Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

Basically, “stupid and weak-willed” or “unable to understand the reasoning of things”

I found it interesting that I couldn’t find definitions in most JP-EN dictionaries, but there were a few JP-JP ones, such as スーパー大辞林 and 日本国語大辞典, that gave a definition for this.

Yeah, I may have rewatched a particular scene from NGNL somewhat recently…

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You could suggest it as a new entry for EDICT if you like. It having an entry in Daijirin should be good enough as a reference to back having an entry, I think.


Yah, I was gonna say. I went through roughly the same process. :stuck_out_tongue:


Not a word but a phrase. Apparently if you drink a tea made from someones nail clippings you’ll become more like them? Definitely did expect this from a children’s novel.


Even worse, it’s the dirt buildup from under the nail that you’re supposed to boil :nauseated_face:


When you put it that way why does that actually make sense though? If your drink the tea of the essence of their hard work you’ll learn from their experiences.

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The level of optimism in this message is making even me stare in awe :laughing:


しそうのうろう = periodontitis (歯槽膿漏). I understand Kanji, but written in Kana makes things harder (even if in context with 歯).

ホーロー = enamelware (琺瑯, not that Kanji helps). 琺瑯質 is エナメル質 (tooth enamel).

絵具(えのぐ) and 顔料(がんりょう) => both are pigments / paint

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Though I’m pretty sure 顔料 is the powdered pigment while 絵具 is paint in a tube.



Dragon Quest III

  • ざす1) to close, to shut, to block (an entrance); 2) to fill (i.e. with sadness), to consume (i.e. with negative feelings)
  • ひびcrack, fissure
  • 諸刃もろはdouble-edged
  • 後の世のち よ posterity, after ages, later generations

A Certain Magical Railgun

  • 狼藉ろうぜきdisorder, confusion, riot
  • ねるto be peevish, to pout
    (commonly spelled using kana)
  • 烏合うごうdisorderly gathering
    • 烏合の衆・mob, rabble
  • とおりすがりpassing by
  • れっきとした・accepted, authentic, fully-fledged, clear, respectable​
  • 流通りゅうつうcirculation (of goods, money, etc.)

Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitan-tan

  • 際物きわもの1) seasonal goods; 2) faddish product
  • ぶらがるto hang down, to dangle, to be suspended
  • ガンgazing/glaring/staring at
  • 目に遭め あto go through (something unpleasant)
  • 立てば芍薬しゃくやく、座れば牡丹ぼたん、歩く姿は百合ゆりの花extremely beautiful appearance and elegant behavior in a woman
  • 検知けんちdetection
    • 検知器けんちきsensor
  • 言いがかり・false accusation
  • 諸説しょせつvarious opinions, divided opinion
  • 無味無臭むみむしゅうtasteless and odorless
  • くっつく・to adhere to, to stick to, to cling to
  • 素が出す でone’s true naature comes out
  • ただじゃおかないぞ・You’ll pay for this!
  • おちょくる・to tease, to banter
  • すりむく・to skin (i.e. one’s knee), to scratch, to graze
  • まごうことなき/まごうかたなく・unmistakable
  • アットホーム・cozy, homely
  • 世話係せわがかりcaretaker, attendant
  • 受理じゅりacceptance
  • 肉球にくきゅうpad, sole of the paw
  • 自称じしょうself-proclaimed
  • X以上Y未満 いじょう みまんmore than X, less than Y
  • やぶさかでない・ready (to do), willing
  • 踏み台・ふ だい stepladder
  • まとめるto collect, to consolidate
    (commonly spelled using kana)
  • 猫被ねこかぶfeigned innocence, wolf in sheep’s clothing
  • 総評そうひょうgeneral evaluation/estimation/comment
  • 在庫ざいこstock, inventory
  • 局所的きょくしょてきlocal, localized
  • 目の保養 め ほようfeast for one’s eyes
  • てぇてぇ・pwecious
    (slang on the interwebs)
  • 塩梅あんばいseasoning, condition
  • 空回そらまわ1) idling (an engine, wheels); 2) going in circles, being fruitless
  • 戯言たわごとnonsense, drivel, rubbish
  • ぐる・accomplice, cohort
  • ひるドラdaytime TV show, soap opera
  • 一攫千金いっかくせんきんgetting rich quick, making a killing

Love Quest

  • 肝心かんじんessential, crucial, vital
  • ボッタクリ・overcharging, ripping off
  • ほのめかすto imply, to hint at
    (commonly spelled using kana)
  • 詰め合わせcombination, assorted box (i.e. of chocolates)
  • むくreward
  • まめに・diligently
  • 未亡人みぼうじんwidow
  • 付け上つ あがるto take advantage of somebody’s kindness; to push one’s luck; to get cocky
  • 途轍とてつもない1) absurd, preposterous; 2) monumental, tremendous
  • 脇役わきやくsupporting role, minor role
  • 一段落いちだんらくreaching a checkpoint, resting between stages


  • らちbounds, limit
    • 埒が明く・to make good progress, to be possible to be settled
    • 埒が明かない・getting nowhere, remaining unsettled
    • 埒外らちがいbeyond the pale
  • 寛容かんようtolerance, open-mindedness, magnanamanity
  • 拝借はいしゃくborrowing (kenjougo)
  • 夢のまた夢・a dream within a dream
  • 言語化げんごかputting into words, verbalizing
  • 閾値いきちthreshold
  • 万博ばんぱくWorld Expo (short for 万国博覧会)
  • とぎしるwater that has been used to wash rice
  • 傘下さんかunder the umbrella of, affiliated with

I say things

Hey y’all! Do you know what day it is?

It’s the ante-monthiversary of me going to Japan! Yaaaay! pachi-pachi-pachi-pachi

I am Supes McCited, as they say across the pond, and of course I’m doing my best to expose myself to all things Japanous.

A group of Japanese people (mostly exchange students, I believe) have started selling onigiri in Stockholm, so I like to go there for some rice balls and a nice chat whenever they’re open. If you’re in the area and want to know when they’re open, check out @riceball.musubi on Instagram, or wherever you get your grams.

I went to the midnight opening of the Museum of Ethnography’s yokai exhibit. I didn’t get to practice much Japanese, but I had a good time.

I went to a breakfast lecture about the Nordic delegation to next year’s World Expo in Osaka, and since then I’ve been watching a lot of the lectures and panel discussions on the World Expo’s mostly Japanese YouTube page.

Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan

I’ve also been watching Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshi-tan-tan. It’s a show about a deer called Shikanoko and her friend Koshi-tan.

This show has been very helpful to me; I’m planning to take a day trip to Nara on my next trip, and I now feel that I have a much better understanding of what it means to be deer.


てぇてぇ is an online slang version of 尊い, roughly meaning “precious”.

Also, not exactly a new word to me, but one that I was surprised to see in Japanese: プロギング. I came across it on Runnet while looking into what races will be on while I’m in the country.

plogg(n)ing is a Swedish word combining plockning (“picking up”) and jogg(n)ing (“jogging”), with the idea being that you go for a run and pick up trash while you’re out. I didn’t realize it has spread, but it appears there are plogg(n)ing groups all over the world now.
[The n is optional, both in *jogg(n)ing) and plogg(n)ing.]



Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan

  • 路頭に迷ろとう まよto be out in the cold

A Certain Scientific Railgun

  • 拘束こうそくrestraint
    • 拘束衣こうそくいstraitjacket
  • 甲高かんだかい・shrill, high-pitched

Love Quest

  • 何卒なにとぞ1) please, if it pleases you (teineigo) 2) by all means
  • ややこしい・complicated, complex, troublesome
  • 微風そよかぜgentle breeze, zephyr
  • 占領せんりょう1) occupying (militarily); 2) occupying, taking up, having an area all to oneself
  • ごもっとも・you are quite right (teineigo)
  • 痛くも痒くもない・it’s no skin off my nose, I could(n’t) care less
  • 腕ずく・(by) force, brute force
  • タカビー・domineering person, high-horse
  • 粗品そしな1) small gift; 2) freebie, marketing incentive
  • ポケベル・pager
  • はち切れる・to be filled to bursting, to burst
  • 恐縮きょうしゅくfeeling much obliged
    • 恐縮ですが…・I’m terribly sorry, but …
  • ポカン・vacantly, flabbergastedly, with one’s mouth wide open (onomatopoeia)
  • 毳々けばけばしいgaudy, showy
    (commonly spelled using kana)
  • ぬくもりwarmth
    (commonly spelled using kana)
  • 古き良きふる よ good old, good old-fashioned
  • かば1) to defend, to stick up for; 2) to care for (i.e. an injured leg)
  • 貢ぎ物みつ ものtribute


  • わずregardless of
  • 自炊じすいcooking for oneself
  • そっけない・blunt, curt, cold
  • 暗澹あんたんdepressing
  • 下見preliminary inspection, having a look in advance
  • コント・skit, comedy sketch
  • 命中めいちゅうdirect hit, hitting the mark
  • 階級かいきゅう1) social class; 2) grade, rank
  • 神戸っぽい・“Kobe-esque”; lady-like, refined, elegant (Kansai-ben)
  • たわし・scrubbing brush
  • ノリツッコミ・going along with a joke at first and then pointing it out for grammatical effect
  • 時化しけ1) stormy seas; 2) poor catch (of fish)
  • 寝癖ねぐせ1) bed head; 2) habit of moving around or talking in one’s sleep
  • 弾圧だんあつoppression, suppression

Me talk

My next Japan trip is now just over two weeks away, and I’m torn between wanting time to fly by until then and wishing that I had more time to brush up on my Japanese. Unfortunately, work is keeping me fairly busy and tired, but I’m trying to spend a lot of time on listening exercises, as well as watching videos without subtitles.

Shikanoko Nokonoko Koshitantan

Not much to say about the show this time, except that I was very confused by the phrase YOSOUGAIJINBUTSU, because I parsed it as 予想 + 外人物, rather than 予想外 + 人物.
(“Shouldn’t that say ‘expected visitors’?”)

Love Quest

I recently attended a French class, which was great; I’ve been slouching on my French ever since I started learning Japanese.

Content warning: Insensitive slang term regarding international romantic relationships

Recently, I reached a part of the game where instead of being attacked by women, I’ve been getting attacked by taxi cabs, referred to as イエローキャブ. Oddly enough, my flirtation-themed attacks still worked on them …

After successfully getting some of these taxi cabs to fall in love with me, it was revealed that they were actually people (mostly women) who had “done ♥♥♥” with gaijin.

Important plot spoilers

I found this absurd plot line quite hilarious. After looking into it, it appears that this is actually a cultural reference that I had been oblivious of, but which would probably have been obvious to Japanese people playing the game in 1995.

It turns out that イエローキャブ is “a disparaging term for Japanese women who travel overseas or to foreign enclaves in Japan seeking to meet foreign men”.

This make this portion of the game all the more relevant for those interested in Japanese language and culture, but it does make it more problematic, which is why I’ve decided to put it behind a content warning. However, for those undeterred, the history behind this term is honestly quite fascinating.

Oh, an in case you’re wondering: I was able to break the curse.



This seems like rather a useful word. Literally, it translates to something like “without inquiring/caring about”.

It can be used in phrases such as:

  • 男女問わず・regardless of gender
  • 年齢問わず・regardless of age
  • 国籍を問わず・regardless of nationality
  • 人種を問わず・regardless of race/ethnicity

It seems that 不問 has a similar meaning, but is perhaps used a bit differently. (I’m not quite sure, hence it not being on my list of words I’ve learned.)

Kobe-like, scrubbing brush and noritsukkomi

I learned these words from the video above. Do yourself a favor and watch it … or at least the kids part, starting just after the 6 minute mark; it’s adorable.

弾圧 = Oppression

Pressuring somebody with bullets is kind of oppressive, yeah.

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Hedgehog: ハリネズミ Needle mouse


Only if they say “You’re being oppressed right now, no cap frfr”.

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I’m amused by the seemingly same expression having different meanings in different languages.

JP: 棚に上げる = to shut one’s eyes to (one’s own faults, etc.); to pretend not to see. (From the expression: 自分のことは棚に上げる = to ignore one’s own shortcomings)

EN: putting (something) on the shelf = to delay something or put it on hiatus

Norwegian: legge noe på hylla = to quit (soccer career, project, etc)

We also have 棚上げ which is similar to the EN one above. But for 棚上げ and 棚に上げる to be so different, I can’t help but shake my head, haha.

JP: 棚上げ = shelving (a matter, plan, etc.); putting on hold