Needing some Tandem tips

Hi you all,

Today I found someone who wanted to do a tandem with me and I’m really excited. I’m really the beginner, to give a bit of an indication of where I’m at… I can read the level 2 graded readers from Tadoku okayish. I’m going to Japan autumn next year and just want to dive in the deep end and see what I can learn in the mean time. Hope I would be able to have some small conversations when I get there, but we will see. I have no experience talking except doing some Pimsleur, I’m using the 10k sentence deck with spoken sentences to get familiar with the sounds and I really like the videos at But I thought when I want to learn to talk I have to talk…

I saw some youtube video by Jeff Brown starting out with ‘acquiring’ the language by listening to a native speaker describe simple images. Thought about maybe starting with this. Anybody good tips and experiences starting out speaking and tips how to go about it or maybe how not to go about it…? How many hours do you practice speaking in the week? Where did it bring you? I’m also considering to find more tandem partners.

Curious to hear any thought you have!


Hey, that’s amazing - go for it! Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, try to ask if you don’t understand, and enjoy the ride in any case :+1:

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haha ignore me. I clicked your link only after posting mine. same hat!

second edit: my reading comprehension isn’t working tonight. gonna not provide things that aren’t what you’re looking for. sorry about that!

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Thanks for the encouragement. :heart:

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hehe been there too, thanks anyway for wanting to share something.
Do you have an other comprehensive video channel you particularly like as well?

Hmm… nothing that I think is as beginner-friendly as Comprehensible Japanese, but I like Onomappu’s onomatopoeia playlist. He does videos on frequently spoken オノマトペ so people can understand how to use them in conversations.

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