🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Jul 23, Sat of Week 4 of Summer :beach_umbrella: 2022

Today’s story is カニ寺 (:studio_microphone:).

This person has a blog, and should be about 91 by now. Also, it’s probably the first time I hear the website’s name being pronounced.

So far, I can’t find where カニ寺 is, and there are many places of 海岸寺 and 小沢村.

Story impression

OSHO :facepunch:, destroyer of KANI :crab:

I think those Katakana sentences are

  • 「お手に籠手とは鎚の事なり。喝!」
  • 「大足は二足、両足は六足、両眼は天をむく。これイカに」

Actually, I listened to さとり(の化け物) as well, but isn’t impressed enough with the storyline.

Yesterday, I listened to the playlist (りっきぃの夜話) from another day while running on threadmill in my workplace.

Then, I watched anime on Netflix. With an aid of Language Reactor, not only rewinding is easy, but also vocabulary tagging and phrase tagging. But after some point, I feel it can be overdone… I might just need to adapt, but then, Language Reactor’s dictionary isn’t on par with Yomichan, and even then, I usually look up further (on Goo / web search).

Then, I watched another episode, simply on a tablet. Rewinding by 10 seconds, rather than by a line of text, isn’t a big deal.