🔉 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge (Summer Edition) 🏖

Finally (after having been busy for a multitude of reasons) I’ve managed to set up my home post for this challenge!

What happened so far:

  • I had a Japanese lesson on the 1st
  • Unfortunately I did not listen to anything on the 2nd
  • I sat JLPT (with 50 min. of listening) on the 3rd
  • I listened to Kiki’s Delivery Service on the 4th - 7th (chapters 1 - 5)
  • I spent three days (almost 24/7) with Japanese friends on the 8th - 10th

From tomorrow, I will continue with Kiki and/or start listening to some of the videos that y’all recommended - Youkai and animals sound super interesting and I’m looking forward to them!