Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

I recently learned 刺激(しげき-stimulus)

Not as naughty as it sounds. I learned it from a Japanese textbook article about the heels of the feet being connected to the brain lol.

yeah first error’s a typo. I’m not convinced with your second point. I’ve seen loads of questions in native material without a question mark and simply か

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In trying to play shiritori yesterday, I learned 一匹狼, “lone wolf,” which I quite enjoy.

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人力車 じんりきしゃ jinrikisha (man-powered car)

While trying to think of a better mnemonic to help me remember the reading for 車 (SHA), I was reminded of the rickshaw, which is sort of related to cars and ends in the same sound. Then I started wondering if there was a direct connection to the Japanese word for “car”, so I did a bit of googling and …yeah, they are very much related. Rickshaw is a shortened version of Jinrikisha, the original Japanese word for a man-powered car. So I stumbled upon an easy way to remember TWO early WaniKani words - manpower (人力) and car (車)!

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You’re right actually. I just read a japanese stack exchange and while the question mark is used, the か serves as enough of a question marker that is not necessary. In fact, it would be considered redundant to do so. Guess I just assumed since the question marker exists it functions like English. Huh, something new.

On a related note, does anyone have a list of certain grammar points like exclamation marks and commas I can look at. I assumed they work similar to English but now I’m starting to doubt myself.

It’s a yojijukugo. You can find more if you search that.


軌道に乗る(きどうにのる)- to be on (the right) track
軌道に乗せる(きどうにのせる)- to put something on (the right) track

(軌道 means trajectory or orbit)


捕虜 - a prisoner of war
From Hetalia’s song :slightly_smiling_face:

Honestly, I might as well call myself 言葉オタク at this point . . .
I learned 瞑想 (めいそう, meditation). I thought that first kanji was interesting, as I already knew its cousin 冥 in 冥王星 (めいおうせい, Pluto). Meditation normally has positive connotations, whereas Pluto, associated with the underworld, does not.



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入学式 (にゅうがくしき)! School entrance ceremony. Was browsing comics, seeing if I could pick up some simple vocab.

ほら、あれ is the latest word slash saying i have learned it means Listen…That its for when you hear something like a song or a sound but cant remember what it is.

かかと - Heel, from the teacher across from me while discussing an injury. A simple body-part vocabularly word I didn’t know.

The kanji, 踵, is also easy to remember: foot + heavy. The weight of your foot might rest on the heel, or something like that.


There’s also another word for heel, although it is largely used only in the expression 踵を返す(きびすをかえす). Fun fact for the day,

泣く “to cry”.

Bit of background: I just watched 映画 聲の形 and balled my eyes out and the characters were also balling their eyes out and they were being told, “泣かない” while being comforted and so my brain remembered “泣かない” and kept bringing it to the surface of my memories while I was balling my eyes out, maybe to calm me down. It did not work. What it did do, though, was it taught me a new word. Yay.

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難攻不落の城塞 “impregnable fortress”

I think this is first time i came across a four character compound. The funny thing is I actually know all individual kanji. Now that I think about it, it’s actually not hard to derive because it literally means what the individual kanjis mean: difficult - attack - not - fall = impregnable. And it’s all onyomi, though I didn’t know the onyomi for 難 until then.

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It’s short for プチプライス, like ‘petite price’ so it literally means ‘little price’. It’s used to talk about cheaper brands of stuff, like drug store cosmetics. I thought it sounded really cute.


How is it called? :smirk:

相合傘 (あいあいがさ) - sharing an umbrella; under one umbrella​


あいあいが* =) :umbrella:


ごめん、今日はすごく眠いよ〜 :sleeping: 直した!