Mokuro: Read Japanese manga with selectable text inside a browser

The mokuro file is just JSON with a pages array with position and content of all the OCR’d text bubbles. I didn’t find any documentation for it, but it’s pretty self-describing – I think it’s basically the same data that was originally bundled into the generated html.

I think it’s an improvement, design-wise because it allows for decoupling the converted manga and the viewer app (or other tools), and you can do things like throw all the page images plus the .mokuro file in a .zip and have a convenient package. will ingest these and stow everything in localStorage in your browser.

My little viewer thing is able to open a .mokuro file and use it to let you flip through pages, see the OCR’d data, etc. Should be pretty straightforward to hold on to any edits in localStorage and allow one to save a modified .mokuro file back out again – at least that’s what I’m aiming for.


I use Dropbox and can open the same mokuro files on my laptop or computer that :slight_smile: (don’t use it on mobile though) (I do lose the progress between devices but I don’t use that anyway)

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ah, bummer. If you (or anyone else) comes across the fork with progress saving lmk. That’s definitely something I’d poke around at to get to work for me.

Since the progress is in local storage, it doesn’t seem like this will work, but also, duh :woman_facepalming:t4: This is at least a good reminder for some of the other things I might want to do in the future.

This might end up being the easiest solution for my use case. I track my progress on Natively anyway so I could just grab my last read page from there if I needed to to switch devices. It’s not the most elegant solution, but it does solve my problems.

Thanks for the help, all!


You could give this a try. It’s been my personal project, so I’ve made it with my own reading preferences in mind, but who knows, they might overlap with yours.

A big thanks to @ChristopherFritz, by the way. Seeing your awesome projects in this thread back in March 2023 inspired me to start learning how to program. I never would have guessed that I would be starting a job as a web developer 1.5 years later :exploding_head: So I guess you changed my life :wink:


Wow that looks amazing.
I dislike dealing with Docker (I’m old) but I may need to put on my big girl pants to check it out.