Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

Yes, I think by itself it is just an alternate way to write ふち

It’s not a new word, but I was reminded of 耳年増 today.

Today I came across this monstrosity of pronunciation: 大祖父(おおおおじ)meaning “great grandfather”.


I just chocked on my coffee because of you…


I’m shook. I always thought it was としおじいちゃん.

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Can you do this ad infinitum? Like great great great grandfather is おおおおおおおおじ?


Try to say this out loud. It’s fun.


試験結果 and 合格


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I spent way too long wondering why Leebo had just learned a level 33 word


Oh you are right, that is who he is! I could not for the life of me remember…

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Is the fact that I’m not level 60 nor named leebo nor part of the James Craburn sect enough to top people off? This is more effective than I thought it would be lol.


Famous last words.
Is it how it all began?

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switches profile to pretend to be leebo
people actually think im leebo

Was pretty much the history of it.

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That makes sense now.

Ah, yes. I have followed the whole process, but somehow I got confused seeing the message in this thread, as I thought it might have been before the:

This one will be super helpful in all future conversations with natives…起訴猶予.


Much useful, much wow :man_judge::woman_judge:

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不正 (ふせい)Means injustice. Just learned it on Wanikani. The word makes me think of batman and Gotham so I just like the word. Also, I just sped through about 38 lessons in one go. Is that too much or will I be ok?

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It reminds me of another word I learned recently, 琴棋詩酒
I tried it out in the wild, but people don’t get it. I guess they just lack class.

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Haha. Wait, is this even Japanese? I can’t find a definition for it. Are you sure it is not Chinese??

EDIT-it sounds great though, whatever it is. Harp-chess-poem-alcohol-ing sounds like a great time.


It’s definitely from long-ago China, but I don’t think it’s common in either language: 「琴棋詩酒」(きんきししゅ)の意味

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