🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Aug 5, Fri of Week 6 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

Today’s story is お豊虫 (:studio_microphone:).

Story impression

Pretty sure the islands mentioned in this story are 伊豆七島(いずしちとう) and 八丈島(はちじょうじま).

テントウムシダマシ (偽瓢虫) is a long vocabulary, that can probably be broken down into 天道虫🐞 (瓢虫) + ダマシ, where 天道(てんとう) means the Sun. The latter part (ダマシ) comes from (だま)し. [1]

Yesterday, I finished となりの怪物くん series.


The story is OK, and with romance; if not for wild, eccentric, male MC . Occasionally, I feel that the story isn’t progressing. The ani-songs and illustrations are OK, although I don’t really like the OP song.

Also, the ending was unexpected. [2]

So I will need to find a next series with JP sub.

Also tried watching an episode of Kimi ni Todoke (no sub). Somehow I struggled with this one more than Hunter x Hunter (1999). I generally love sweet stories, but I don’t like Sawako’s hoarse voice .

  1. Wiktionary: (Can this(+) etymology be sourced?) ↩︎

  2. It didn’t really end… ↩︎