Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

木漏れ日, read as こもれび

It means “sunlight that filters through the leaves”



I of course knew the hiragana before but wasn’t aware there were kanji. I’ve seemed to have learned quite a bit of these in the last two weeks or so, and I’m assuming there’s dozens more. If I could just find that thread @Leebo made testing these, I could possibly get more than one correct this time… :thinking:

Two that I know off the top of my head are 有る and 居る.

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Are you talking about this one?

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I am, thank you. Though it would seem, that after 2 seconds of viewing, I still only know one. :neutral_face: … I’ll let myself out.

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I learned two related words about the face of men today.
There are apparently 2 common types:

1) ソース顔(sauce face)= a type of face with strong features, beard etc (e.g. ABE Hiroshi)
2) しょうゆ顔(soy sauce face)= a more Asian looking face with light features (e.g. MUKAI Osamu)

In the West I guess “soy sauce faces” are considered childish looking and not manly, but in Japan they are handsome (both types are).


I just learned “omoshiroi” (funny) from a Facebook message.

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Has a few meanings, but in the context I saw it was “to be popular (especially with the opposite sex)”, and “popular” in the way of dating/romance.

It conjugates like any る/Ichidan verb, so have at it.


I recently learned what kanji the suru-verb “disowned”, uses.

勘 (intuition) + 当 (correct) = 勘当 (disown)



Watching a minecraft let’s play I ran into リス地 = spawn point (in a game) :slight_smile: (Likely an abbreviation of リスポーン地点).

While googling to check if my assumption of this meaning was correct I also ran into リス地狩り, spawn camping.

Domain-specific words that don’t even have dictionary entries are fun :slight_smile:


Just learned:
ひな型(ひながた) = template; pattern

I am sure there are various usages, but it can be used instead of テンプレート (template) for e.g. an email, a fax, an invoice etc.
I don’t like katakana words, so I am always happy when I find replacements like this! :jp:


Maybe you knew this, but 雛(ひな)means doll, so it makes sense for it to be sort of a doll-scaled version of something else :slight_smile:

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Learned the word 稼働率(かどうりつ) recently.
It means “rate of operation” (the rate at which a business or factory utilizes its capacity).

My boss and I were visiting a ryokan in Kyoto and talked to the manager. My boss asked their 稼働率 and the manager replied that it was only 20% (they only have guests on 20% of their available nights).

バリカン - hair clippers, from the french inventor(?)'s name, barriquand.

kind of like ホッチキス - stapler.

anybody know any others along these lines?


えい - ray (e.g. stingray)

Learned a couple seconds ago by looking at this thread.
Before that, can’t really remember.

復讐心 (ふくしゅうしん) - desire for revenge.

I was mad that day.

コスパ、Cost Performance. The ability of Japanese people to shorten words never ceases to amaze me


I learned the kanji for “west” last night. Less than twenty minutes later, I saw it on a Japanese TV show on a sign. I was so excited I recognized it!

