Most recent Japanese word you've learned?

Well that explains the curry joke I heard the other day at least… Japanese has so many puns I miss 3/4 of them still.


下ネタ it means off colour/offensive humour


Other languages do similar things. In Norwegian, sparkling water is ‘vann med kullsyre’, water with carbonic acid.

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I was about to point out 問題 is problem, but then I found out it can mean question as in a test question/problem :open_mouth:


Cool! I’ve never tried learning Norwegian. Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

I learned 一概に(いちがいに)today!
It is translated as “unconditionally; as a rule” on Jisho and my exchange partner told me it was often used as " 一概には言えません " which would mean something like “we can’t say that for sure” (絶対にこうだよ!とは言えない、言い切れない)

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As a JJK fan, I was pretty ecstatic today when I came across 領域 (りょういき) meaning domain.


It gets even better as 展開(てんかい) isn’t far behind either

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Oh! I love this. There is a very cool outdoor nature art festival in 越後つまり that I’ve been to. As you can see, there are towns in that area that still use えちご in their names. 越後つまりis a tiny town, so we spent the night in 越後湯沢、which is a ski resort area. They must be proud of their former province.


Just finishing up Level 4, but I’ve been using the massive WK Anki database someone posted, which makes you go through all the radicals first. Anyway, I don’t even know what level radicals I have memorized already but this song “CHiCO with HoneyWorks『幸せ。』” just popped up in my YouTube suggestions. And I instinctively knew that 幸せ means “Happiness”, since I already memorized the radical 幸… Checked it out on Google translate and sure enough I was right. I think the vocalization is: しあわせ.


I find it fascinating (earnestly, that is) how there’s a word specifically for going to Tokyo: 上京・じょうきょう. Learned that one on Torii SRS.

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Yup, that’s actually interesting. The “question” meaning is more along the lines of “problem to solve” which only partially overlaps with the general meaning of “problem” in statements like “there is a problem” or “no problem”.

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Most recent one I learned was 海軍「かいぐん」 or ‘navy’ in order to say that someone is in said navy.

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(ひょう) or (あられ) - hail (the weather phenomenon)


やきもちを焼く - to be jealous (to burn with jealousy)


天下り literally “descend from heaven” but used to describe bureaucrats taking a job in a private company. “Revolving doors” in English ( I think ) “pantouflage” in French. Funny expression, kind of poetic.
It’s also a new reading for 天 since 天下り is pronounced あまくだり


弱肉強食 - survival of the fittest, literally “the weak is meat, the strong gets to eat”

This has gotta be my favorite 四字熟語 so far. Not so much because of the meaning, but the way it’s written is hella wild.


脱線(する)- derailment (related to transportation), but also digression (derailment of a discussion)
脱走(する)- escape from prison, but also breakout, desertion, etc.

Added to my Anki sets. This should totally be a vocab item in WaniKani! Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


It’s more of an expression than a single word, but 腹を立てる(はらをたてる). It means to get angry at or to take offense.


(みみ) can mean bread crust