May 2nd Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Beginner Welcomed with open arms

I'm taking D

留守番電話: メッセージは一件です
もしもーーし お母さんでーーす

D Analysis

The button he’s pushing with a click ビッsays “留守” (るす) which means “absent”, which was confusing until I saw the phrase for “answering machine” is 留守番電話 (るすばんでんわ); also 留守番(るすばん) means caretaker/house watcher.


  • メッセージは message (subjectは)

  • 一件(いちけん) one 件(counter for “a matter” or “a case”)

  • です duh
    There is one message

  • ピッ BEEP!! (It’s loud, because there font was LARGE)

  • Mもしもーーし Hello-----o

  • お母さんでーーす It’s Mo-----'om

Answering machine: There is one message
Hel-lo-----o, it’s (your) Mo----om

@YanagiPablo re. Simplified kanji

Neat @ 間. I am particularly glad that 医was simplified. I already hate the one for medical treatment (in yesterday’s). When @Jonapedia said that about the bone script (or somesuch name of an ancient writing) it reminded me of when I was in the museum looking at a 1000+ year old carved Chinese Stone and I recognized characters!!)