Minor Menu Updates

Loving the little durtle buddy on the new menu :crabigator: :heart: :durtle:


Then perhaps perfection has been achieved. Escape should work! (I just noticed that the parent menu loses focus, though — I’ll see about a fix on that tomorrow) NM: It’s working correctly. Focus was fixed with the general escape fix.

@kanjimaster2000: We tweaked how we’re doing the default avatar. Give it a whirl and see if that’s working for you.


Yes, the avatar is displayed as it should be. The new menu is looking great!

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Do you still see the durtle? He seems to be gone now (at least for me).

Screen Shot 2020-04-07 at 4.16.06 PM
still here :slight_smile:


That’s good to know. I’d hate to see him go away! :durtle: Actually it makes sense now, he goes away once you have a gravatar. Funny that the durtle got to hide under everybody’s profile picture for a day though :laughing:


So, err, I guess no fix for the people who have burn everything, then? :sweat_smile:

Just so you don’t have to go dig for it:
Problem: the message says

Holy Crabigator! You’ve burned everything you unlocked! Do those 0 lessons to add more reviews!

(Emphasis mine)

Possible fix: detect that there are no lesson available (all burned), change the message to “Holy Crabigator! You’ve burned everything!” (optional: add a party hat to the illustration :stuck_out_tongue:)


and finally send the cake! :fire: :confetti_ball: :100:


After this and the previous changes, it seems like you would really benefit from hiring a user interface designer.

Luckily I’m almost done, but I don’t understand why you keep making such unnecessary and functionality-reducing changes. I mean, adding an extra click to do something as fundamental and frequent as search? An extraordinarily poor decision.

And that’s not to mention the near-uselessness of the resulting search page. All it does it list the characters/words and meanings, with a single reading. This page is screaming out for additional useful information to avoid the need to click into various characters/words, e.g. alternative meanings, part of speech, trans/intrans verb, on- and kun- readings etc. Some of this information would easily fit into the existing page; the rest could appear via a mouse-hover pop-up. This would be an obvious design in any case, but in particular it’s required because once you click into a word and then click Back (because you want to check out a different word from the search results), it doesn’t even take you back to the search results page. It’s infuriatingly poor design.

WaniKani is great and I thank you guys for it, but it’s also a shadow of what it could be.

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This hasn’t changed. It’s still only one click to search, though a small number of people have reported that it’s not working that way on their browser. If you are having to click twice to search, I’m sure they would appreciate a bug report.

I agree, there is a lot they could do to add more value to the search results. A good search engine isn’t trivial to implement (ahem, Discourse…), so it’s not surprising that small websites like WK don’t fare well compared to larger sites. (I would love to build an ElasticSearch for WK’s content! And Discourse’s for that matter, though there are already plugins for that.)

Regarding navigating back to the search results…
When you open a result, open it in a new tab (e.g. ctrl-click the result, or right-click and select “open in new tab” from the menu). That’s a good habit on every search engine, not just WK. It saves time, and prevents sites from having to re-execute searches in some cases.

I’m not dismissing the value of WK returning to the search results. But opening in a new tab is an easy solution to save some frustration.


Done. There are now 10 new kanji and 50 new vocab. Problem solved.


Nooooo, not again!!

I think I’m on my 3rd or 4th time reaching “all-burned”…


Don’t give me false hopes like that.


Hey, if you’ve done it once, you can do it again.

Well, I am evil after all. Mwahaha~


The search results aren’t smart at all (one tiny typo and the results come up blank), but as you say, that’s kind of understandable.

But I’m referring to the content of the search, which they could do in “five minutes”.

While they’re at it, why not add radio buttons (or whatever they’re called) to narrow down the search? E.g. radical/kanji/vocab, or noun/verb/adj/other?

It boggles my mind that they waste time on (for example) a 中途半端 version of your excellent timeline, when they could be making simple functional improvements that would improve the site.

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I have Gravitar blocked by default but don’t have a default picture.

EDIT: Maybe it’s because I have a custom photo?

Bah, we thought we had it figured out, removing the default avatar only if we got a response from Gravatar. What browser and content blocker are you using? I’m curious about the response that the blocker feeds back to the page.

Is this about this function?

function getGravatar(t) {
	window.fetch("https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/" + t + ".png?d=404", {
		method: "HEAD"
	}).then(function(t) {
		200 !== t.status && document.querySelectorAll(".user-avatar-default").forEach(function(t) {
			t.setAttribute("style", "")

When I tested on Firefox, the promise got rejected, but you have only provided a function for the case that the promise gets fulfilled.


Yeah, we only need to take action (removing the default) if the promise is fulfilled. If it’s rejected, it means that we should leave the default in place.

I clearly was rushing to get it out, though, as those console.logs shouldn’t be in there. We’ll add the general catch to the promise, even though we’re going to silently ignore it.


I am using Firefox V 74.01 and no content blocker. I also have no plugins or scripts installed. The rest of the website works fine, the only issue is with the picture. These are the settings I have under my privacy and security settings on Firefox. image

EDIT: Gravitar is blocked by the “Tracking content” setting, not the cookies
EDIT 2: Here is the block list setting for “Tracking content”

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