🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Spring 2023 🌼 🌱

Home Post :hatching_chick:

April 19th
I listened to Nihongo con Teppei episodes 145-150 and Japanese with Shun episodes 6, 7 and 9.
Episodes 7 and 9 were very similar because they covered the topics work and dreams as a child respectively. So he ended up talking about his work in both of them.

April 20th
I couldn’t resist watching the puppy video. :dog: So cute! Thank you, @Zakarius!
Afterwards I watched Akanes Kanagawa vlog but I didn’t like it. It seemed like there were two paid promotions going on in the same video which felt a bit too much for my taste. They also started speaking chinese at one point.
My understanding was okay I think. It wasn’t as good as other videos I’ve watched so far but it wasn’t terrible. (Of course I didn’t understand the chinese part at all because I don’t study the language. But at least I got a bit of reading practice because I tried reading the japanese subtitles instead.)