& - [UPDATE: New Cultural Articles & Verb Transitivity Training Tool Release!] - Grammar SRS, Grammar Lessons, Reading Exercises, Vocabulary, Kanji and more!

N3 content drop

New Year’s Eve is upon us, making this the last content drop of 2024!

And boy is it a good one. But before I get to the specifics of this week’s content, let’s take a minute to reflect back on 2024, shall we?

2024 was a year of challenges, growth, and exploration for all of us at MaruMori. We watched our community grow substantially and dutifully chipped away at our ever-present monolith of content and features. We’re eternally thankful for all of our new users, old users, lifetimers, and trial explorers. You are the reason we do what we do.

That being said, we still have a lot left to accomplish, and in many ways, it feels like MM is still just getting started. We remain (for the moment) a minnow in the unbelievably large koi pond of Japanese learning resources, and sometimes it feels like we’re about to get sucked down the proverbial drain. But I’d be remiss not to acknowledge how supportive our community has been, and continues to be. We sincerely appreciate all of your efforts to spread the good word of Maru, and we hope to continue being your dream resource for Japanese!

So, a huge heartfelt thank you, and happy new year from all of us at MM!

Looking ahead, things are looking pretty great for 2025! We’ll be done with our N3 content in Q1, and (as I’m sure anyone who’s peeked at the new roadmap knows) we’ve got a ton of exciting features on the docket. Another big thing to note is that starting in January, we’ll be increasing our content release pace, and dropping a batch of content every 10 days, instead of 14. Each batch will still contain five grammar lessons, their grammar srs points, a reading exercise, and an unlock batch. So you’ll still be getting the same amount of content, just faster!

Now, for the deets on this week’s drop!

In this, the final content drop of 2024, we’ve prepared some delicious lessons, including but not limited to ~ふと for sudden actions, and those sneaky glances you take at your crush; ~ても構わない, for a stiff “I don’t mind if you…”; and ~わけがない, for when there’s just no わけ .

And in this batch’s reading exercise, we’ll take a look at a unique type of letter/email that you can write to your 先輩 or お世話になった人 (check out the reading for more info!).

And seeing as how it’s the last batch of the year, we figured you should definitely learn the words for “tax” (税金), “secrecy” (内緒), and “agony” (苦悩). Anyway, once more, a big thank you for an awesome year, and…

2024年は皆さんに大変お世話になりました!来年もどうぞよろしくお願いします!2025年がMMファミリーの皆さんにとって素敵な年になりますように。よいお年を! :tada:

Happy New Year! :tada:

P.s.: Expect your MM Wrapped to drop later today :eyes:


Time for the first MaruMori Wrapped! View your statistics of the past year!

Happy New Year everyone!

To start off strong, we’re releasing our first MaruMori Wrapped today!

Check it out here!

Now you might be wondering, what exactly is MaruMori Wrapped? Simply put, it’s your study year of 2024 in review!

You’ll find some cool statistics of what you’ve learned, mastered, and done on MaruMori in the past year, and also get a nice little summary of those stats at the end.

I think it’s easier to explain through images, so here are a few samples:

We hope you enjoy seeing your year in review! Be sure to share your summary with us all too! We have a nice new channel in the MM Discord where you can show off your awesome stats!


The first MM Book Club is starting & December Community Profile roundup

Hey everyone!

We’ve got some exciting news from the community side of things today !We’re starting our first bookclub over on our Discord! The book is “こぐまのクーク物語 春と夏”.

こぐまのクーク物語 春と夏 is a story about a little bear named クーク. It is one of the easiest “real” native books around, containing just a few kanji, not so many unique words, and furigana for all kanji! So it is a perfect candidate to get started with reading real Japanese content!

To help, we’ve also added a study list for the book to MaruMori. This study list is parsed just like the rest of the (Light-)novel study lists on MM, so there will be misparses at times, but it can definitely help your read-through!

We’ll be starting our read-through on the 20th of January, and we’ll be aiming for the pace of 1 chapter a week. Be sure to join us if you want to read your first Japanese book, or just want have a fun time with the rest of us!

You can find the book club discussion over at the #clubs channel on our Discord.

In other Discord-related news: As you may or may not know, we also have a channel for sharing your MM profile images on our Discord. The first day of the month is “profile share day” and anyone can join in!

Here’s the new monthly profile share roundup from some of our Discord members:

Once again, some awesome progress in the past month!

P.S.: We’ll be dropping a new Adventure batch tomorrow, as we start our new pace of 10 days per Adventure batch. As usual each batch consists of 5 Grammar Lessons, 1 Unlocks Batch, and 1 Reading Exercise.

We’re so close to finishing N3! Can you believe it? :star_struck:


N3 Content Drop

Happy first content drop of 2025, everyone! Just a reminder that from now on we’ll be sticking to an increased pace of 1 drop per 10 days until we finish N3 in the coming two months! :tada:

In this week’s batch, we’ve got grammar peculiarities such as ~かというと for “if I was to say…” statements, たとえても for “even if…” declarations, and ~ことか for “goodness knows how…” exclamations. What’s more, learn foundational kanji like 属 (“to belong”), and indispensable vocab like 従属 (“subjugation”) and 企む (“to scheme”).

What’s more, this batch’s reading exercise continues our Culture Series, with installment #18–all about “kei” cars. So if you’ve ever wondered why some cars in Japan have yellow license plates, this one’s for you!

That’s all for now. Enjoy this new batch of content and, as always, Happy studies!


Only 3 days left on the sale!



Last day of Sale!

(And something new went live :eyes:, expect an announcement tomorrow :smile:)


The Verb Transitivity Trainer & Sale Ending Today!

Hello! Today we’re releasing a brand new Training Tool!

The Verb Transitivity Trainer!

As you might have guessed already, this is a training tool aimed at teaching you when to use the transitive verb or the intransitive verb. We’ve rounded up 62 common verb pairs, of 1 transitive and 1 intransitive verb, and given each verb a unique scenario to test you with. This means we have 124 scenarios available at the moment!

You can find the new trainer in the tools section, or by clicking here!

We have 4 modes available:

  • Scenarios
  • En → Jp
  • Jp → En
  • Mixed

We think that out of these, scenarios are likely the most interesting to talk about here, as the other modes kind of speak for themselves!

Scenarios present you with an English sentence (a scenario), and you have to decide if you must use the intransitive verb or the transitive verb for this scenario. It looks something like this:

A keen eye might’ve spotted it already, but instead of clicking/tapping, you can also answer by pressing 1 or 2, and go to the next question by pressing space.

If you don’t remember the “rules”, make sure to tap on the “Help” button, and it will show you the general “rules” for when to use intransitive versus transitive verbs.

When you start a session, you will get 124 questions total, in a randomized order, but you can stop at any time you wish and it will show you your training results page where you can see your mistakes.

We think this new training tool will really help you get the hang of when to use which verb, and make the rules stick! Be sure to try it out if you could use a refresher!

P.s. Our sale is ending today! So if you still wish to grab the deal, now’s your last chance!

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I forgot to drop this here on Monday haha :sweat_smile:

N3 Content Drop + MM’s First Book Club!

Happy happy Monday everyone!

I write to you with good news, another batch of N3 content has just been released, marking the second drop since we increased our drop rate. It’s a bit bitter-sweet because as much as I love seeing all of you get your hands on more content sooner, I’m also sweating bullets watching the stockpile of content I wrote diminish faster than you can say 「あれ?!」.

Anyway, I’m sure someone will find a source of motivation from somewhere and get a bunch of work done. But for now, nap time!

Oh, right, there’s the rest of the announcement to write.

In this week’s batch, you’ll find indispensable grammar points such as ~わけではない for “It’s not that X” statements, ~とは限らない for “X isn’t necessarily the case” statements, and 必ずしも~ない for “X isn’t guaranteed to be Y” statements. Seeing a bit of a theme? This batch is “not necessarily”だれけ! (だらけ being another grammar point in this week’s content.)

And for kanji, you’ll learn important stuff like 批 (“criticism”), 討 (“chastise”), and 怪 (“suspicious”). Then, enforce last batch’s kanji, vocab, and grammar with our latest reading exercise! This one sees Mr. Ohtani visiting his old professor, covers an unusual use for charcoal, and reveals more cultural tidbits with our culture series #19!

Last but not least, this week marks the official start of MaruMori’s first-ever book club! If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, head on over to our discord to join a bunch of lovely people in reading the first chapter of 「こぐまのクーク物語 春と夏」. (I’m told it’s very cute, and that you may shed tears.) That’s all for now, and as always, Happy studies!


N5 lessons re-work & Cultural articles have dropped!

Hey all! This week we are focusing on improving some of our existing content! The first phase just went live and revolves around splitting up some heavy grammar lessons and adding some fun new cultural articles!

Rework of N5 Grammar Lessons

I’m excited to announce that we’ve fixed a few of the N5 region’s major pain points:

  • Added a “godan vs ichidan” mini-lesson prior to the polite form lesson

  • The lengthy “Types of Adjectives + Negative Adjectives” lesson has been split into two, with the second lesson exclusively covering negative forms

  • The very lengthy じゃない・ではない・ではありません・じゃありません lesson has been split into three articles: 「All about じゃない: The Casual Negator」, 「All about ではない: The Formal Negator」, and 「じゃありません・ではありません: Super polite negators!」

  • Added a mini-lesson on “Formal vs Polite” in between the じゃない and ではない lessons

These lessons were particularly tricky, especially for pure beginners, as they were long and extremely info-dense. Splitting them up should help with retention, and make the initial section of the N5 region feel more manageable.

NEW: Cultural Articles

We’ve also added a total of six cultural articles throughout the N5 region:

  • Anime and Manga ①: The History of Manga

  • Anime and Manga ② : How are they viewed in Japan?

  • Anime and Manga ③: Modern Cultural Trends Unique to Japan

  • Anime and Manga ④: “Real Japanese” VS “Anime Japanese”

  • All About “Yokai”

  • “Yes” and “No” in Japanese (How to use 「はい」 and 「いいえ」)

We want these cultural articles to be fun little additions that punctuate long stretches of grammar/unlocks/readings throughout each region, and we’ll be adding them to the N4+ regions as well in the future (possibly with their own type of tile)!

“What does this mean for my region progress/account?!”

Nothing! These changes are mainly for new learners and to add some fun extras in between all the lessons. Even if you’re not interested in reading the cultural articles, you can get some free EXP for simply completing them. Once you complete one, your current region will update to N5, but as soon as you do a tile in your initial region, it will go back to that region again :tada:

This is the first phase of the changes we have planned for this week, with phase two involving major changes to the kanji/vocab unlock list. (Yes, the ~的 vocab will finally be slightly less monolithic.) So, something to look forward to!

That’s all for now, and as always,

Happy studies!


A Massive Amount Of Adventure Study List (Vocabulary & Kanji Unlocks) Changes Just Went Live!

Hey! Today we’ve got part two of our Adventure content changes. We’ve just updated the Vocabulary & Kanji Adventure Study List (aka the place where your Unlocks from Unlock Tiles in Adventure go).

These changes have been in the making for a while now as we spent numerous days (over many months) carefully looking through our adventure study list content to see where we could make improvements. Because of that, the Adventure Study List has gotten some massive changes, but luckily for us all, they’re all for the better!

If you don’t wish to know the exact details, I can give you the TL;DR on what happened:

  • We added 85 new vocabulary items.
  • We’ve replaced 13 vocabulary items.
  • We’ve removed 57 vocabulary items.
  • We’ve moved up and down 430 items.

For new items: If you unlocked (marked as completed) the corresponding unlocks batch/tile in Adventure, these items have automatically been unlocked for you.

For removed/replaced items: These have been moved to the MaruMori Graveyard Study List. So you can manage them from there if needed.

Let’s get into it!

New Additions (85)

A couple of new vocabulary additions that we felt were pretty important to add and were missing from the list so far. If you unlocked (marked as completed) the corresponding unlocks batch/tile in Adventure, these items have automatically been unlocked for you.

  • Added “おもしろい” to unlocks batch #5.

  • Added “レッサーパンダ” to unlocks batch #6.

  • Added “メガネ” to unlocks batch #7.

  • Added “名字” to unlocks batch #9.

  • Added “ゆっくり” to unlocks batch #11.

  • Added “店長” to unlocks batch #11.

  • Added “ズボン” to unlocks batch #11.

  • Added “化け物” to unlocks batch #14.

  • Added “屋台” to unlocks batch #16.

  • Added “別々” to unlocks batch #17.

  • Added “問う” to unlocks batch #18.

  • Added “~羽” to unlocks batch #19.

  • Added “やばい” to unlocks batch #20.

  • Added “曲” to unlocks batch #20.

  • Added “きっと” to unlocks batch #20.

  • Added “怒り” to unlocks batch #21.

  • Added “痛む” to unlocks batch #22.

  • Added “部活” to unlocks batch #23.

  • Added “有料” to unlocks batch #24.

  • Added “木星” to unlocks batch #24.

  • Added “水星” to unlocks batch #24.

  • Added “土星” to unlocks batch #24.

  • Added “天王星” to unlocks batch #24.

  • Added “海王星” to unlocks batch #24.

  • Added “怒鳴る” to unlocks batch #24.

  • Added “面白い” to unlocks batch #26.

  • Added “予想” to unlocks batch #29.

  • Added “人参” to unlocks batch #29.

  • Added “試みる” to unlocks batch #29.

  • Added “公” to unlocks batch #29.

  • Added “由来” to unlocks batch #30.

  • Added “登校” to unlocks batch #30.

  • Added “告白” to unlocks batch #30.

  • Added “青春” to unlocks batch #30.

  • Added “温かい” to unlocks batch #38.

  • Added “限定” to unlocks batch #38.

  • Added “温める” to unlocks batch #39.

  • Added “真面目” to unlocks batch #40.

  • Added “上司” to unlocks batch #41.

  • Added “口座” to unlocks batch #41.

  • Added “星座” to unlocks batch #41.

  • Added “鼻水” to unlocks batch #42.

  • Added “給食” to unlocks batch #43.

  • Added “きっかけ” to unlocks batch #45.

  • Added “平日” to unlocks batch #46.

  • Added “平気” to unlocks batch #47.

  • Added “天才” to unlocks batch #48.

  • Added “緊急” to unlocks batch #48.

  • Added “くしゃみ” to unlocks batch #48.

  • Added “混ぜる” to unlocks batch #49.

  • Added “混ざる” to unlocks batch #49.

  • Added “混む” to unlocks batch #49.

  • Added “停める” to unlocks batch #50.

  • Added “停まる” to unlocks batch #50.

  • Added “対応” to unlocks batch #50.

  • Added “反応” to unlocks batch #50.

  • Added “面接” to unlocks batch #52.

  • Added “造る” to unlocks batch #53.

  • Added “氷河” to unlocks batch #53.

  • Added “避難” to unlocks batch #56.

  • Added “制服” to unlocks batch #56.

  • Added “登録” to unlocks batch #57.

  • Added “そっくり” to unlocks batch #58.

  • Added “つまり” to unlocks batch #60.

  • Added “防止” to unlocks batch #61.

  • Added “公立” to unlocks batch #63.

  • Added “素敵” to unlocks batch #64.

  • Added “抱きしめる” to unlocks batch #64.

  • Added “採用” to unlocks batch #66.

  • Added “とりあえず” to unlocks batch #70.

  • Added “おしゃれ” to unlocks batch #71.

  • Added “了解” to unlocks batch #71.

  • Added “もともと” to unlocks batch #78.

  • Added “建前” to unlocks batch #80.

  • Added “本音” to unlocks batch #80.

  • Added “花粉症” to unlocks batch #81.

  • Added “爆弾” to unlocks batch #84.

  • Added “たんす” to unlocks batch #86.

  • Added “焦る” to unlocks batch #95.

  • Added “生かす” to unlocks batch #97.

  • Added “距離” to unlocks batch #101.

  • Added “飲食” to unlocks batch #102.

  • Added “説得” to unlocks batch #110.

  • Added “証” to unlocks batch #119.

  • Added “悲鳴” to unlocks batch #136.

Replacements (13)

These items were replaced. Typically because a different form is more common (e.g. usually kana, or with okurigana). The old forms have been moved to the MaruMori Graveyard Study List.

Reminder: In case you wish to directly make any changes to the replaced items (like suspending), you can add the list from the premade study lists section and remove the list afterward. We do not recommend learning anything new from that list!

The new forms will show up in your SRS queue if you unlocked (marked as completed) the corresponding unlocks batch/tile in Adventure. If you do not wish to study them again in their alternative form, you can suspend or mark these items as known from the Adventure study list item management page.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “答” with “答え” in unlocks batch #15.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “終る” with “終わる” in unlocks batch #17.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “決る” with “決まる” in unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “集る” with “集まる” in unlocks batch #19.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “下る” with “下がる” in unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “落す” with “落とす” in unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “楽む” with “楽しむ” in unlocks batch #15.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “歌留多” with “かるた” in unlocks batch #40.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “お目出度う” with “おめでとう” in unlocks batch #51.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “見送り” with “見送る” in unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “暫く” with “しばらく” in unlocks batch #140.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “引受る” with “引き受ける” in unlocks batch #58.

:arrow_right_hook: Replaced “引分け” with “引き分け” in unlocks batch #148.

Removals! (57)

These items were removed from the Adventure Study List and have been transferred to the MaruMori Graveyard Study List.

Reminder: In case you wish to directly make any changes to them (like suspending), you can add the list from the premade study lists section and remove the list afterward. We do not recommend learning anything new from that list!

  • Deleted “わかる” from level 5.

  • Deleted “たばこ屋” from level 15.

  • Deleted “やり直し” from level 15.

  • Deleted “重み” from level 15.

  • Deleted “そうそう” from level 17.

  • Deleted “そんな” from level 17.

  • Deleted “親しみ” from level 17.

  • Deleted “昼下がり” from level 19.

  • Deleted “目茶苦茶” from level 21.

  • Deleted “乗ずる” from level 21.

  • Deleted “東部” from level 22.

  • Deleted “西部” from level 22.

  • Deleted “南部” from level 22.

  • Deleted “末日” from level 22.

  • Deleted “小数点” from level 22.

  • Deleted “月初め” from level 23.

  • Deleted “洋間” from level 25.

  • Deleted “洋酒” from level 25.

  • Deleted “半面” from level 25.

  • Deleted “他面” from level 25.

  • Deleted “三角形” from level 25.

  • Deleted “多角” from level 25.

  • Deleted “文通” from level 25.

  • Deleted “用例” from level 27.

  • Deleted “朝顔” from level 28.

  • Deleted “泣き顔” from level 28.

  • Deleted “真っ最中” from level 29.

  • Deleted “女子生徒” from level 31.

  • Deleted “命日” from level 32.

  • Deleted “席上” from level 33.

  • Deleted “余り” from level 39.

  • Deleted “何時も” from level 43.

  • Deleted “和平” from level 46.

  • Deleted “和語” from level 46.

  • Deleted “内向的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “能動的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “受動的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “法的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “自発的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “相対的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “実用的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “形式的” from level 47.

  • Deleted “得る” from level 48.

  • Deleted “寝冷え” from level 59.

  • Deleted “寝巻き” from level 59.

  • Deleted “支払” from level 73.

  • Deleted “日付” from level 96.

  • Deleted “打つ” from level 98.

  • Deleted “本当” from level 100.

  • Deleted “小父さん” from level 111.

  • Deleted “落着く” from level 112.

  • Deleted “落し物” from level 112.

  • Deleted “捕吏” from level 135.

  • Deleted “始めに” from level 146.

  • Deleted “引出す” from level 148.

  • Deleted “人差指” from level 148.

  • Deleted “広さ” from level 149.

Movements (430)

Now comes the biggest bulk of changes that we’ve made. Moving vocabulary up and down in the list to better suit the typical learning journey on MM.

Here goes!

:arrow_down: Moved “〜か月” from unlocks batch #4 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_right: Moved “女子” from unlocks batch #5 to unlocks batch #5.

:arrow_down: Moved “女らしい” from unlocks batch #5 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_down: Moved “男らしい” from unlocks batch #6 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_right: Moved “母の日” from unlocks batch #6 to unlocks batch #6.

:arrow_right: Moved “半月” from unlocks batch #7 to unlocks batch #7.

:arrow_down: Moved “行楽” from unlocks batch #15 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_down: Moved “一向に” from unlocks batch #16 to unlocks batch #50.

:arrow_down: Moved “両者” from unlocks batch #17 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_down: Moved “急病” from unlocks batch #18 to unlocks batch #62.

:arrow_down: Moved “所有” from unlocks batch #19 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_down: Moved “有機物” from unlocks batch #19 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “無機物” from unlocks batch #19 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “不本意” from unlocks batch #20 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “付け” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #88.

:arrow_up: Moved “急ぐ” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “員” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #17.

:arrow_down: Moved “年表” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #40.

:arrow_up: Moved “動く” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “打つ” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #15.

:arrow_up: Moved “運動” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “起こす” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_down: Moved “嫌悪” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #77.

:arrow_down: Moved “重工業” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #68.

:arrow_down: Moved “工業” from unlocks batch #21 to unlocks batch #120.

:arrow_down: Moved “旅客機” from unlocks batch #22 to unlocks batch #112.

:arrow_down: Moved “客車” from unlocks batch #22 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “定形” from unlocks batch #22 to unlocks batch #65.

:arrow_down: Moved “返上” from unlocks batch #22 to unlocks batch #100.

:arrow_down: Moved “乗用車” from unlocks batch #22 to unlocks batch #132.

:arrow_down: Moved “乗じる” from unlocks batch #22 to unlocks batch #146.

:arrow_down: Moved “結う” from unlocks batch #22 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “飛行場” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #103.

:arrow_right: Moved “工学部” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_right: Moved “理学部” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_down: Moved “英気” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #88.

:arrow_down: Moved “神業” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #95.

:arrow_down: Moved “神父” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #47.

:arrow_down: Moved “神主” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #47.

:arrow_down: Moved “成り行き” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #60.

:arrow_down: Moved “持て成し” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #127.

:arrow_down: Moved “後始末” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #123.

:arrow_down: Moved “不始末” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #147.

:arrow_down: Moved “多数” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #80.

:arrow_down: Moved “大多数” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #55.

:arrow_down: Moved “半数” from unlocks batch #23 to unlocks batch #84.

:arrow_down: Moved “初歩” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #143.

:arrow_down: Moved “初夏” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #142.

:arrow_down: Moved “当初” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #135.

:arrow_down: Moved “配当” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #121.

:arrow_down: Moved “段取り” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #123.

:arrow_down: Moved “ちり取り” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #109.

:arrow_down: Moved “銀紙” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #94.

:arrow_down: Moved “野原” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “川原” from unlocks batch #24 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “選り分ける” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #150.

:arrow_down: Moved “選定” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #83.

:arrow_down: Moved “速やか” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #76.

:arrow_down: Moved “不必要” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “要所” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #74.

:arrow_down: Moved “一段落” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “手落ち” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #148.

:arrow_down: Moved “落ち合う” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #148.

:arrow_down: Moved “集落” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #147.

:arrow_down: Moved “落ちこぼれ” from unlocks batch #25 to unlocks batch #146.

:arrow_down: Moved “洋書” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #146.

:arrow_down: Moved “海面” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #97.

:arrow_down: Moved “赤面” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #97.

:arrow_down: Moved “紙面” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #97.

:arrow_down: Moved “反面” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_up: Moved “市” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #13.

:arrow_down: Moved “支社” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #72.

:arrow_down: Moved “通達” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #146.

:arrow_down: Moved “通夜” from unlocks batch #26 to unlocks batch #148.

:arrow_down: Moved “系列” from unlocks batch #27 to unlocks batch #105.

:arrow_down: Moved “直列” from unlocks batch #27 to unlocks batch #105.

:arrow_down: Moved “前借り” from unlocks batch #27 to unlocks batch #73.

:arrow_down: Moved “都内” from unlocks batch #27 to unlocks batch #91.

:arrow_down: Moved “付加” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #145.

:arrow_down: Moved “か弱い” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #130.

:arrow_down: Moved “病弱” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #129.

:arrow_up: Moved “楽む” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #15.

:arrow_up: Moved “楽しみ” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #15.

:arrow_down: Moved “法人” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #99.

:arrow_down: Moved “無法” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #99.

:arrow_up: Moved “月” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #4.

:arrow_up: Moved “店員” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #17.

:arrow_up: Moved “直す” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_down: Moved “解消” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #147.

:arrow_down: Moved “不可解” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #100.

:arrow_down: Moved “生誕” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #87.

:arrow_up: Moved “直る” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_down: Moved “例年” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #105.

:arrow_down: Moved “先例” from unlocks batch #28 to unlocks batch #137.

:arrow_down: Moved “回想” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #72.

:arrow_down: Moved “不変” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #99.

:arrow_down: Moved “急変” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #85.

:arrow_down: Moved “変形” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #85.

:arrow_down: Moved “参る” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #40.

:arrow_down: Moved “公使” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #124.

:arrow_down: Moved “公定” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #128.

:arrow_up: Moved “運ぶ” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_down: Moved “目玉商品” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #76.

:arrow_down: Moved “商談” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #76.

:arrow_up: Moved “始める” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #14.

:arrow_down: Moved “公約” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #103.

:arrow_down: Moved “不信” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #79.

:arrow_down: Moved “発信” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #79.

:arrow_down: Moved “歩調” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #92.

:arrow_down: Moved “取り調べ” from unlocks batch #29 to unlocks batch #52.

:arrow_down: Moved “入念” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #62.

:arrow_down: Moved “念力” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #80.

:arrow_down: Moved “理念” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #105.

:arrow_down: Moved “念頭” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #105.

:arrow_down: Moved “有り様” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #105.

:arrow_up: Moved “場所” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #19.

:arrow_down: Moved “最上” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #68.

:arrow_up: Moved “間違える” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_down: Moved “登記” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #143.

:arrow_down: Moved “他殺” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #67.

:arrow_down: Moved “原告” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #66.

:arrow_down: Moved “無残” from unlocks batch #30 to unlocks batch #94.

:arrow_down: Moved “上映” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #109.

:arrow_up: Moved “両方” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #17.

:arrow_down: Moved “単に” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #138.

:arrow_down: Moved “雨宿り” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #103.

:arrow_down: Moved “気性” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #104.

:arrow_down: Moved “無性に” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #104.

:arrow_down: Moved “急性” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #104.

:arrow_down: Moved “性急” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #105.

:arrow_down: Moved “好感” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #59.

:arrow_down: Moved “感受性” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #59.

:arrow_down: Moved “感化” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #60.

:arrow_down: Moved “普段着” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #98.

:arrow_down: Moved “戦死” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #85.

:arrow_down: Moved “終戦” from unlocks batch #31 to unlocks batch #85.

:arrow_down: Moved “目覚ましい” from unlocks batch #32 to unlocks batch #92.

:arrow_down: Moved “知覚” from unlocks batch #32 to unlocks batch #94.

:arrow_down: Moved “発覚” from unlocks batch #32 to unlocks batch #95.

:arrow_down: Moved “終着駅” from unlocks batch #33 to unlocks batch #94.

:arrow_down: Moved “強情” from unlocks batch #33 to unlocks batch #58.

:arrow_down: Moved “逃げ足” from unlocks batch #34 to unlocks batch #125.

:arrow_down: Moved “冷ややか” from unlocks batch #34 to unlocks batch #125.

:arrow_down: Moved “関門” from unlocks batch #34 to unlocks batch #125.

:arrow_down: Moved “余談” from unlocks batch #34 to unlocks batch #104.

:arrow_down: Moved “政界” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #104.

:arrow_down: Moved “政局” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #104.

:arrow_down: Moved “思う存分” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #108.

:arrow_down: Moved “歯止め” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #108.

:arrow_down: Moved “横着” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #108.

:arrow_down: Moved “格子” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #66.

:arrow_down: Moved “白熱” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #145.

:arrow_down: Moved “解熱” from unlocks batch #35 to unlocks batch #145.

:arrow_down: Moved “報われる” from unlocks batch #36 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “報いる” from unlocks batch #36 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “電報” from unlocks batch #36 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “差し当たり” from unlocks batch #37 to unlocks batch #98.

:arrow_down: Moved “不断” from unlocks batch #37 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “予断” from unlocks batch #37 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “断じて” from unlocks batch #37 to unlocks batch #96.

:arrow_down: Moved “温もり” from unlocks batch #38 to unlocks batch #53.

:arrow_down: Moved “貸借” from unlocks batch #38 to unlocks batch #72.

:arrow_down: Moved “出願” from unlocks batch #38 to unlocks batch #99.

:arrow_down: Moved “師走” from unlocks batch #38 to unlocks batch #99.

:arrow_down: Moved “地下道” from unlocks batch #39 to unlocks batch #87.

:arrow_down: Moved “意気地” from unlocks batch #39 to unlocks batch #119.

:arrow_down: Moved “着実” from unlocks batch #39 to unlocks batch #120.

:arrow_down: Moved “見過ごす” from unlocks batch #39 to unlocks batch #81.

:arrow_down: Moved “年収” from unlocks batch #39 to unlocks batch #74.

:arrow_down: Moved “不慮” from unlocks batch #40 to unlocks batch #118.

:arrow_up: Moved “辺り” from unlocks batch #40 to unlocks batch #32.

:arrow_up: Moved “集まり” from unlocks batch #40 to unlocks batch #19.

:arrow_up: Moved “表す” from unlocks batch #40 to unlocks batch #21.

:arrow_down: Moved “夢想” from unlocks batch #41 to unlocks batch #118.

:arrow_down: Moved “備考” from unlocks batch #41 to unlocks batch #118.

:arrow_down: Moved “洗練” from unlocks batch #42 to unlocks batch #141.

:arrow_up: Moved “息” from unlocks batch #42 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “生き物” from unlocks batch #42 to unlocks batch #15.

:arrow_down: Moved “祝電” from unlocks batch #43 to unlocks batch #131.

:arrow_down: Moved “初任給” from unlocks batch #43 to unlocks batch #123.

:arrow_down: Moved “弁明” from unlocks batch #43 to unlocks batch #123.

:arrow_down: Moved “答弁” from unlocks batch #43 to unlocks batch #123.

:arrow_down: Moved “弁える” from unlocks batch #43 to unlocks batch #123.

:arrow_down: Moved “際限” from unlocks batch #44 to unlocks batch #125.

:arrow_up: Moved “一生” from unlocks batch #44 to unlocks batch #7.

:arrow_up: Moved “命” from unlocks batch #44 to unlocks batch #33.

:arrow_down: Moved “日和” from unlocks batch #47 to unlocks batch #129.

:arrow_down: Moved “和解” from unlocks batch #47 to unlocks batch #129.

:arrow_up: Moved “動かす” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “内” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #12.

:arrow_up: Moved “笑顔” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_down: Moved “的中” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #113.

:arrow_down: Moved “人道的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #115.

:arrow_down: Moved “後天的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #148.

:arrow_down: Moved “楽天的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #98.

:arrow_down: Moved “社交的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #109.

:arrow_down: Moved “楽観的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_down: Moved “具体的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_down: Moved “文化的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_down: Moved “合理的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_down: Moved “全面的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_down: Moved “経済的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_down: Moved “自主的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #58.

:arrow_down: Moved “客観的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_down: Moved “主観的” from unlocks batch #48 to unlocks batch #54.

:arrow_up: Moved “得る” from unlocks batch #49 to unlocks batch #32.

:arrow_up: Moved “起こる” from unlocks batch #50 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_up: Moved “温度” from unlocks batch #53 to unlocks batch #38.

:arrow_up: Moved “解決” from unlocks batch #53 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “数” from unlocks batch #55 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “数える” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “勝ち” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_down: Moved “準える” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #147.

:arrow_down: Moved “食い込む” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #63.

:arrow_down: Moved “売り込む” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #88.

:arrow_down: Moved “付け込む” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #72.

:arrow_right: Moved “込む” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #56.

:arrow_down: Moved “立て込む” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “丸め込む” from unlocks batch #56 to unlocks batch #132.

:arrow_up: Moved “活動” from unlocks batch #57 to unlocks batch #21.

:arrow_up: Moved “悲しむ” from unlocks batch #57 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_down: Moved “満更” from unlocks batch #58 to unlocks batch #148.

:arrow_up: Moved “可能” from unlocks batch #58 to unlocks batch #33.

:arrow_up: Moved “感じ” from unlocks batch #59 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “感じる” from unlocks batch #59 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_down: Moved “寝相” from unlocks batch #60 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_down: Moved “寝過ごす” from unlocks batch #60 to unlocks batch #149.

:arrow_up: Moved “感心” from unlocks batch #60 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “完成” from unlocks batch #60 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “完全” from unlocks batch #61 to unlocks batch #17.

:arrow_up: Moved “感動” from unlocks batch #61 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “機嫌” from unlocks batch #61 to unlocks batch #21.

:arrow_up: Moved “記念” from unlocks batch #62 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “急に” from unlocks batch #62 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “強調” from unlocks batch #62 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “切れる” from unlocks batch #63 to unlocks batch #8.

:arrow_up: Moved “銀” from unlocks batch #63 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “軍” from unlocks batch #64 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “決定” from unlocks batch #65 to unlocks batch #22.

:arrow_up: Moved “合格” from unlocks batch #66 to unlocks batch #35.

:arrow_up: Moved “広告” from unlocks batch #66 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “後者” from unlocks batch #66 to unlocks batch #49.

:arrow_up: Moved “事” from unlocks batch #67 to unlocks batch #13.

:arrow_up: Moved “断る” from unlocks batch #67 to unlocks batch #37.

:arrow_up: Moved “好み” from unlocks batch #67 to unlocks batch #10.

:arrow_up: Moved “殺す” from unlocks batch #67 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “転ぶ” from unlocks batch #67 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “最高” from unlocks batch #68 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “作業” from unlocks batch #68 to unlocks batch #21.

:arrow_up: Moved “支える” from unlocks batch #68 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “指す” from unlocks batch #69 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “様々” from unlocks batch #69 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “参加” from unlocks batch #70 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “参考” from unlocks batch #70 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_right: Moved “梅雨” from unlocks batch #70 to unlocks batch #70.

:arrow_up: Moved “自然” from unlocks batch #72 to unlocks batch #32.

:arrow_up: Moved “思想” from unlocks batch #72 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “親しい” from unlocks batch #72 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “質” from unlocks batch #72 to unlocks batch #38.

:arrow_up: Moved “支店” from unlocks batch #72 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “自動” from unlocks batch #72 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “支払う” from unlocks batch #73 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “借金” from unlocks batch #73 to unlocks batch #27.

:arrow_up: Moved “集中” from unlocks batch #73 to unlocks batch #19.

:arrow_up: Moved “収入” from unlocks batch #74 to unlocks batch #39.

:arrow_up: Moved “重要” from unlocks batch #74 to unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_up: Moved “少年” from unlocks batch #76 to unlocks batch #8.

:arrow_up: Moved “商売” from unlocks batch #76 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “商品” from unlocks batch #76 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “植物” from unlocks batch #77 to unlocks batch #37.

:arrow_up: Moved “信号” from unlocks batch #79 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “信じる” from unlocks batch #79 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “人生” from unlocks batch #79 to unlocks batch #7.

:arrow_up: Moved “身長” from unlocks batch #79 to unlocks batch #38.

:arrow_up: Moved “人物” from unlocks batch #79 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “数字” from unlocks batch #80 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “過ごす” from unlocks batch #81 to unlocks batch #39.

:arrow_up: Moved “性格” from unlocks batch #81 to unlocks batch #66.

:arrow_up: Moved “前者” from unlocks batch #83 to unlocks batch #49.

:arrow_up: Moved “選手” from unlocks batch #83 to unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_up: Moved “全然” from unlocks batch #83 to unlocks batch #32.

:arrow_up: Moved “大会” from unlocks batch #84 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “代表” from unlocks batch #85 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “大部分” from unlocks batch #85 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “大変” from unlocks batch #85 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “戦い” from unlocks batch #85 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “戦う” from unlocks batch #85 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “束” from unlocks batch #86 to unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_up: Moved “旅” from unlocks batch #86 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “試す” from unlocks batch #86 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “誕生” from unlocks batch #87 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “地下” from unlocks batch #87 to unlocks batch #39.

:arrow_up: Moved “違い” from unlocks batch #87 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “中” from unlocks batch #88 to unlocks batch #5.

:arrow_up: Moved “中心” from unlocks batch #88 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “注文” from unlocks batch #88 to unlocks batch #17.

:arrow_up: Moved “調子” from unlocks batch #88 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “付ける” from unlocks batch #88 to unlocks batch #21.

:arrow_up: Moved “同時” from unlocks batch #90 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “道路” from unlocks batch #91 to unlocks batch #32.

:arrow_up: Moved “都会” from unlocks batch #91 to unlocks batch #27.

:arrow_up: Moved “解く” from unlocks batch #92 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “得意” from unlocks batch #92 to unlocks batch #32.

:arrow_up: Moved “苦手” from unlocks batch #93 to unlocks batch #22.

:arrow_up: Moved “人気” from unlocks batch #94 to unlocks batch #5.

:arrow_up: Moved “人間” from unlocks batch #94 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “能力” from unlocks batch #94 to unlocks batch #33.

:arrow_up: Moved “残す” from unlocks batch #94 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “残り” from unlocks batch #94 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “発表” from unlocks batch #95 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “原” from unlocks batch #96 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “張る” from unlocks batch #96 to unlocks batch #19.

:arrow_up: Moved “判断” from unlocks batch #96 to unlocks batch #37.

:arrow_up: Moved “非常” from unlocks batch #96 to unlocks batch #36.

:arrow_up: Moved “必死” from unlocks batch #96 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “一言” from unlocks batch #97 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “等しい” from unlocks batch #97 to unlocks batch #20.

:arrow_up: Moved “一人一人” from unlocks batch #97 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “表面” from unlocks batch #97 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “普段” from unlocks batch #98 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “船” from unlocks batch #99 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “部分” from unlocks batch #99 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “分野” from unlocks batch #99 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “変化” from unlocks batch #99 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “法” from unlocks batch #99 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “方向” from unlocks batch #99 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “方法” from unlocks batch #100 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “本人” from unlocks batch #100 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “間違い” from unlocks batch #100 to unlocks batch #18.

:arrow_up: Moved “学ぶ” from unlocks batch #100 to unlocks batch #7.

:arrow_up: Moved “守る” from unlocks batch #101 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “見送り” from unlocks batch #101 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_up: Moved “味方” from unlocks batch #101 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_up: Moved “未来” from unlocks batch #101 to unlocks batch #8.

:arrow_up: Moved “向く” from unlocks batch #102 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_up: Moved “向ける” from unlocks batch #102 to unlocks batch #16.

:arrow_up: Moved “命令” from unlocks batch #102 to unlocks batch #33.

:arrow_up: Moved “飯” from unlocks batch #102 to unlocks batch #17.

:arrow_up: Moved “用いる” from unlocks batch #103 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “求める” from unlocks batch #103 to unlocks batch #27.

:arrow_up: Moved “役” from unlocks batch #103 to unlocks batch #20.

:arrow_up: Moved “約” from unlocks batch #103 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “宿” from unlocks batch #103 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “様子” from unlocks batch #104 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “曜日” from unlocks batch #104 to unlocks batch #14.

:arrow_up: Moved “余分” from unlocks batch #104 to unlocks batch #34.

:arrow_up: Moved “料金” from unlocks batch #105 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “例” from unlocks batch #105 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “列” from unlocks batch #105 to unlocks batch #27.

:arrow_up: Moved “列車” from unlocks batch #105 to unlocks batch #27.

:arrow_up: Moved “暴れる” from unlocks batch #107 to unlocks batch #56.

:arrow_up: Moved “余る” from unlocks batch #107 to unlocks batch #34.

:arrow_up: Moved “一旦” from unlocks batch #108 to unlocks batch #20.

:arrow_up: Moved “打合せ” from unlocks batch #109 to unlocks batch #15.

:arrow_up: Moved “映す” from unlocks batch #109 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “映る” from unlocks batch #109 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “売り切れ” from unlocks batch #109 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “各々” from unlocks batch #112 to unlocks batch #22.

:arrow_up: Moved “お参り” from unlocks batch #112 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “温泉” from unlocks batch #113 to unlocks batch #38.

:arrow_up: Moved “固まる” from unlocks batch #118 to unlocks batch #39.

:arrow_up: Moved “感想” from unlocks batch #119 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “休業” from unlocks batch #120 to unlocks batch #21.

:arrow_up: Moved “配る” from unlocks batch #121 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “組み立てる” from unlocks batch #122 to unlocks batch #39.

:arrow_up: Moved “月給” from unlocks batch #123 to unlocks batch #43.

:arrow_right: Moved “月末” from unlocks batch #123 to unlocks batch #123.

:arrow_up: Moved “気配” from unlocks batch #123 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “公式” from unlocks batch #124 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “後輩” from unlocks batch #125 to unlocks batch #33.

:arrow_up: Moved “作成” from unlocks batch #127 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “再来月” from unlocks batch #128 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “再来週” from unlocks batch #128 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “三角” from unlocks batch #128 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “仕上がる” from unlocks batch #128 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “四角” from unlocks batch #128 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “下書き” from unlocks batch #129 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “実力” from unlocks batch #129 to unlocks batch #47.

:arrow_up: Moved “氏名” from unlocks batch #129 to unlocks batch #47.

:arrow_up: Moved “弱点” from unlocks batch #130 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “祝日” from unlocks batch #131 to unlocks batch #43.

:arrow_up: Moved “乗車” from unlocks batch #132 to unlocks batch #22.

:arrow_up: Moved “商店” from unlocks batch #132 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “森林” from unlocks batch #133 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “生年月日” from unlocks batch #135 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “前後” from unlocks batch #135 to unlocks batch #9.

:arrow_up: Moved “建つ” from unlocks batch #137 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “例える” from unlocks batch #137 to unlocks batch #29.

:arrow_up: Moved “頼もしい” from unlocks batch #137 to unlocks batch #21.

:arrow_up: Moved “単数” from unlocks batch #138 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “団地” from unlocks batch #138 to unlocks batch #42.

:arrow_up: Moved “伝わる” from unlocks batch #140 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “手洗い” from unlocks batch #141 to unlocks batch #42.

:arrow_up: Moved “点数” from unlocks batch #142 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “問い合わせ” from unlocks batch #143 to unlocks batch #24.

:arrow_up: Moved “登場” from unlocks batch #143 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “治す” from unlocks batch #144 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “仲直り” from unlocks batch #144 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “仲良し” from unlocks batch #145 to unlocks batch #30.

:arrow_up: Moved “亡くす” from unlocks batch #145 to unlocks batch #31.

:arrow_up: Moved “日用品” from unlocks batch #145 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “熱する” from unlocks batch #145 to unlocks batch #35.

:arrow_up: Moved “年度” from unlocks batch #146 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “上り” from unlocks batch #146 to unlocks batch #22.

:arrow_up: Moved “生える” from unlocks batch #146 to unlocks batch #7.

:arrow_up: Moved “外れる” from unlocks batch #146 to unlocks batch #7.

:arrow_up: Moved “発売” from unlocks batch #147 to unlocks batch #28.

:arrow_up: Moved “花火” from unlocks batch #147 to unlocks batch #10.

:arrow_up: Moved “放れる” from unlocks batch #147 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “早口” from unlocks batch #147 to unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_up: Moved “流行る” from unlocks batch #147 to unlocks batch #56.

:arrow_up: Moved “反省” from unlocks batch #148 to unlocks batch #48.

:arrow_up: Moved “日帰り” from unlocks batch #148 to unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_up: Moved “引受る” from unlocks batch #148 to unlocks batch #58.

:arrow_up: Moved “引っ込む” from unlocks batch #148 to unlocks batch #56.

:arrow_up: Moved “一休み” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_up: Moved “皮肉” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #26.

:arrow_up: Moved “日日” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #23.

:arrow_up: Moved “日の入り” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #5.

:arrow_up: Moved “冷やす” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #34.

:arrow_up: Moved “標準” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #56.

:arrow_up: Moved “平仮名” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #49.

:arrow_up: Moved “昼寝” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #60.

:arrow_up: Moved “広げる” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #22.

:arrow_up: Moved “広場” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #20.

:arrow_up: Moved “広める” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #25.

:arrow_up: Moved “風船” from unlocks batch #149 to unlocks batch #19.

:arrow_up: Moved “不規則” from unlocks batch #150 to unlocks batch #47.

:arrow_up: Moved “普及” from unlocks batch #150 to unlocks batch #37.

:arrow_up: Moved “付近” from unlocks batch #150 to unlocks batch #25.

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Changes to EXP required for levels 60-100

Hey all! Just a quick announcement to note that we’ve made some changes to the EXP required per level from level 60 to 100 (prestige).

Previously, each level would require an increasing amount of EXP, and this continued compounding all the way through to 100, meaning that 60-100 was a particular slog, and that level 50 was really nowhere near the halfway mark.

To even things out a bit, we’ve removed increasing EXP from 60-100, so each level in that range will simply require the same flat rate. This means that it will take the same amount of EXP to go from level 88 to 89, for example, as it will to go from level 60 to 61.

This also means that users in the 60-100 range received a bit of a bump in level, which may have even pushed some of you over the edge to 100! :eyes: So if you suddenly noticed that you’ve levelled up, never fear, it’s not a goblin in the system!

And for the exclusive prestige pandas (and one prestige 2 panda) out there, you’ve received the difference in EXP to level 100 multiplied by your prestige level. Prestige 1 users can expect around 15k extra, and prestige 2, 30k.

That’s all for now,

Happy studies!

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N3 content drop


Can you believe that January is almost over already? It seems like just yesterday we were celebrating the new year, making resolutions, and reflecting back on all our progress in 2024. Oh well, all good things must come to an end, and most resolutions (it seems), must be broken. Yes, yes, I already caved and went to town on some delicious choco-chip banana bread. I don’t want to hear it.

This week’s batch is, as usual, full of essential grammar points for you to add to your toolkit. For instance, there’s 別に, for expressing teenage angst (among other things), ~気がする, “tell me how you really feel!”, as well as often the slippery adverb, むしろ. The content team is quite proud of this batch of lessons, so be sure to let us know what you think in the comments, or on Discord!

What’s more, practice indispensable vocabulary such as 武士 (“warrior”), 出版 (“publication”), and everyone’s favorite, (あの)野郎 (“(that darn) guy”), in this batch’s reading lesson which spans a Japanese bakery, a book award, and the “Imperial Marathon”.

That’s all for now, and as always,

Happy studies! :star_struck:


New Mobile Apps Update - v1.0.5 - Push Notifications, Level Up & Achievement modals and more!

Hi all!

A new mobile app update went live! And some of you might have noticed already, but Maru now reminds you of your reviews through push notifications! But that’s not all, we’ve also got a bunch of bugfixes and things like the level-up and achievement modals in there! Again one step closer to feature parity with the website!

Let’s take a look!

New Features

  • Push Notifications - That’s right! Maru will now remind you of your pending reviews! (Better get to it!!) Maru will only send you a message if you have any new reviews pending.

  • Level Up Modal - The mobile app now also celebrates your level up! Featuring a level up modal similar to the one on the website!

  • Achievement Modal - When you unlock an achievement, the mobile app will now also show you a nice modal to let you know about it!

  • Unlocks Notifications - For newly unlocked badges and titles it will now show a toast notification at the top of the screen to let you know that you unlocked something!

  • Home - You can now pull down to refresh the page data

  • Study Lists Overview - You can now pull down to refresh the page data.

  • Home - When re-opening the app, it will now refresh the home page if you were on the home page.

Bug Fixes:

  • Grammar Library - Grammar Point Details - The link to the corresponding Grammar Lesson now works properly.

  • SRS - Kanji - Fixed an issue where Kunyomi “Used In” Vocabulary was missing for some kanji.

  • Conjugation Trainer - Now properly trims whitespace before checking your answer.

  • SRS - Lessons - Grammar Example Sentences will now properly change when going to the next lesson.

  • Grammar Lessons - Fixed an issue with furigana rendering.

  • Grammar Lessons - Info Component - Title text will no longer go out of bounds.

  • SRS & Dictionary - Fixed an issue where it would sometimes display duplicate pitch accents if the vocab was kana-only.

  • Discord Login - Adventure - (Hopefully) Fixed an issue where Maru and level tiles would sometimes disappear after a few days when using the Discord Login.

  • Grammar SRS - Unscramble - Adaptive Furigana - Furigana should no longer be displayed on fake tokens unless you do not know the correct token vocabulary. This would sometimes spoil what the correct token would be.

Anddd, that’s about it for now! Next up for the mobile apps are some of the missing screens (Settings, Profile, Statistics, Kana Minigame, etc) emoji-/images/emojis/marubabi.png


I love this new update so much! X3

I updated my iphone to ios 18.3 but now I have problems with the Kitsun app when doing reviews the audio won’t play and the play audio button does nothing.