May 1st Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Manga

Claiming B

斉藤: だけど点滴をすすめない医者なんで珍しいよね

Vocab and Analysis

However/IV drip/(direct object of)recommend-not(not full verb form)doctor/なんだ/unusual/よね

  • だけど however
  • 点滴 (てんてき) intravenous (i.v.) drip
  • をすすめない not recommend; Verb 勧める(すすめる)(to recommend, advise, encourage), present tense negative. The を marks what isn’t advised here, which is “i.v. drip”.
  • 医者 (いしゃ) doctor
  • なんで (after 2 days of discussion, I feel pressured to get this “right” LOL) THE MISTAKE THAT I made the other day (yesterday?) was not reaching far enough back in the sentence to select the phrase this “thing that’s being asserted”, all of which is unusual (according to the following Adj.). I’m taking everything after however/だけど.
    Crikey! It looks like this entire phrase “点滴をすすめない” is acting like an adjective to describe “doctor” (“doctor who doesn’t recommend an i.v. drip”) because the doctor isn’t marked ahead of time with the subject particle は!
  • 珍(めずら)しい. 珍しい rare, unusual ("い-adjective).
  • よね wouldn’t you agree?

Saitou: However, a doctor who doesn’t recommend an i.v drip is unusual, don’t you agree

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