🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱

:cherry_blossom: Day 53, 5 月 23 日 :herb:

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:hibiscus: Comprehensible Japanese

Continuing the trend of seeing grammar points I learned recently everywhere I look. This time it was about giving and receiving verbs - fittingly found in a video about christmas presents.


23/05/2023 :fairy:t5: Home Post Link

one episode from Japanese with Shun


May 23rd!

Today I listened to 3 episodes of JapanesePod101’s Lower Intermediate series.
There has been a story arc over the last few episodes, which is about an older couple sending each other postcards.
The language is kind of flowery, with lots of Keigo, but I’m pleased by how much I can follow along with the storyline.

(Home Post)

21 - 極主夫道 ep 7
22 - 極主夫道 ep 8

:hot_pepper: May 23

Put an hour and a half into Zero Escape: 999 today. Looping back from the beginning I focused on listening. Checking text periodically if I missed something.


:cherry_blossom: :seedling: 5月22日 -23日 :seedling: :cherry_blossom: (Home Post Link)

5/22 - some more YUYUの日本語Podcast while at work + some music and an episode of gundam (w subs)
5/23 - rewatched that pickling lemons in sugar/honey video from a few weeks ago because I got some new mason jars and wanted to make sure I was doing it right

top is 砂糖, bottom is ハチミツ, we’ll find out in a week how this goes!


:cherry_blossom: Day 54, 5 月 24 日 :herb:

:headphones: Back to my Home Post

:hibiscus: Comprehensible Japanese - 桜の一年
Sakura trees! A fun and relatively easy video, though I found a fun grammar point that I wanna look up.

It’s nice to have common nouns and verbs repeated in various contexts. Watching videos seems to help much more with that than reading many example sentences. I suppose because the work of visualizing the meaning of the example sentence is taken on by the video instead of the learner, freeing up some cognitive load.


May 24, Wed of Week 9 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

Parade 3 - 1-5 [1/4]. Repeated while reading the text. Time-bookmarked in Audiobook.jp accordingly. Actually, I am visibly troubled this time.


24/05/2023 :fairy:t5: Home Post Link

nothing interesting again, just another episode from Japanese with Shun


:cherry_blossom: :seedling: 5月24日 :seedling: :cherry_blossom: (Home Post Link)

Today I finally got around to starting something that I was sort of hoping to be doing this whole challenge, and that is the 新完全マスターN3 Listening practice book. I knew getting into these would be hard, since I haven’t really done any test-practice type listening before, so kinda just kept kicking the can down the road. Probably only going to do one of these per day for now, since I need to re-listen and then listen with transcript and look up words and re-listen and all that :melting_face:


  • 新完全マスター 例題1 - the speaking is clear and slow enough, but I just legitimately didn’t know enough of the words to understand at first. Can’t say I’ve heard any vtubers talk a lot about revising manuscripts for presentations before :sweat_smile:
  • some mio minecraft: ~15 minutes

May 24th!

Today I watched Episode 3 of MASHLE (With English Subs), and also listened to an episode of Nihongo con Teppei for beginners.

(Home Post)


Summary Post

May 23rd
What did I listen to?: Yakiniku for one
How much time did I spend listening?: ~9 min

May 24th
What did I listen to?: Akane goes to Kamakura
How much time did I spend listening?: ~17 min

This one made me so happy, I’ve been to Kamakura twice so I recognized a lot of things and places :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I would go there again even though I’ve been twice lol, it’s just so pretty there~


I started watching 勝手にふるえてろ and it’s actually pretty hard! Lots of fast speech, talking about nonsense, references to tv shows, etc. The slow parts are easy but the fast parts I’m hanging on only due to the Japanese subs.

That said, it’s super fun. Here’s the trailer:

It’s currently on Viki for anyone wanting to check it out.


:cherry_blossom: Day 55, 5 月 25 日 :herb:

:headphones: Back to my Home Post

:hibiscus: Comprehensible Japanese - 紙を使ってする動作
Suuuper long episode today, I had to pause a lot. But it’s about stationary again! Well, paper, mostly. Really interesting, as it asked the viewer to participate as well (using the TPR technique). Very fun!


May 25, Thu of Week 9 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

歴史 [76-77/90] - 世界恐慌

Places and names

Parade 3 - 6-11 [2/4].


Summary Post

May 25th
What did I listen to?: Akane goes to Enoshima
How much time did I spend listening?: ~12 min

A logical follow-up to the Kamakura video! I have not been to Enoshima, but now I want to go there, it seems chill :relieved: Also THE KITTY 御朱印帳 AKJHLJFKHSKDHDKS I need it, I love 御朱印 and I love kitties :face_holding_back_tears:


May 25th!

Another lesson today - I normally have 1-2 lessons in a week, but this week I got the opportunity to have 2 extra lessons with new teachers so I jumped on that chance!

Today I had a free talk session with one of these new teachers and it was really fun. We talked about the town I live in, and discovered that we had very similar tastes in manga so we compared our favourite characters from some of the series we had both enjoyed :slight_smile:

(Home Post)


25/05/2023 :fairy:t5: Home Post Link

Japanese with Shun - 1 ep


Been meaning to get some listening done but I could never get it in. Today I listened/watched Akane’s latest vid about a trip in Okinawa:

I feel I am way too over reliant on the JP subtitles, when reading them I understand about 80%, but if I look away and just listen it’s not even half that, like 35% or so. And that that I do pick up from listening always seems to be the same words/phrases. Come on brain, it’s time to learn some new words now.

Also, vlogs always seem to have a food section, which always makes me hungry. Now I crave the noodle but all I have is bread for lunch, perhaps if I were to procure some noodle for later… :thinking:


May 26, Fri of Week 9 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

Parade 3 - 12-15 [3/4].

歴史 [78-79/90] - 日中戦争

Places and names

:cherry_blossom: Day 56, 5 月 26 日 :herb:

:headphones: Back to my Home Post

:hibiscus: Comprehensible Japanese - 平日と週末
Nice video about the things people do differently on the weekdays and the weekend.