist story. Looks like I’ll be ready to start up volume three in January!


You do remember that the club is supposed to start volume 4 then, right? (I’ve barely started volume 2 and I am not sure when I’ll get around to reading Ouran, right now…)


Although I’m not current on start dates, I know I’m still a whole volume behind…

I’m working out my reading schedule for 2024, and at the moment, I’m looking at one chapter per week of Ouran, so I may just casually follow one volume behind those who are reading at club pace.

I’m still a bit stuck on why Ouran gives me so much trouble. This was brought up in one of the club threads, but it still bothers me that there’s something I’m missing.

Looking at vocabulary stats alone, I should be finding Ouran on par with Detective Conan, but my experience doesn’t line up with that at all.

For example, something like this comes off as a lot easier than a panel with a third the dialogue in Ouran:


Currently, my hope is that I’ll get used to the style and my reading speed will increase over time.


My impression of the difficulty (at least in the first volume) was that the kids are speaking in kind of a posh register. They’re putting on airs, using fancy words and expressions and ways of phrasing things. It’s more akin to not understanding something written in a dialect than just missing some vocab here and there. Even compared to something with a lot of technical vocab but written in a more plain style, it would probably feel harder.

There was a discussion somewhere recently (I think it was reddit? but it spilled over into other places) about an ESL learner picking up Good Omens and asking if it was supposed to sound like gibberish (I think Hitchhikers guide was also mentioned). Even though they were a pretty strong reader and writer, they were having a really hard time picking up on the really dry, sarcastic, british humor in the writing. I think this is kind of akin to that


There’s something I may have mentioned in the prior discussion on this and forgot, but it may be it’s that when I encounter an “unknown” word in Detective Conan, it’s a word I’ve encountered before, so there’s a familiarity. But each time I encounter an unknown word in Ouran, it’s the first time I’ve encountered the word before (and perhaps also the last time I will?)


Until the next time you read something with a bunch of posh rich kids, at least :wink:


My web search for “Top 10 Manga Featuring Posh Rich Kids” has returned zero results.

I am safe.

For now.



ichi.moe: “I have no idea what this is.

Jisho: “I’ll give you a result, but with a different kanji.

I’ll put this on my list of kanji I probably won’t see every day.

(I thought maybe Romantic Egoist might be an easier read, but this is the very first word balloon…)


Furigana " お" helps the natives who know the related phrases ( 好きな人をおとす, 恋におちる) but we learners will scratch our heads and lose at least 5 minutes to find the kanji and understand what the sentence means. :joy:


Looking into this a bit, I think this is a kanji joke; writing the same phrase with an unexpected kanji for another layer of meaning

恋におちる written normally or with 落ちる is just falling in love, but using 堕 instead gives it a way more negative/vulgar connotation, which is fitting given that it’s 恋の媚薬 making the おちる happen

(found a hinative post that also discusses difference between various おちるs)

It is still a 常用漢字 apparently (although quite rare, ~2100/2500 most common). Actually, the first thing I checked was to see if it was just a 旧字体, but it even has its own 旧字体! used to have an extra 工 squeezed in there somehow

(sorry if that meaning was obvious or you already looked into it, I dig into this stuff as much for my own curiosity/learning as I do to actually “answer” any questions lol)


As expected of @javerend! That is exactly right.
I thought the mangaka used a less known version of the kanji. Thanks for the explanation.