Tokyo Olympics 2021: WaniKani Edition (the real date, not the 2020 gun-jumpers)

For some reason I have lost my motivation. For more than a year I did my lessons and reviews everyday. I had a good rhythm but now that same motivation has just up and disappeared. The reviews keep on piling up and I don’t do new lessons.
Why did this suddenly happen?
I try to get the review pile to zero again and do some lesson today at least.
Just needed to vent. It’ll probably be ok soon as spring is coming. Some trees are already blooming.


This happens to me sometimes. You just have to know that it will come back, so keep on doing the reviews. It helps if you change something up to remind yourself why you’re doing WK. Maybe try watching a really fun show or playing a fun game in Japanese, and feel motivated to collect more kanji!

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Yeah, I know. Maybe it’s the other stress in life that sucks the fun out of other things.
Still studying but very slowly. No end in sight for the constant review pile. Hanging in there, hanging in there.

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Finally updated myself on the leaderboard. About 4 levels for 火


Managed to get that 400 pile to zero (during monthly meeting with the Zoom camera off…) and studied 20 more new vocab words. If I can now keep a normal pace removing the lesson pile from last two levels, I should be back on track in two weeks.
Edit: Also bought some manga for reading practice. One punch man and JoJo. Lets see if the reading speed goes up.


Back from the void at level 21! I increased my daily lessons to 20 ish a day but I want to go back down to 10 a day instead.

Recently Japanese is making less and less sense. Besides wanikani, I can’t seem to understand anything.
Lessons, readings, videos, chats, etc are completely lost on me.

Hoping it will get better soon.


Level for team 空


Made it to level 23 :grin: My accuracy has been a bit bad the last week though, mostly due to the large batch of burn reviews that are coming in from before I spread my lessons out. That should be over in a week or 2 I hope, until then I’ll just have to bear a few high-review days.


Things have become better now that I got the hang of the reviews again.
I am moving back to doing these things on a laptop as that is faster and I have less spelling mistakes compared to a smartphone’s tiny keyboard.
Saitama is damn windy, but I wanted to go to the office to work because working from home reduces my work performance and motivation. There aren’t that many people here anyway, so it’s nice and quiet.
Work is good, Wanikani progress good, lost workphone was found yesterday undamaged. Things are on the up and up. Feels nice :slight_smile:


Level for team 空 again


Ah, the sweet feeling of 0/0.


I made it to Reality!


This sucks :fearful: but completely understandable. I guess we will be watching the Olympics online then.


Tbh, I think most of us here in Japan were thinking it’d be completely cancelled


Made it to level 24 today. That’s one level closer to the goal again :grin:


I actually leveled up! I thought the Dashboarsd Progress Plus script was broken for half a second, when I saw it not display any of my progress on the kanji :joy:

Fastest level to date, beating level 1 by an hour. (5 days 14/15 hours)


I’m not sure if we should keep posting here, but I leveled. Team 空 , what are we? Empty! yay


Even if there is no more weekly update, let’s see our team mates to the end. :slight_smile:
Your all my team mates, I don’t segregate to water only. <3


I leveled. For team 空.


Level 53! I actually could have leveled up last night, but i kind of slacked off yesterday. Been doing batches of reviews all day, I think I had about 170 from yesterday afternoon until just now. I didn’t even do lessons yesterday :astonished: