🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Jul 29, Fri of Week 5 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

Today’s story is 聞き違い (:studio_microphone:) from 島根県.

Story impression

It’s about the language rather than forgetting.

Nonetheless, everything is easily solved if 愚か者 can solve the nuisance by himself .

Yesterday, I didn’t do much, other than watching those Obey Me!

I was trying to automate converting a passage to a list of vocabularies. [1] Sometimes, most vocabularies are known, but I still can’t listen well enough. Also, I should have focused more on things beneficial to learning. (Also, there are probably already these kind of tools?)

  1. The tool is here, but the real problem was when trying to launch the website. ↩︎