🔊 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Fall 2022 🍁

:fallen_leaf: :headphones: softlyraining’s leaf pile listens :maple_leaf: :studio_microphone:

October 4th

Had a massive headache this morning. I made it through an episode on Satori Reader and the following grammar video from Sambon Juku. (It did eventually go away, which I’m very grateful for.) A point he mentions in the video is that, with words that end in ん, instead of it being something like 〜んって, it becomes 〜んて (for example, 日本ていう国 instead of 日本っていう国), which I guess I’ve never really noticed before except with 何て.

I can’t say I know how they went about it, but there’s likely several reasons for this. Both subs and dubs work within a limit: for subtitles, there’s a given character limit depending on the length of the spoken line, and for dubbing, the limit is for the rhythm of the mouth movements. Sometimes you can squeeze a little more into a subtitle than you can with a spoken line. Additionally, it’s not unusual for the script that goes to the dub director to wind up being changed as the actors record their lines; maybe the original is too long, or reads better than it does spoken, for instance, so they need to rewrite it. Only closed captions will match spoken dialogue.

I did get to translate a dub script for my translation class last semester. It was even harder than the subtitle work we usually do, but maybe that was because I was a total noob at it. :person_shrugging: