Need help with my textbook reading section

Would this be a good translation? I have put the parts that are confusing me in bold…

Rakugo started 300 years ago (from now?). In this period, There were people that would receive money by telling interesting stories in front of lots of people. (The two の particles in bold are confusing me a little.)

この面白い話を落語と言い、落語をする人を落語家と言います。- I can’t make sense of this sentence :frowning:

男は田舎に行って古い物を買い、江戸でそれを高い値段で売っていました。Does the それを here refer to the 古い物?
The man went to the countryside and bought old things, and sold them for high prices in Edo.

If you could help me understand the grammar that would be amazing. Thank you!

This is pretty simple. It’s just “lots of people.” You can also do it with specific numbers though. 二人の学生 (two students)

This one doesn’t work that well translated literally. But it’s just “The Edo period, of more than 300 years before now”. That first part just modifies “the Edo period” and の does it.


These interesting stories are called Rakugo, and the people who tell them are called Rakugoka

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「XをYと言う」 in general just means “X is called Y”.
You can also turn it around a bit like 「Yと言うX」 to mean “an X called Y”

They also used the masu-stem of the verb 言う here instead of the te-form to connect the two clauses.
Achieves the same thing, just uses a different verb form.

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Ah, I see :). Until now I had only seen たくさん attached right to the noun!

Thank you!

Ah, I thought 「XをYと言う」and「Yと言うX」might have been similar! I had not seen the 「XをYと言う」way yet.

Thank you!

In that case it’s probably an adverbial noun, technically modifying the verb even if it comes before a noun.

の-adjective form
I took a bunch of pictures

adverbial noun form
I took pictures a bunch.

Ah, Got it :slight_smile:

Thank you for the explanation!

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