Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

火花 (hibana) = sparks
I had already learned
花火 (hanabi) = fireworks
so it was interesting to see this inversion


誤解 = ごかい。
It means miscommunication, I hear it a lot at work when my listening/comprehension skills fail me and I respond to a question that nobody asked.

Aさん: …ごかいです :sweat_smile:


shuu: week
what a beautiful word, no rendaku, plain and simple.
shame on you sun !!!

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予知夢 よちむ Prophetic dream.

Read it on a book but not sure about the right translation!

Edit: thanks @Kyasurin


lifestyle disease

Thank you intermediate bookclub! :joy:

@ernestohegi, your excellent word is read よちむ - prophetic dream


All learned reading the first letter in 「オレンジ」

救急車 - ambulance
内緒 & 内緒話 - secret or secret/private talk
後悔 - regret

魑魅魍魎 (ちみもうりょう) - evil spirits of rivers and mountains
特養老人ホーム (とくようろうじんほーむ) - intensive-care old people’s home​


Well it’s not the most recent word but most recently one I learned that been used 外人 which pops up often on reddit subs lol.

噂[うわさ] - Rumor
野良[のら]うさぎ - Stray rabbit
喧嘩[けんか] - Quarrel
舐[な]める - To take lightly / underestimate (also to lick). The kanji is rare enough to not even be in RTK 3 so I assume it’s the result of getting your subs from a Chinese subgroup.

Can anyone guess what I just watched?

Not exactly the most recent, but a satisfying one all the same…

引き分け, a couple of days ago on WK. The elementary school I work at had its 運動会 on Saturday and I was able to pick out the word after one of the events was a draw. Little steps!

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重量感 is a new one.

Just learned 変態… didn’t realize there were kanji for this. :confused:

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Decided to look into the kanji of a band called 夢遊病者 (む.ゆう.びょう.しゃ)
dream play sickness person

That said, don’t look up the band unless you’re into weird psychedelic-sounding metal.

Hey cool, that one is in WaniKani! I never would have thought!

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食べたい is the most recent word I’ve learned.


可能性 (か.のう.せい): Possibility, likelihood

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定める, to establish.

But I’d like to mention 及ぼす, “to exert” (a word I also didn’t know in English tbh), that I recently learned and already hate. Both things are due to 力を及ぼす, that appears in the definition of 作用. “To bring to bear power”??? ;_; What??? Is it like when you turn on a machine and the power is on?

Just found another one of these:
若人(わこうど)young person


落花生 (らっかせい) = peanut, or something which grows when its flower falls to the ground. Makes perfect sense if you’ve seen how a peanut grows. Although maybe most people say ピーナッツ, I don’t know.


Today I came across 残雪 (ざんせつ) in my reading, which refers to lingering snow. I’ve never seen the on’yomi of 雪 until now.