Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

I wore a hedgehog skirt today and my students taught me the word for hedgehog!


Literally, needle mouse


And similarly 引っ込み思案. Thats the one I’ve seen the most, but there may actually be a pretty big difference in nuance.

Well, 朴念仁 seems to be more for people who are dense if you know what I mean but the other is just for people who don’t interact much. Or at least that is the nuance difference I am getting here.

But then again someone could be dense because they don’t interact much.

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Most of the Onomatopoeic words have broad meanings and also tend to have both sound and mind meanings at once.

Was watching a video about some Japanese homophones and learned 厚い (thick). The two words presented with it (暑い、熱い) I already knew. :slight_smile:


暗記 - あんき - memorization

Just saw this word and thought about the Anki software which I’m certain many language learners have heard about. Turns out the software is named after this word.


取り憑かれる - To become possessed. Or less literally to be obsessed with, to the point of delusion.

@mathiasxx94 Well it certainly wasn’t 暗器


すみません - excuse me

Okay so everyone knows this right, but what I didn’t know before today is that this word is the polite negative conjugation of 済む (すむ) - to finish ----> 済みません (すみません) - (it is) not finished. So this word could mean something like “this encounter is not finished” as in “I am now obligated for your kindness and mean to return a favor to you.”

@Syphus I’m very sorry, but I don’t get it.

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暗器 is also read あんき

So does 暗鬼.
Maybe the name of the software is related to the demons waiting in the dark for you to press “good” instead of “again”.


As of recently, I’ve not been able to study Japanese as I would like to, so I’ve been saving this list for the past month. And sadly, it’s sorely lacking compared to what I’ve come across in a weekend or something.

散髪(さんぱつ)(having a) haircut; hair-cutting; hair-dressing
散髪屋(さんぱつや)barber; barber shop​
厳冬(げんとう)severe winter
暖冬(だんとう)mild winter; warm winter​
冷夏(れいか)cool summer; cold summer; cooler-than-normal summer​
空梅雨(からつゆ)(unusually) dry rainy season
楽観的(らっかんてき)optimistic; hopeful​
周波数(しゅうはすう)frequency (esp. of waveforms)​
抑揚(よくよう)intonation; accent; modulation; inflectio
平坦(へいたん)even; flat; level
教授法(きょうじゅほう)teaching methodology; pedagogy​
素足(すあし)bare feet​
生足(なまあし)bare legs; bare feet; stockingless legs​
螺子(ねじ)screw;​ key (of a clock, watch, etc.); spring (of a clock, watch, etc.)​
麻痺(まひ)paralysis; palsy; numbness; stupor​
不織布(ふしょくふ)non-woven (fabric) (e.g. felts and such)



My ime doesnt even let me use the kanji form of the いじ part of it. Must be pretty uncommon.

I just looked up the kanji and I feel like it fits into the category of kanji where its simple, but you rarely see it so it looks a bit strange. I dont know how to describe it…

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As “king on top of twenty” (in terms of WK radicals).

Yeah, すみません is, to translate it overly literally, a way of setting a matter has not yet been settled. But in context it expresses gratitude, apology, or a request for attention.

Though I also just recently made the connection between it and its dictionary form of 済む, which I encountered via Wanikani and other study materials at almost exactly the same time. I knew the literal meaning before, but not the base verb or that verb’s other uses.

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:joy: I like this mix

まぐれ - chance/pure luck


Just learned 罪悪感 (ざいあくかん)= guilt; feelings of guilt

I heard it quite many times in conversations and incorrectly thought it was 最悪感、“the worst feeling ever” or something along those lines. I even used it last Sunday for the first time… however today I realized that this 最悪感 is not a word… :sweat_smile:


You mean 弄り? Yes, 弄 is extremely rare in Japanese.

Yep. Didnt feel like copying it off of jisho cuz im too lazy