🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱

28/04/2023 :fairy: Home Post Link

Watched a regular walk and talk video from Speak Japanese Naturally. I really want to go to 神田神保町 now TT

The difficulty level in the video was just right, I understood most of it and learned some too. But I coudn’t really watch the video because there were too many fast movements. I feel super dizzy after watching it lol


Apr 28, Fri of Week 5 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

こころ (夏目漱石) : (下) 先生と遺書 Ch.25-28.

YUYU Podcast on 源氏と平氏 (日本史 3-4). Looks complex with lots of people and relationship. Will probably repeat later.


Also watched the video that @prath shared:

Thanks for sharing! :books:

I was instantly sold on hearing that it was a place just full of bookstores. So amazing. I really like this channel too, the Japanese is so soft and clear, makes it really helpful to understand! I almost forget that I’m supposed to be learning.

And here’s a bonus vid that was in my YT suggestions.

An extremely important news story about a capybara who fell asleep in warm, cosy water and forgot breathing didn’t work underwater.


hsjsjjs omg that was the cutest video ever :sob:

I feel the same way! That’s actually one of the main reasons I love watching random videos from that channel. The walk and talk in the parks are my favourite because it’s super relaxing, warm, and so so nice :')


The news announcer had a hard time keeping a straight face as well :rofl:


:cherry_blossom: Day 28, 4 月 28 日 :herb:

:headphones: Back to my Home Post

Some more tongue twisters. Here’s the ones I attempted (the others were way too crazy).

  • 赤巻紙青巻紙黄巻紙 - this is only hard because in spoken Japanese you don’t actually really pause between words
  • かえる ぴょこぴょこ みぴょこぴょこ。あわせて ぴょこぴょこ むぴょこぴょこ。- what is this. They provide a translation, but… does not compute. Fun to say tho.
  • 庭には二羽鶏がいる - this is really neat because you’d think this would be hard to understand but the pitch is different! That was interesting to hear.

April 28th!

Today I watched an episode of Rilakkuma’s Theme Park adventure and had a class with my tutor.
I also couldn’t resist watching the news story about a capybara that @zakarius linked above. It was very cute.

(Home Post)


:cherry_blossom: :seedling: 4月27日 :seedling: :cherry_blossom: (Home Post Link)


Good Words:
ごぼう ー great burdock
八丁味噌(はっちょうみそ)ー hatcho miso; dark miso variety produced in Aichi Prefecture​
相性(あいしょう)ー affinity; compatibility
出汁(だし)ー spelling of dashi i haven’t seen before


:hot_pepper: April 28

Added two hours Zero Escape: 999 today. Maybe as little as forty minutes included listening practice though. Enter puzzle mode with much unvoiced descriptive text.
Somewhat near the beginning of my day I watched a video that @Zakarius shared about an adorable capybara. Towards the end of my day I rewatched said video. A Good day


Apr 29, Sat of Week 5 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

歴史 [36-38/90] - 安土桃山時代. Coming next is 江戸時代.

Places and names

日本語の森 debate on N1 vs N2.

YUYU Podcast on 日本の起こりと大和政権 (弥生・古墳).


Glad to hear that everyone found the capybara news flash as amusing and as cute as I did! :grin:

Listeningwise, last night I watched that samurai period drama thing I mentioned.

It’s called: 吉宗評判記 暴れん坊将軍 or Yoshimune Chronicle: The Unfettered Shogun.

This thing is pretty old (and very famous by the looks of it), it’s from 1978, and if you didn’t look that up before watching then you certainly would know with that spaghetti western theme music that blares in as soon as it starts. And everything is just so… 70s, it’s amusing how that very over the top style of 70s media was even prevalent in Japanese period dramas about samurai and shoguns.

I thought this might have been a mini-series or something, maybe 12 episodes or perhaps even a 24 full length. But no, I checked Wikipedia and…


Oh… I see…

This is on the same official YT channel (Toei) that had the Yo-Yo girl show, they have episode two of Yoshimune but I haven’t looked for any others (not that I think I’ll tackle this 831 episode behemoth). It seems they put a couple of episodes of a show on here to try and entice you to go to the main paid channel and watch the rest.
Oh it says right here on the about section: “Only episodes one and two are available for viewing at any time.”

English subtitles are available on this vid and I’m pretty certain that I turned them on more than I turned them off. Firstly, it’s set in the 1700s, with royalty. So lots of old and extremely polite speech. Secondly, there are a lot of oldish guys in it, speaking that lv.100 Japanese.
One guy, not only has the super slurry, mushy old guy talk, but has upped his game and sounds like he’s shoved about 10 sheets of kitchen roll in his mouth so you really have no idea what he is saying.

I only really fully recognised bits and pieces here and there, perhaps like 10%. I mostly relied on the subtitles. But it was pretty fun nevertheless. Basically it seems the shogun goes around looking for corruption in the government ranks by posing as a regular ol’ citizen. He does the classic superhero routine of “wearing extremely ordinary clothes but looks exactly the same and no one questions anything”, that may be commoner samurai garb he’s wearing but he still keeps his exquisitely royal sideburns and eyebrows with his powdered face, but the general public are like “I have no idea who you are, but that new shogun, he’s a right nimwit am I right??”, and shogun man just smiles his big smile knowing he’s fooled them all. Except mysteriously mysterious ronin, he knows everyone’s secrets.

I put the second episode in my watch later, but that list is very long, so I’ll try and remember to watch it before then.


:cherry_blossom: Day 29, 4 月 29 日 :herb:

:headphones: Back to my Home Post

:mount_fuji: Nihongo con Teppei - Episode 10
Only one episode today, I’m exhausted. No brainpower left to comprehend anything more difficult.


April 29th!

I watched episode 7 of Rilakkuma’s Theme Park Adventure today. Only one more episode left!
Not sure what I’m going to watch next. I’ve been enjoying the length of these episodes, which are about 15 minutes-ish long.

(Home Post)


29/04/2023 :fairy: Home Post Link

Finished an episode from Nihongo Con Teppei and watched random YouTube shots in Japanese (grammar explanations & food).


Having not finished any shows recently I decided to start a new one, naturally. Invisible, presumably Japanese title of インビジブル based on a character name, is a thriller cop drama with a very light touch of both comedy and moralizing. It seems they shy away from graphic violence so nothing to really worry about there. @omk3 you might like this? Unsure. It’s a pretty basic cop drama so far, but the plot is interesting enough and there’s no fantasy element. Same lead actor as Heaven & Hell.

Ah, my favorite.


:hot_pepper: April 29

Set out to finish this week’s Zero Escape: 999 scenes in one day today. After more than five hours at it I’m not there yet. I felt like I was moving fast through some sections too. Just have to wrap it tomorrow. Couldn’t focus it on any further.


:cherry_blossom: :seedling: 4月29日 :seedling: :cherry_blossom: (Home Post Link)


  • A Short Hike - RTA in Japan ex #2 - YouTube - saw there were some new RTA event vods today, and picked one to watch before bed. Guy talks about as fast as he plays, no idea how he’s executing such a precise looking speedrun route while being able to talk as much as he does :laughing: I’m pretty he kept saying 黄金の羽, but my brain kept hearing something else every time he said it, just absolutely not processing correctly

Apr 30, Sun of Week 5 of Spring Q2 2023 :cherry_blossom:

Listening Test at a flower shop, from Speak Japanese Naturally.

こころ (夏目漱石) : (下) 先生と遺書 Ch.29-32.

YUYU Podcast on 宮本武蔵 and 五輪書; and then on ゆるキャン△.


April 29-30 :crescent_moon: :headphones:

Yesterday and today I listened to the remaining seven dreams from 夢十夜 while reading along.

I may also have bought another audiobook (硝子の塔の殺人) while it was on 50% discount on audiobook.jp. It seems to be a more dramatized version that the one available on Audible, but there was a discount, and I had some coins, so…:see_no_evil:

Thanks, I’ll give it a go. I had watched the first few minutes when I first noticed it on Netflix, but then realized I was in no mood to watch anything at that moment, and somehow never returned to give it a fair chance.


There are two versions already?! It’s a very recent book. I have the Audible version and while it’s “everyone gets their own voice actor” there’s not really sound effects or anything as I recall.