Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

I’m not sure if I get the reference. Did you have a similar situation of learning the meaning diabetes through the meaning of the kanji?

Yeah. I mean I knew what diabetes was, but that word taught me a… different facet of it. And just more generally, it happens all the time that I learn more about something by learning the word in Japnese. Actually, 脳炎 is the best example, because I only knew “encephalitis” as “a disease(?)” until I learned the Japanese word and realized what kind of disease it actually was.



literally: armpits are sweet (comes from sumo)


Lacking caution, so easily taken advantage of

from 深夜食堂

勘当 (かんどう) disinheritance, disowning

From prep for Kanken level 3

EDIT: Just had another practice sentence where I didn’t know any of the words!


中傷 (ちゅうしょう) - slander, defamation
超然 (ちょうぜん) - aloof, detached
受け流す (うけながす) - to turn aside, to ward off

為に - For

While I first kind of ‘learnt’ this word in Duolingo a while ago, I feel like I’ve only just learnt it now.

からだ - body and あたま - head
Learned from another app I have that has kanji and vicabulary broken out by grade levels.

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洗濯物 (せんたくもの) - the laundry (as in the clothes that are washed as a whole)

Found this word while challenging myself to translate some text.

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TIL that いとこ is used to refer to both male and female cousins, but the kanji (if used) are different!

  • 従兄弟いとこ → male cousin (this one’s taught here on WK)

  • 従姉妹いとこ → female cousin



no u

EDIT: Wait, I’m supposed to talk about Japanese… huuum…

道順 (みちじゅん) - itinerary, the way to somewhere. Learned yesterday. Seems pretty useful \ :grin: /


no us

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警笛 (けいてき) - horn; alarm; whistle; foghorn​

Encountered this yet again when reading 時をかける少女 and laughed my ass off once more. This is used for a car horn, truck horn or somesuch, but literally it says “warning flute” - so I can’t help but depict a tiny leprechaun sitting underneath the car’s bonnet and playing a nice melody :joy:

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滴定 titration
Which is a word I don’t really understand even in English
So yayyyyyyyyyyy…

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Just in case you actually want to know :wink: :
It is a way to figure out whether something is acidic or alkaline, and to which extent, i.e. which value on the pH scale it gets, from 1 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline).

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I looked it up on wikipedia later and it made more sense, but I first read this definition in the merriam-webster:
“a method or process of determining the concentration of a dissolved substance in terms of the smallest amount of reagent of known concentration required to bring about a given effect in reaction with a known volume of the test solution”
To which my response was

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Having read this twice, and having known beforehand how the method actually works, I can kind of make sense out of it, but other than that - no.


I think the most recent was 引き分け which is tie, as in a draw, or 出かける, to leave, which i keep forgetting on Kaniwani, even to write it here I looked it up lol
edit: can’t write kanas apparently

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もたら す - to bring; to take; to bring about
直感ちょっかん - intuition; instinct; insight; hunch; immediacy
直感的ちょっかんてき - intuitive
すくなくとも - at least
正当せいとう - just; justifiable; right; due; proper; equitable; reasonable; legitimate; legal; lawful
明朝みょうちょう - tomorrow morning
明晩みょうばん - tomorrow evening
休暇願きゅうかねがい - application for leave
って - later on; shortly; presently; afterwards; in due course; by and by; P.S.
読点とうてん - comma (linguistics term)


違和感 (いわかん)
To feel off, to feel unnatural

賢者 (けんじゃ)
A sage or wiseman


終止符しゅうしふ - full stop; period
ピリオド - period; dot character, period (era, amount of time), period (sports term)
疑問符ぎもんふ - question mark (linguistics term)
はてなマーク - question mark
番外ばんがい - exception; supernumerary; extra (theatrical); extra (e.g. performance, item, object, etc.); additional; outsize
増進ぞうしん - promoting; increase; advance
送信そうしん - transmission; sending
帰結きけつ - consequence; result; conclusion
帰着きちゃく - return; conclusion
平板へいばん - flat board; slab; slat; plane table; monotonous; dull; flat; boring

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I was just telling my teacher about the WaniKani book clubs and I learned:
読書クラブ - book/reading club