[No Longer Maintained] Flaming Durtles - Android app with offline support

Did you do any recent reviews / self-study in the app itself with incorrect answers? FD does not track individual reviews done on other devices, so that filter only catches incorrect answers that were given in the app on that device. I’m guessing you’re not getting any hits because those incorrect answers were given on the website or another app.

Yep, I did a session of 50 items (50% incorrect lol)… And even when I fill in 800 hours… Nothing. And I do reviews every day.

I tested it again. Made sure WaniKani showed the incorrect items. Tried selfstudy… But nope, nothing :confused:

If you’re rewriting the functionality to be native Java but are using different logic, I don’t believe that would break GPL. Use of the database may be a different story.

Also, I noticed a bug recently where every time I open the app I get an error at the top saying it can’t connect to WaniKani. After I click retry it goes away. But it is pretty much every time I haven’t used the app for an hour or two.

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Hm, when I test it myself it has no problems picking up on incorrect answers. I’ll investigate it. To help me, could you upload your debug log (last option in the settings menu)?

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Yes, like I said, the databases are the problem. Not the code.

That means that the app had problems talking to the API. It can happen when the API has problems or an outage, but most likely it’s your device having intermittent connectivity problems. If you upload your debug log I can see what’s going on.

Sending now

The errors are legit. Your device is regularly getting timeouts talking to the WK API servers. I can’t see why, but I haven’t seen any timeouts myself recently, so it’s probably on your end. Maybe your phone needs a quick restart, maybe your WiFi is flaky or overloaded, maybe your phone or router is having virus/malware problems, could be many things. On two occasions (once yesterday, once today) your device lost WiFi and switched to mobile, and two of the timeouts happened shortly after those switches.

Regardless, your device is having intermittent drops in connectivity, so there’s no FD bug going on here.

Thank you. I’ll try restarting my device then.

I’m having the same thing

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I found the problem. I’ll have a fix in the next update.

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Hi ejplugge, thanks for the awesome app, I use it everyday!
Is there a “planned features” list available somewhere?
I would like to suggest some features, but wanted to check if they were not repeated requests.

I often have the same on my Samsung Galaxy, even with the 4G connection enabled.
But it may have to do with the 4G connection being in “savings” mode, which is limited background apps to access the internet.

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I only have it when the internet is briefly gone for a few secs during syncing with the server. But I doubt that’s the case in ya’lls phones.

I have a todo-list, but it’s not public. Every once in a while someone suggests something that’s been suggested before, but that doesn’t happen much. You can always try to search this topic to see if something’s been suggested before, but feel free to just post your suggestions here.

An occasional API error is nothing to be concerned about. There are many, many factors that can disturb API communication briefly: flaky wifi, bad mobile data reception, switching from one network to another just at the time the app is syncing, data restrictions imposed by the device, planned/unplanned outages or slowdowns in the API…

Last year, in the earliest versions of the app, I had a couple of bugs in the API client code. But since then the error detection has been quite reliable, and if this error pops up it’s a pretty sure thing that FD is trying to talk to the API servers, but is getting a network error or an error response from the API instead. If it keeps persisting for an extended period of time I can always look deeper, but in the end, if your device says it has a network connection but attempting an API call results in an error anyway, there is not a great deal I can do about it.


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Version 2.2.0, 2020-08-02:

  • Split the settings related to the presentation of the subject info dump off into their own category,
    mostly to avoid letting the Display settings grow too large.

  • Added animated stroke order diagrams to radicals and kanji. Can be enabled under Settings → Subject Info.

  • Reduce the sensitivity of horizontal swipe gestures, to avoid taps being accidentally interpreted as swipes.

  • Added a menu option to go back to the lesson presentation after the lesson quiz has already started.

  • Add a little extra delay after playing vocab audio to allow playback to settle before releasing the media player.

  • Fix for the ‘incorrect answer less than X hours ago’ filter not working properly.

  • Added subject selection rules to advanced settings. If you’re starting a session and there are more candidate items for the session than will fit based on your settings, normally the excess is simply chopped off the end after ordering. With these settings you can add rules for that selection process to say things like ‘at least 10 current-level items’ or ‘no more than 5 radicals’. This will never reduce the session size, it only prioritizes what to pick if there are too many candidates for the session.


The fix is pending approval by Google for the Play Store, it should be there in no more than a day, usually.

One tip: this update fixes a bug in the recording of the timestamp for incorrect answers, but it won’t fill in the missing timestamps from before the update. So immediately after you get the update, you will still not get any hits on this filter. But from that point on, new incorrect answers will be recorded correctly.

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Thank you so much ^^ ^^
Oh well, I’ll have loads of incorrect items shortly :stuck_out_tongue: