May 1st Daily Reading ブラックジャックによろしく Manga


斉藤: 確かに病院はちゃんと千円もうかってる……
そういうムダが積もり積って国の医療財政を圧迫するんだよな (fixed, thanks @YanagiPablo)

E Analysis including Vocab


  • 確(たし)かに (tashika ni) certainly, surely
  • 病院(びょういん) hospital
    ちゃんとadverb “perfectly”(exactly, properly). I put “easily” here, because when are clearing a lot of cash, they are certainly don’t, and proper sounds legal and approved, and “exactly” is too specific the amount.
  • 千円 1000¥ I think this makes more sense as a plural (which Japanese doesn’t specify, so it should be permitted)
  • 儲(もう)かってる. 儲かるVerb “to be profitable” “to yield a profit”; 儲けるVerb “to make a profit” (earn/gain/get). I think it’s enduring state of being use of て form, thus “is profitable”
    Google said:
    Certainly the hospital is making 1000¥. I interpret it thusly: Certainly the hospital is easily earning thousands of yen.


  • そういうthat kind of, such
  • ムダが (muda 無駄) “waste” subject with が
    積(つ)もり積って Verb 積もるtsumori “to pile up”, accumulate. I expected this to be idiom meaning something like “piled deeper deeper”. I think this is pronounced “つもりつもって” even though didn’t write the も the second time (it’s like part the kanji?)
  • 国の医療財政the country’s medical finances or the country’s health care budget. 療 (ryo?) medical treatment/therapy; 財政 (zaisei) finances; 財(zai) goods (fortune/wealth/assets/money); we know it well from 財布(zaifu) wallet. 政(sei) is government, its kanji is in 政府(seifu) government, 政治(seiji) politics, 政策(seisaku) policy, and 政権(seiken) administration.
  • を圧迫する Verb “to opress”
  • んだ geez! Again, I blank after 2 days of discussion on this exact thing. のだ, informal form. At here here I can see that it’s following the full plain form verb. I really liked the discussion of んだ at wasabi. In the present case, the んだis marking the conclusion of Saitou’s “Discovery” about the effect (on country’s budget) of the hospital charging (what Saitou seems to believe is excessive) fees for medical services.
  • よな wouldn’t you agree
    What Google said: That kind of waste accumulates and puts pressure on the medical finances of the country. I’m almost ashamed about it, but in this case, I believe that it is the best Interpretation!

Certainly the hospital is making thousands of yen……That kind of waste accumulates and puts pressure on the medical finances of the country.

Finally finished! Guess what? There is A LIMIT to how many times you can edit a post. I got booted off the board for 4-5 hours!!