🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Winter 2023 ❄ 🧤

:snowman: :snowflake: MissDagger’s Home Post :snowflake: :snowman:

:blue_book: my bookmeter profile :closed_book: my study log :green_book:

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:snowman: :snowflake: DATE :snowflake: :snowman: :speaker:
Home Post

TITLE :emoji:

Challenge Plan

The plan!

My plan was to start in February but as often the case, I just kinda started listening to stuff and I guess I got started?!?!

So my plan is not very complicated. I have no specific goal except get better at listening comprehension. :joy:

I will probably be trying a few different podcasts to find 1-2 that are the right level that are interesting. So I might end up only listening to one episode and figure out it is a bit above my head. On my log, I have a list of podcasts and grammar resources (in Japanese) that I want to try and see how they work for me. I’ll be trying them out one at a time until I find a couple that works for me.

My hope is to focus on the reading challenge first, but on the other hand, I usually find time to listen to something in the middle of my day, while reading is generally evening activity. I’m not really a podcast listener, so I will probably only spend a little time on listening each day, and I won’t be going for full comprehension, instead I want to train my brain to recognize everything it already knows in text in spoken form. :joy:

My listening is sooooo far behind my reading. :joy:

So yeah, I don’t have specific goals, instead for this first challenge, I just want to build the habit and see where that gets me.

What I am Listening to

Video: Comprehensible Japanese, Intermediate :shinto_shrine:
Podcast: Sayuri Saying Everyday :tanabata_tree:
Podcast: Tomo’s Real Japanese Talk :teacher:
Podcast: Easy Japanese :rice_cracker:
Podcast: YUYUの日本語podcast :headphones:
Video: にゃんテレNEWS :cat2:
Anime: ロマンティック・キラー :cupid:
Anime: Cardcaptor Sakura :sparkles:
TV Show: ミステリと言う勿れ :curly_hair:
Game: Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild :shield:
Numbers/digit comprehension :1234:
Assorted/random (including animes I don’t plan to keep watching) :ear:
Missed/nothing :mute:

What I’ve Listened to Each Day

02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 :shinto_shrine: 17 :shinto_shrine: 18 :cat2: :ear: 19 :headphones: 20 :shinto_shrine: 21 :loud_sound: 22 :rice_cracker: :tanabata_tree: :cat2:
23 :mute: 24 :shinto_shrine: 25 :mute: 26 :ear: 27 :shinto_shrine: 28 :mute: 29 :tanabata_tree:
30 :shinto_shrine: 31 :tanabata_tree:
01 :tanabata_tree: 02 :mute: 03 :mute: 04 :mute: 05 :shield:
06 :teacher: 07 :shield: 08 :mute: 09 :teacher: :1234: :cupid: 10 :curly_hair: 11 :ear: 12 :ear:
13 :sparkles: 14 15 16 17 18 19
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
27 28