Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

Hey, I’ve been reading it with my tutor too! We’ll even finish it thid year, I think. (well, the first part.) Lots and lots of vocab there…

Ohh awesome!! I wish I were reading it with a tutor too…
And yeah, so many unknown words geez… Which is great for learning new stuff! But also exhausting… haha
Is the story good though? I’ve only read the first few pages so far.

I went into it knowing I like the series, but it didn’t really matter while reading with the tutor because we read on average ~4 pages a week. XD Anything would do for that, but at least I’m enjoying the ride.

I have a japanese calender with new phrases / vocab every day and this is the 早口言葉 of today.


Try reading it out loud…


I learned the word for cheese: チーズ


Oh I see! And yeahh I can imagine that anything would do, but being interested and liking the material is always a huge plus haha
I was searching for a Japanese fantasy novel and found the series…reminded me a bit of Vision of Escaflowne with a high school girl ending up in another world, but I guess they are VERY different lol. Still, I can’t wait to learn more about Youko’s adventures!
Btw, did you start with 月の影 as well, or with 魔性の子?


Heard it just now on a gameshow! Had no clue what it was, but it makes a lot of sense now that I know :blush:

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胴乱 どうらん a kind of cylinder to store botanical specimens.

I learned that by watching Moomin. It might be a kid show, but the level is pretty damn high.


You watch Moomin in Japanese? :crazy_face:
much. idol. wow. amazing.


Yeah, I was looking for the kids of a friend to watch while we were talking (and that was not anpanman)
In the end, I got into it way more than them (they got scared actually).


I just learned 魔法瓶 (まほうびん) - Thermos flask. We should’ve called them magic bottles too, that’s a much better name!


筆談 communicating in writing


I found it in a news article about digital manga sales taking over paper sales. The meaning was easy enough to guess. I was surprised I hadn’t actually learned it before. I was expecting to have learned it around the time I learned 増加… but it doesn’t seem that way.

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疲れる (つかれる) - to tire

I’ve heard it in a few songs and finally saw it in an ANKI deck today!


孤雁 (こがん) - solitary wild goose (i.e. separated from its flock, esp. flying)​

Found it while trying to look up 彼岸花 (ひがんばな) - red spider lily (Lycoris radiata); cluster amaryllis. (Thanks .Hack!)

The newest word I learned was 三寒四温 (literally 3 days cold 4 days hot). Basically its that awkward time before winter and spring.

Oh and the word 質問 FINALLY stuck after what seemed like forever.


Oh, interesting! I knew this exists in French slang (hence the name Verlan Verlan - Wikipedia ) but I didn’t know other languages have this as well.

I learned this morning that 大丈夫 (だいじょうぶ) can be read literally and mean ‘a fine figure of a man’


That’s a nice one! For a while I believed that 疲れる is (kind-of) the passive of 使う (つかう) - to use; would have made so much sense to me!
But then I learned that (1) it’s a different kanji (of course) and (2) that the passive of 使う is 使われる.
Still works as a mnemonic for me :wink:


Today I learned that 小屋 means “dog house”.
Well, they told me that, then I googled it, and learned that it was actually 犬小屋, but I guess they’re similar.