My slow progress

Wow, I’m impressed with your progress. I hope I’m still going at 75. Like you I also find Kanji fascinating although, sometimes frustrating. I’m looking forward to getting my first “burned item”. Good luck with your future kanji learning.


Thanks, and good luck for your learning too. I have a mini celebration when a kanji finally “sticks”! (This is usually many, many, reviews later down the track.) :blush:

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It’s funny how some words or kanji stick very easily and others you really have to work for. Do you also use the KaniWani app. I find this really helpful alongside the WaniKani app.

"I quite often fill-in the meaning instead go the reading and vice versa, Aaahhhhgggg. "
Try the mobile app, man, that’s the salvation.

Well it’s a few days short of eight weeks since I started WK and I have just got my first 20 items to Enlightened.

It may “only” be radicals but you are learning! And it’s “only” radicals today… tomorrow, KANJI and VOCAB!

Keep at it and you will get there!

I tend to try to only do 15 in a sitting. If I get up early enough and start 15 at 7 AM or 8 AM, I will brave another 15 around noon or so.
15 being 15x1, not 15x5… I don’t want that kind of pain… :smiley:
My dumbest day was 80 just to knock them down. I paid for it and learned a good lesson. Don’t do that again…

If you keep getting the definition and readings mixed up, install the script that lets you keep an item from being tagged as wrong. I’ve done the same mistake and now that I have that script I only make the mistake when I hit return twice instead of once and waiting for it to go green or red.

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you got one job.
not “get it done quickly”
not “be peak accuracy”

just: stick around.

speed might or might not come later, depending on what you do. persistence is key.


@MiranTideturner said it well - the best pace is what works for you. So, be happy, you are doing great! :ok_hand: Slow progress is better than no progress. Or, as I like to say about exercise, a little bit when ever you can is better than nothing on a regular basis. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I can tell you from experience that if you go as fast as you can early on, it can add up to faster than you can keep up with once you start burning. I just reset from 21 to 11 and could not be happier, taking it easier this time through. I’m 58 and yes, the older brain is a little slower than the younger brain, we just have to take it in stride. :walking_woman:

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I just want to say a quick thank you to everyone that has replied, all with positive thoughts and good advice. I am going to stick to 10 lessons a day, do my reviews and also do my KaniWani stuff which I really enjoy. I will let you all know when I get my first burned item. You’ll recognise me, I’m the old bloke drinking a large Gin and Tonic. Thanks everyone.


I’m nearly 60 and although i taught Japanese in high school for 30 years I’m loving the review of Kanji that is Wanikani. I am at level 18 but also building a new house and being grandma. But it’s great brain work.


Oh Yeah, I just discovered my testicles. Old golden balls LOL. I spat my tea out when it showed up on my lesson.

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You’re welcome :grin:

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