1,200 kanji is quite a lot! I guess my question is what are you looking for in a replacement. I’m at around that same number with WK. At this point I can go to a random article on NHK (regular not easy) and recognize maybe all but two of the kanji, I can usually guess the meaning of all the kanji compounds if I don’t already know them, and can fudge my way through the readings with decent accuracy. If you can also do that right now, then I don’t think you need WK. If it’s say only the readings that trip you up, then it might be better to find a vocab SRS like torii. If NHK is too daunting then it might be better to start from scratch. But if you do WK you will be starting from scratch, WK requires you to go through all of the kanji again. There is no way to skip content you already know.
Hey, this has probably been asked before (so if you could link me to the appropriate reply, I’d appreciate that) but how does burning items work? Are items up for burning locked behind a level progression scale or by a timing one? Is it a little bit of both?
It’s a level progression - see my answer 2 comments up.
Thank you, vro. Appreciated.
I’m a bit confused on lesson unlocks. I’m on Lv4 now and each level so far has been ~80 or so immediate unlocks. I generally do all unlocks as they appear, mostly doing a session in morning and evening. These 80 unlocks take quite some time to get through but when I’m done with those I generally have little to do, just waiting for reviews for day. And there are so few reviews in between levels that I get bored. Is there a smarter way to do this? Am I doing something wrong, should I space out new lessons in some way? My stats about 8h after unlocking Lv 4. I started on 21. 12.
By default, WK should be giving you 15 new lessons per day. I’m assuming you’re using the advanced option to just do all the lessons anyway. That’s not wrong, it’s just probably gonna bite you later. Remember, every review you do now is a review you’ll have to do later. If you do 80 apprentice 4 reviews now and get 100% then that’s 80 reviews your gonna have to do next week and then 80 two weeks after that and so on. If you do all your lessons at once like this then your reviews will always come back in big waves, too little work and then way too much all at once. And these waves can stack on top of each other, you might have enlightened waves, master waves, guru 2 waves, guru 1 waves, and new apprentice items all stacked on top of each other. Dealing with a +400 add to your review stack is really demoralizing.
I’d recommend you use WK’s “Today’s Lessons” feature and do a fixed amount every day. It doesn’t have to be 15, you can bump up the daily amount in the app settings. 20 would be roughly equivelent to your current speed, just smoothing out the waves so they don’t crash down on you later. Although personally, 15 is a pretty good pace. I know it’s hard to convince people to go slower, especially when it seems glacially slow right now but once your in the teen levels you’ll start to understand.