I was in a similar situation two months ago, when I came back from a one year break from WK and everything Japanese. No two learners are the same, I think, and as for me, I decided to just take on the review pile head on. I didn’t use the reorder script to go through the kanji by level, but I used it to get reading-meaning of one kanji / one vocab right after another. This way it didn’t feel as random.
At first I was getting an accuracy of maybe 30-40 percent, but also a lot of burns, and now, nearly two months in, I have my new lessons down to 41 (I actually did my level 19 radicals today!) and am at an accuracy of 90+ again with normal review count. If you decide not to reset, it is crucial to not do any new lessons until you have your review pile under control and your apprentice count down to at least 150.
It really worked for me (though it was a bit frustrating, especially after getting the review pile down to zero only to have it jump up to 500 again pretty soon), and I don’t know, maybe it would have been easier, if I had reset maybe 3-5 levels. But I’m happy with the turn-out, so.
As long as you start again, I’m sure you’ll be fine, no matter which way you decide to go! Although I agree, resetting to level 1 would probably be a bit too drastic and not necessary.
If you want some more opinions, I also did a thread where some people shared their journey through similar hardships.