Most recent Japanese word you've learned?


Dragon Quest II

  • くじけるto be disheartened, to lose heart, to be dispirited, to be crushed (emotionally)
    (commonly written using kana)

To aru kagaku no rērugan

  • 人質ひとじちhostage
  • ましてや・much less, to say nothing of
  • へこたれる・to lose heart
  • 愉快犯ゆかいはんcrime committed for fun
  • どんづまり・dead end, end of the line
  • 腕試うでだまtrying one’s ability, try one’s hand at
  • 無闇むやみthoughtless, reckless, indiscriminate
    (commonly spelled using kana)
  • 遺留いりゅうleaving behind
    • 遺留品・item left behind (i.e. at a crime scene or after death)
  • けて(は)とおれないunavoidable, inevitable
  • 提唱ていしょうproposal
  • 譬え話たとえばなしallegory, fable, parable
    (譬 commonly spelled using kana)
  • 手っ取り早て と ばやquick, prompt
  • 風物詩ふうぶつし1) seasonal poem; 2) feature of the season, seasonal tradition
  • 素性すじょう1) birth, lineage, parentage; 2) identity, background
  • 頓挫とんざsetback, deadlock, standstill
  • 劣情れつじょうcarnal desire, animal passions
  • もよお1) to hold (an event); 2) to feel (an emotion)
  • 起伏きふくundulation, ups and downs
    • 起伏にとぼしいfeatureless, dull
  • 欠陥けっかんdefect, fault, flaw, deformity
  • はしくれ1) scrap; 2) unimportant person, person in the bottom rung
  • 年貢 ねんぐland tax, annual tribute
    • 年貢の納め時 ねんぐ おさ どきtime to pay the piper
  • 世間せけんworld, society, people, the public
    • 世間知らず・naïve, ignorant of the ways of the world
  • ペチャパイ・flast-chested
  • 闇雲やみくもrecklessly, haphazardly, at random
  • 快気かいきrecovery

LEVEL5 (song)

  • 巡り合めぐ あ to meet by chance, to happen across
    (巡 is commonly spelled using kana)
  • ありのまま・as it is, undisguised, unvarnished
  • 手繰たぐto haul in
    • 手繰り寄せる・to haul in
    • 手繰り上げる・to haul in
    • 手繰り込む・to haul in
  • 解き明と あかすto uncover, to solve, to reveal
  • 誓い合ちか あ to make a joint vow, to swear together
  • うずwhirlpool, swirl, eddy, vortex, amelstrom


  • もよい・showing signs of
    • あまもよい1) showing signs of upcoming rain; 2) raining on and off
    • ゆきもよい1) showing signs of upcoming snow; 2) snowing on and off
  • 心地ここち1) feeling, sensation, mood; 2) how it feels to do (appended to masu-stem)
  • 猛者もさtough guy, fearless fighter, can-do-person

Esoteric wisdom and/or my ramblings

Dragon Quest II

I’m approaching the end of the game, and in an effort to buff myself up for the final battles, I had to restart the game and load using the previously mentioned 復活の呪文, which is to say a long string of kana used as a save password.

I actually failed in my first entry attempt; I must’ve gotten a character wrong.

At this point, I was starting to feel disheartened, but I gave it another attempt, and the save game wizard told me:

It has indeed proved to be quite the つらい旅 – I’m currently grinding after a failed run at the boss – but I won’t stop now! I will play all the Dragon Quest games in order, so that I can then complain about how kids these days have it too easy!

To aru shitagi kurai de ōgesa

Much to my delight, the show suddenly decided to get good about midway through season 1; I think the story arc that fans tell new viewers to hold out for is starting to reveal itself.

However, now that we’ve had our dramatic mid-season finale, I suspect that the show may soon start using a new opening theme, so I’ve started learning its lyrics in preparation. LEVEL5 -judgelight- isn’t quite as good as Only my railgun, but it’s still a certified bop.


This seems like quite a useful phrase.

Similar other constructs such as なくてはいけない / なくてはならない / ないとだめ, it seems you can vary the components a bit while preserving the meaning. Jisho only lists 避けて(は)通れない, but the version used in the show was:


Something that can’t be avoided is the quantum theory founded on the uncertainty principle postulated by Heisenberg.

Speaking of which:


This word is glossed as “advocacy, proposal”, and can be used to describe advocating for a policy change and the like.

However, it seems it is also often used in relation to theories, models and perspectives, in places where we might use phrases such as “proposed by”, “put forward by”, “developed by” or “introduced by” in English.

For example:


the theory of evolution proposed by Darwin


the general theory of relativity put forward by Einstein


Both [the special and general theory of relaitivity] were developed by German physicist Albert Einstein (1879-1955)


a computer based on principles proposed by [von] Neumann


the view of history advocated for by Marx


Hey, look; it’s the kanji from 挫ける! But here, it’s actually used! And it uses the same reading as 座!
I guess I’ll remember that if somebody sits (座) on my fingies (扌), that’ll be quite a setback, and it will make me feel disheartened. (Especially if I don’t have a canopy (广) for shelter.)


雨もよい / 雪もよい

Apparently, the もよい in these phrases is related to もよお, which was another one of my new words for this post (although in that context it was in relation to carnal passions, not inclement weather).

However, it seems this etymology has fallen into obscurity, to the point where a new form of this term has appeared: (雨/雪)模様.

Furthermore, the meaning of these words has shifted somewhat: While it can still be used to mean that it looks like it might rain/snow, it can also mean that there is intermittent rain/snow, or where there are spots of rainy/snowy weather here and there.

Due to this ambiguity, the NHK notes that when they use these terms, they try to provide supplementary descriptions to disambiguate.


This word is fun in part because it screws up the reading of 心, reminding you that you are never safe when reading kanji.

However, it’s also kind of a useful word for describing how it feels to do various things:

  • 着心地きごこちfeel when wearing something
  • 履き心地は ごこちfeel when wearing something (lower body)
  • 座り心地すわ ごこちhow something feels to sit on

(Mind the rendaku, and remember: You are never safe.)

Example from Weblio:


an uncomfortable uniform

I actually had an opportunity to try this word out at a language café yesterday when trying to describe the chairs in an aiport lounge in Bangkok … but unfortunately, I couldn’t quite remember it, so I ended up saying something like


Fortunately, the group leader understood what I was going for, and asked 「座り心地?」, and then proceeded to write 心地 on the whiteboard.
Hopefully, this experience will help the word stick in my mind.



This word is interesting both for its irregular reading and for its range of definitions:

  • tough guy; wild one; fearless fighter​ [Jisho]
  • remarkable talent [Wiktionary]
  • stalwart; tough guy; veteran [Weblio]

I guess the common thread is sort of a person who has challenged themselves repeatedly and is still carrying on.

I found this word in a recent Reddit discussion, where カプコン電子の猛者たち was translated as “Capcom’s Electronic Warriors”, albeit with the clarification that “Capcom’s seasoned veteran team” might get the idea across better.

In the article that spawned the thread, the word 猛者たち was romanized as mouzatachi. However, while もうざ is a valid reading, it is apparently quite archaic; perhaps useful if you want to sound like a Heian period samurai or something.
I found a video discussing the book, and it definitely sounds like they’re saying もさたち. Furthermore, the book often comes with a belly band* that explicitly writes the title with furigana as カプコン電子の猛者でんし もさたち.

(If you don’t know what a “belly band” is … well, neither did I until just now. It’s the strip/band of paper that’s sometimes wrapped around book covers when you buy them, smaller than the dust jacket and usually with some advertising message.
The Japanese word for this is apparently , or 本の帯 for extra clarity.)

Example sentences:


Man makes own “particle accelerator”

(translaton via Wiktionary)


Man makes own multitasking-compatible DOS that operates in web browsers

(translaton via Wiktionary)


The members of this karate club are all tough fighters.

(translation via Weblio)


Nandemonaiya = it’s nothing.
I learned that from the Radwimps song of the same name… but… I feel like it’s not maybe something people use in real life…


「なんでもない] definitely gets a fair bit of use. I’m less sure about the や at the end, but apparently it’s pretty common (at least in very casual settings, such as among close friends; don’t say it to your boss/emperor).


Yes it’s used a lot, especially with this pattern:
A says/mutters something
B: what did you say?
A: 何でもない


Not exactly a word, but I saw the kanji 藝 today. It’s an alternate form of 芸.

Trails series… They had no right to randomly throw that kanji in and not put furigana on it.


I’m always blown away by how useful seemingly arbitrary WaniKani vocab actually is. I just read the sentence:

ハーマイオニーは ~ 容赦 ~ なく言った。

I learned 容赦 as “pardon” in level 59 or so. I only have this word at Guru 2, so I’ve seen it pretty recently in a review. I never expected to see it ever, let alone in the first Harry potter book. But here it actually make so much more sense in context. When you say something, without pardon, you are being harsh, or not making allowances for bad behavior, which is perfect for how Hermione is telling the boys off for sneaking out at night. And now I’ll never forget this word.


I saw a pseudo-japanese sweets shop in a mall manila that was kalled kyojiri and I didn’t think much of it until I found kanji near the romaji. 巨尻 means exactly what the kanji make you think. I guess the owner likes them chunky.


おかえりなさい welcome home



Dragon Quest II/III

  • 際どい1) risky, dangerous; 2) suggestive, bordering on obscene; risqué; delicate (e.g. question)

  • 血筋ちすじlineage, blood relationship, descent

  • 王位おういthe throne, the crown

  • 不憫ふびんpitiable, poor

  • 勇敢ゆうかんgallant, heroic, brave

  • しばし・1) briefly, for a short time; 2) soon, in a short while

  • すら・even

  • づたalong ◌ (i.e. along a river, wall, coast)

  • 調子者ちょうししゃperson who is easily flattered; person who easily gets elated; person apt to get carried away with success

  • 手に汗 て あせ(を)にぎto be on the edge of one’s seat, to be in breathless suspense

  • 書き置か お1) note/letter left behind; 2) will

  • 先立さきだ1) to lead, to take the lead; 2) to precede, to go before; 3) to die before (e.g. one’s spouse)

  • 最期さいごone’s end, one’s last moment

    • 無惨むざんな最期をげるto meet a cruel end
  • こしょう・pepper

  • 童歌わらべうたnursery rhyme, children’s song
    (童 commonly spelled using kana.)

  • ひざまずto kneel (in respect)

  • 褒め称えほ たた to sing the praises of, to speak highly of

  • ああした・that sort of, like that

  • 人目ひとめしのto avoid being seen

  • 未踏みとうuntrodden, unexplored

  • 水鉄砲みずでっぽうsquirt gun, water pistol

  • 神通力じんつうりきsupernatural power, divine power

  • 粗相そそうcarelessness, blunder

  • ほねめる1) to make something one’s (final) home; 2) to devote the rest of one’s life to

  • 参列さんれつattendance, participation, presence

  • 勝手口かってぐちkitchen door, back door

  • 用聞ようきdoor-to-door salesman

  • 向こう見む みrekckless, rashness

  • またたin the twinkling of an eye, in a flash

  • 打ち明う あけるto lay bare, to confide, to reveal

  • くわすto happen to meet, to run into, to come across

  • おべっか・flattery

    • おべっか使つかflatterer, sycophant
  • 他言たごんtelling others, revealing a secret

  • のど 自慢じまん1) person proud of their voice; 2) amateur singing contest

  • たどりto (finally) arrive/reach, to find one’s way to, to manage to get to

  • 身の程 み ほどone’s social standing, one’s place

  • くわまえるto discern, to distinguish


  • 見損みそこなう1) to misjudge, to misread; 2) to overestimate; 3) to overlook

  • 視界しかいfield of vision

  • いちょうcutting into quarters (i.e. veggies); cutting into the shape of gingko leaves

  • 乱切らんぎcutting into chunks

  • 火の通 ひ とお1) ease of cooking ingredients; 2) level of doneness (rare, medium-rare, turned to rubber, etc.)

  • 摺り下す おろすto grate
    (commonly spelled using kana)

  • おろしgrater

  • おろしがねgrater (particularly the Japanese variety)

  • きがかりじょうby force of circumstance, given the circumstances

  • 持久じきゅうendurance, persistence


  • 急がば回いそ まわmore haste, less speed; slow and steady wins the race

  • びた一文いちもんred cent, (not) a cent/nickel/farthing/öre (used in negative sentence, such as “I won’t pay you a nickel” or “I don’t have a cent to my name”)

  • 残暑ざんしょlate summer heat, lingering summer heat

  • (ご)清祥せいしょうhappiness and health

Very deep thoughts

Dragon Quest II/III

Since last time, I’ve completed Dragon Quest II, and nearly all of Dragon Quest III, to the point of challenging the final(?) boss but not defeating it.


Note the reading; it’s not the same as in 手伝い, but rather it does a sort of double rendaku and becomes づたい.

This suffix has actually gotten quite a lot of use in this game, as it is often useful for describing how to get places.

  • 海伝い・along the sea

  • 川伝い・along the river

  • 山伝い・along the mountains, from mountain to mountain

  • 島伝い・from island to island, island hopping

  • 飛び石伝い・walking over stepping stones



Quite simply meaning “the fire’s passage”, this term can be used both to describe how quickly something cooks and how much it’s been cooked so far.

(Arguably, these are the same thing; it’s just that one meaning uses expressions like にくい and やすい to extract the process, while the other focuses on the result.)

1) Ease of cooking

Ingredients ranked from 火の通りにくい to 火の通りやすい

  • 火の通りにくい・takes a long time to cook
  • 火の通りやすい・cooks fast
  • 火の通りやすさ・fastcookingness

Example sentence:

  • 火の通りにくい食材を入れる場合、別に具材だけを鉄板で軽く焼いておくとよい。

When using ingredients that take a long time to cook, it is better to grill them lightly on an iron plate. (via Weblio)

2) Doneness

  • 火の通り具合・state of doneness

Example sentence:

  • 火の通りを均一にするためにお肉を常温に戻す。

Bring the meat to room temperature in order to ensure even cooking.


残暑 and 清祥

It’s now only eight weeks until I touch down in Japan, and I’m so excited I don’t even want the extra hour of time off that I’ll be afforded by daylight saving time this weekend; just make October 17th get here faster!

Anyhow, I wanted to send an e-mail to some of my contacts in Japan, and so I needed one of those fancy seasonal expressions that you begin Japanese letters with. Since it’s still pretty warm there, even in Hokkaido, I ended up choosing:


I hope you are all in good health, even in the lingering summer heat.

虹彩(こうさい) = iris, colored tissue of black of an eye (黒目(くろめ) / (ひとみ)), where the middle hole is 瞳孔(どうこう) (= pupil).

The Kanji is (にじ) (rainbow) and (いろど)り. I know people have varied colors, but I don’t think of rainbow :rainbow:


Seems like the etymology stems from Greek. Even in Norwegian, another word for iris is “regnbuehinne” where regnbue means rainbow.


郷に入れば、郷に従え - lit. “if you go to your hometown, abide by its rules”(?) - seems to be a saying kind of like “When in Rome, do as the Romans”?

郷 (ごう) means “somewhere else” in that proverb.

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Thank you very much! Jisho fails me yet again… :pensive:

No, it’s still the Japanese equivalent of “When in Rome…” - Leebo was just pointing out that your literal translation was a little off.

Weblio defines it as 自分が訪れた土地や環境に適応し、その地域の風習や慣習に従うべきであるという教えである = “a teaching that one should adapt to the places and the enviroments that one visits, and follow the local customs and practices”.

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Oh, I know the translation! I just meant my definition for 郷, which I pulled from the first entry in Jisho… :sob:

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Yes there’s a word for that.


So thermos is a magical bottle, apparently!

Learned it from this video


人気(じんき) - prevailing mood of a locality; emotional climate of a district
I’ve seen ひとけ before, but this was new to me. Apparently it’s rare enough to warrant an entry in the 注解, so who knows when I’ll see it again.


勝者 (shousha) - “victory someone” - winner

…and if you’re the winner… then you must be a “sure shot”! (shousha)