Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

支える(ささえる): to support
Learned it right here from WaniKani! :relaxed: I just really like how it sounds and looks, lol!


接種(せっしゅ)Vaccination - I learned this word because I just got my first shot.


There is also 注射 (injection) you might find useful :slight_smile:

緊急事態 - state of emergency (comes up too often on the news lately…)
長編小説 - full-length novel

Tobira’s chapter on food so:
餡こ - red bean paste filling/stuffing
餡ころ餅 - mochi filled with red bean paste
体にいい - good for the body and health
肝臓 - liver (〜臓 denotes organs like 心臓)
麺棒 - rolling pin (棒 is an oblong object, like a baton)
綿棒 - cotton swab (for cleaning ears)
廊下 - corridor
街角 - street corner


夢心地 (ゆめごこち) - dreamy state of mind, ecstasy, trance.


因果関係いんがかんけい - consequence, casual relationship, nexus

毀誉褒貶きよほうへん - praise and censure, public criticisms

いしみず - something bound to fail due to inadequate effore or assistance. pouring water on a hot stone.

一辺倒いっぺんとう - complete devotion to one side


懐中電灯 - flashlight
面相筆 - fine-pointed brush
繰り返す - to repeat/redo something
放り込む - to toss/throw into (〜込む helper ending)
懐く - to become attached to or affectionate with
作り出す - to produce, to output (〜出す helper ending)

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しん : the 4 diagnostics (of the traditional Chinese medicine). The word is in Jisho, but none of my Japanese inputs (anty and mozc) have it.
けいらく : meridians (in Chinese medicine; zh: jingluo)
ぞう : entrails (zh: zangfu)


三行半みくだりはん - letter of divorce

都市銀行としぎんこう - metropolitan bank

薄幸はっこう - unhappiness, sad fate


These words seem related, somehow…

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拝見(する) - to look at (used in 丁寧語 and 謙譲語)
そのうち(の) - of the ones mentioned (not to be confused with the うちに grammar structure)
綿菓子 - cotton candy
懐柔(する)- gentle persuasion
坂道 - hill road
本気を出す - to make a serious effort (courtesy of @Stay_coolXD :wink: )
ベレー帽 - beret
赤電話 - payphone
作画監督 - animation director
監督補 - supervision assistant

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At this point, about half of my knowledge of buddhism is now from reading wikipedia articles after I google stuff from shinsekai yori.


Sport/Injury related vocab (I fell this week :laughing:)

着地 (ちゃくち) landing
捻挫 (ねんざ) sprain; twist; wrench
捻る (ひねる) to twist; to wrench; to wring (a neck)​
びっこを引く to limp

EDIT: I learned later that it’s better not to use びっこを引く because it’s 差別用語, so I should use 足を引きずったら歩ける instead
Also learned the word for plaster cast: ギプス


住めば都 - home is where you make it

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割り下 - sukiyaki stock
割り下地 - as above
鳥胸肉 - chicken breast meat
名称 - name, title
起源 - origins, source

Thank you, 親子丼!

蝶 (ちょう) Butterfly

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衣替え(ころもがえ)Seasonal change of clothes
面接(めんせつ)Interview (for a job)
猛(もう)Greatly energetic - when used in front of a verb it means to do that thing hard.

貧弱(ひんじゃく) - poor, feeble, insubstantial

  • 目覚まし時計 (めざましどけい) a clock that does 目を覚ます (めをさます), to open/awaken the eyes.
  • 恋愛相談 (れんあいそうだん), love counseling
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購買部 - school shop
購買力 - purchasing power (economics)
確認書 - certificate
講師料 - lecture fee, teaching fee
選択(する)- choice, selection
船舶 - ship, vessel (yo dawg, I heard you want a ship in your ship so…)

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一角【イッカク】: とても長い歯がある鯨のように動物

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