Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

(もと) as in 師範代の下. There seem to be other meanings as well.

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I’m very excited to have learnt the Japanese word for slit lamp microscope :mag: :eyes: :sparkles:

細隙灯顕微鏡 さいげきとうけんびきょう

And the Kotobank page has several eye related words :D
Like 前眼房 or 前房 which means “anterior chamber”. I haven’t seen the kanji 房 a lot in the wild, so the selected meanings below are kinda new to me.


前眼房 = “front eye segment” :ok_hand:

(Hmm, 厨房 = kitchen room / segment :thinking: I guess I knew one word with that meaning)

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侮る - あなどる - to disdain, to look down on, to make light of, to hold in contempt, to scorn, to despise

Yes, konofan, how did you know


蠢く - うごめく - To wiggle (like a worm).


ドンマイ … which means “oh, it’s fine, don’t worry about it” when someone stuffs up. Apparently derived from the English “don’t mind.”


That’s neat! I always thought it was my coworkers using japanlish, not that it’d had actually become a Japanese word


Yeah, my wife thought it was funny because if you do use it as in Don’t Mind in the wrong context it will probably confuse the listener. xD Japanese is fun. One minute the word/phrase makes complete sense but anything outside of that specific context I might as well have pulled my pants down in the middle of the conversation.


良心の呵責 りょうしんのかしゃく pangs of guilt/conscience

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ほととぎす Its a type of bird, it comes up a lot in the manyou poems

マッチポンプ = stirring up trouble to get credit from the solution

(さと)(いも) = taro, which is someone in context, placed beside ジャガイモ in all Katakana

境内(けいだい) = in the grounds of… (the reading seems irregular in every way)

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Wow, “keidai” is a really annoying word! I was like “kyou-nai”… What? “dai”? “kei”? :confused:

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きょう and ない are the go-on readings for 境 and 内, respectively. けい and だい are the kan-on readings. When a word uses different on’yomi readings from another on’yomi word with the same kanji, this usually means the word was imported in a different era. It’s pretty normal for kanji to have on’yomi readings that come from several eras and that’s usually why you have multiple possible on’yomi readings.


Yesterday I learned 熱燗 - あつかん - hot sake, and I’m surprised I never learned it sooner. Also, I really love the second kanji, but it’s probably only really used in this word.

A loanword: ゲレンデ, meaning ski slope. This comes from the German “Gelände”, which I’d say loosely translates to terrain or area.

Heard it here:


My mental hook for remembering the reading is to remember that it’s weird :slight_smile:

Incidentally, it’s usually specifically the grounds of a shrine or temple.

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Welp, my latest word is an oddity: 允恭. According to Jisho, it means “courtesy” or “sincerity,” but I can’t find this word used this way in any of my Japanese resources. In Weblio, ALC, Meikyo, and Daijirin, this word either doesn’t exist or refers only to Emperor Ingyō (允恭天皇).

Could be worth reaching out to jmdict (Jisho just displays data from various freely available sources) to have it removed if it was added to the database erroneously.


I think it can be edited. (Link is from Jisho).

It can be commented and will be pending for approval anyway, e.g. JMdictDB - Entries

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諸刃(もろは)(つるぎ) (double edge sword), although it is spoken as 諸刃(もろは)(けん) in context.

Well, I can see and remember because of 諸々(もろもろ), otherwise I don’t have (つるぎ) in my mind at all.

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