My thoughts on

That was accounted for, as far as I understand :man_shrugging:

For me, seems to help you make a list of words you would like to learn, while floflo has already made the list for you :thinking: Also, it helps tracking progress.


there’s no lists there. the site makes everything clickable and adds furigana everywhere, so you have to build your lists yourself. it keeps the history of every word you ever clicked, then has a page where you can mark them with a star and export your vocab items as a list (various formats) though, which is kind of nice.

common or uncommon are not really a factor anyway. at some point, you know what you need from the core lists out there, and then you dive deeper into special vocabulary for whatever your interests are. what i did find interesting was that floflo shows you how often a word appears in that specific book.

but of course, for printed material, does nothing :wink:

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That’s what Vanilla meant by common, as in “common in what you are reading” rather than “common in general”.
I learned 魑魅魍魎 thanks to floflo :stuck_out_tongue:


i’d totally try to use that a few times in real life, somehow, just for fun :smiley:

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Right. If you have 20 words, and 10 of them only appear once, and the other 10 appear 5 times each, its obviously better to learn the 10 that appear 5 times each. Thats how reading books is, but on a much larger scale where you can have thousands of words that appear only once.

As a learner who has made this mistake, take it from me: Learning all the words in a large source of text (like books), is an inefficient use of your time. Trying to guess which words are common based off their meaning will sorta help, but isn’t the best solution either.

How many full books have you read at this point?

Books? Only 2, each like 250 pages I think. Im taking a small weeklong break to focus on grammar before I read my third.

The part about trying to guess the common words came from when I was reading visual novels (well I still do, but yknow.).

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FloFlo still seems a bit confusing to me.
What’s the difference between igoring and trashing a word?

An ignored word shows up in lists again after 30 days, a trashed word just never shows up again.


Thank you, I could never seem to find an explanation for it!

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Maybe someone has posted this before, but, I cant seem to get to the books.

I’ve chosen one by Aozora Bunko, but, it only shows me vocab words and not the actual book.

  1. Floflo is for srsing the vocabulary in a book. It doesn’t have the actual books.
  2. Aozora Bunko is a digital library. It’s not a person.
    But if a book is part of aozora bunko, floflo should have a link to it on the website that you should be able to click on. Like this:

Okay so I chose a book called “The Restaurant of Many Orders;”

where am I supposed to find a link for this book?

The links to the aozora stories seem to be missing from the new alchemizer(@Raionus maybe you may want to consider linking to them somewhere on the website?), but I think this is the one you’re looking for:

(you can probably find them pretty easily be switching the title display setting to Japanese and then googling the name too)


I think I’ll have to leave this for later.

It’s literally linked.

When you select a book and click the generate button it’ll generate a list.

When you do this it’ll switch to a panel that shows you the statistics for the list produced, it’ll say “unknown, unique, etc.” and below that is a shareable link to the list as well as the links to amazon, aozora, etc.

Quacking shoes screenshot is extremely old. I don’t support those pages anymore. The only correct page for using Floflo vocab lists is

I figured it out. It only shows a link after you click generate. It already generates a list from the start though…

Sorry, I don’t actually use floflo~

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I mean I know you don’t, I was just trying to make sure bunny man didn’t get confused

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I don’t know why, but seeing the highlighted words in the book hurt me :frowning:
I could never bring myself to write in any books i own like that

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