:Loud_sound: 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Autumn 2024 🍄 🪵

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 10月4日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Nihongo con Teppei 148 > 155 ~30min
Anime w/ subs Various >1h



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Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-10-04 :woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 1 Episode
:vhs: 16
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m

Another episode of Frieren. Of course it’s the day after I comment on the two chapters per episode pace that they fall behind that pace lol, but probably not so much that it’s going to deviate majorly, I’m guessing they just felt the missing end of the chapter worked better as the start of an episode.

Also it wasn’t until hearing ゴリラ out loud that it clicked it’s meant to be gorilla and not just a fantasy/german name. So I checked and アゴヒゲ is goatee.


October 4th :calling:
Home post

I wanted to start playing Famicom Detective Club on my switch for listening/reading practice but accidentally bought it from the American store so it is only in English :sob: :sob: I guess the voice acting will still be Japanese though so I could try just listening first and then reading the translation




・ひだまりが聴こえる    ー幸福論ー「第一話」「第二話」「第三話」「第四話」

I only intended to listen to the first two today, but then I ended up listening to the third as well, and then I had to listen to the fourth too after where it left off. I did start zoning out periodically, but oh well.

Anyway, old man speech really is difficult to make out, isn’t it.


:steam_locomotive: back to my home post

:star: 10月04日 Material Time
:potted_plant: YUYUの日本語 podcast 35min
:coffee: コーヒーが冷めないうちに audiobook 40min

Still haven’t forgotten the rules of the time travel in コーヒーが冷めない, but in case I do, it’s repeated them about 8 more times.


Home Post


Total Listening - 27 mins

Just a short one yesterday.



My regular grammar review:

Sayuri Saying Everyday Podcast
Workation in Hokkaido: Balancing Work and Nature #237

Didn’t have time to listen to American life & do a summary today so listened to a different podcast


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 10月5日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Bartender Glass of God Anime ~2h
Nihongo con Teppei Podcast ~30min

It’s weekend so I watched a lot of anime to relax


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Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-10-05 :woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 1 Episode
:vhs: 17
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m

Today was… another episode of Frieren! At least I’m being consistent :stuck_out_tongue: Maybe I’ll get some gaming time in tomorrow.




・ひだまりが聴こえる    ー幸福論ー「第五話」「第六話」

omg, I thought I recognized Chiba’s voice yesterday—it is Yorimichi! He’s voiced by Hamano Daiki, who voiced Kuroba Yorimichi in 2.43, cousin of Yuni who’s voiced by Enoki Junya a.k.a. Taichi.

Anyway, both these chapters were pretty long—they totaled over 50 minutes.


October 4th

Tried an anime about a snack bar on amazon Japan. Didn’t really like it, the humor was a miss with me. I’ll probably try an anime about shamisen I noticed is on there.

October 5th

I went to a public performance. It was ok.



October 5th :two_women_holding_hands:
Home post

Title Length
Small Talk with a Taxi Driver 4 mins

Busy day so not much energy for studying today :frowning: at least managed a short video


Home Post


Total Listening - 41 mins




4989 American Life Podcast #21


Intro: summer holidays have begun (or rather her husband’s have)and she’s been busy seeing friends and going away. Used to having a more quiet life she thinks she needs to be a bit careful & there’s also lots of things she’d like to do at home these holidays but hasn’t yet done.

Part 1: in today’s episode she wants to talk about the 8night/9 day camping trip she went on to Oregon. The first day they left the house and drove all the way to Crater Lake National Park where they stayed. A few days they went further north to Paulina Lake. And after that they went to stay with a friend (Miri) in Portland. They they camped in the mountains on the border of Oregon and California and returned home via the coast also camping at Redwood National Park. Last year they spent the holidays also touring a number of national Parks but in Utah where the scenery is like that of the Grand Canyon, the landscape being predominantly brown whereas this holiday everything was green - lots of tall, straight growing trees - and lots of water (lakes, waterfalls, creeks). When you go hiking in California, there are no rivers even where they’re marked on the maps but water in Oregon is abundant and the tap water is delicious - Utaco won’t drink the tap water in California & up till now has believed tap water in America was bad but Oregon has made her realise that America is huge & such blanket descriptions don’t apply. Growing up in Shizuoka, the tap water was always cool and delicious so she’s happy to taste delicious water again. Portland was more stylish than she’d imagined - good restaurants, cafes, bars, art, stylish people, eco- minded (?). Also lots of people using bicycles even for commutes. Her friend Miki has met lots of people through her bicycling. Miki’s husband was originally friends with Utaco’s husband through work but they are now all friends and they visit each other (bit more difficult now they live further away) and have even travelled together in Japan. She enjoyed the varied coastal route home & would like to visit there again. She also enjoyed walking among the trees at Redwood National park and was particularly captivated by the foliage. And they managed to visit 9 craft beer breweries!

Part 2: Here she talks about her unique method of memorising English - to distinguish right and left when she’s driving & listening to street directions, she imagines a volleyball court with its right attacker, centre attacker, left attacker. Similarly when trying to memorise the use of the word “never” she recalls the lyrics of a song by Namie Amuro “I have never seen”.

Part 3: here she talks about Americans always having a drink in their hands and how even if they’re running late, they will still stop and buy that drink on the way to where they’re going. She gives the example of the woman at the college gym she was working at last term who not only was always late but disappeared during a particularly short-staffed busy period to visit the cafeteria leaving Utaco to cope.



Week 1: (Sept. 30 - Oct. 6 2024)

  • My main listening material is JLPT N5 Listening Practice from JLPT JPN on YT, and throughout the week, I would put it on when doing idle tasks. Sometimes, I listen passively, other times, I actually try to answer the questions I can understand from listening.
  • Today, I watched (well, more like listened to, really) EP01-EP02 of 文豪ストレイドッグス S01. It didn’t have JPN Subs so it’s more of a listening practice.

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Home Post :maple_leaf: | Week 1

10月4日 (金)

言語交換 #299 夜景スポット

本好きの下剋上 Vol.5 (8:34-8:44/12:18)

るろうに剣心 S3E2

10月5日 (土)

Taiwan Food [51-100/100], and then rewatching [1-50]. I should have to pause when there are extra descriptions (not spoken) (in Japanese, ofc).

10月6日 (日)

本好きの下剋上 Vol.5 (8:44-9:59/12:18) :lion: :crossed_swords:

Taiwan Food (rewatching [51-100])

YUYU, the latest episode


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 10月6日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Nihongo con Teppei Podcast ~30min
Some Anime Anime ~1h



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Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-10-06 Free! :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: Episode 2 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h25m

Today I switched it up from the Frieren anime a bit, mostly because it’s nicely in sync with the manga at the moment and I read 本好き instead today so didn’t want to break that sync. I may still get to some games today, but it’ll be after I’ve powered down my desktop so I’ll update tomorrow if that happens. For now I got an anime episode in to keep the streak going :stuck_out_tongue:




・ひだまりが聴こえる    ー幸福論ー「番外編『その予感』」「番外編『残照』」「キャストコメント」

They talk so fast during the cast comment, and they also talk over each other a lot. It was only ~3 min long, but it was kind of overwhelming. I have no idea why they started talking about chikuwa.



Today’s 日本語の森 grammar review:

4989 American Life Podcast #22


Intro: Recently, she’s had difficulty getting out of bed so she decided to get up early & go to a zumba class. She feels better, but having got up early she feels sleepy later in the day.

Part 1: Here she talks about her recent slump - she’s anxious and worried for a number of reasons but it’s her visa status which is one of the primary causes. Because of it, she can’t work and do other things that people around her can do. Through a bit of negotiating she was able to briefly access a special scholarship aimed at Hispanic immigrants which enabled her to work at the university & this was a time she felt really good about things but that opportunity has come to an end and she’s depressed and anxious about the future. However, she’s going to try her best to keep a positive outlook for similar opportunities. Talking about, writing about these concerns helps to organise her thoughts on these issues. She recognises that it’s her husband who has the biggest struggles - studying, finding work, working, seizing chances as they come, shouldering the responsibility for their current life. She wants to make more of an effort to be happy.

Part2: Here she talks about her favourite incense. She thinks Americans prefer (scented?) candles but she likes incense. It difficult to buy locally so she gets it through Amazon. In Japan she often got it and other things from “Ethnic Shops” such as Malaika but these kind of shops are only in bigger towns in America and are more expensive than their Japanese equivalents. Anyway, she’s into the Nag Champa scent at present and the brand she likes is called Goloka. She likes to light incense when she’s in a good mood. To make herself feel even better she wonders? So when she gets up and goes into the living room and sunlight fills the room and it’s a yay the weather’s good kind of day & she’s opening windows to let the fresh air in & making herself some coffee; or after cleaning, when she wants to relax after dinner with a glass of wine; or after getting back from being away.

Part 3. Here she talks about two English words she constantly mixes up - “artificial” and “artisan”. She gives some Japanese translations eg 人工 for artificial; 職人 for artisan. She thinks her confusion is the result of them both starting with “art”. Anyway, she used go to the supermarket and see food labeled “artisan” and think they meant “artificial” and couldn’t understand why a fake food would be so expensive. She finally resolved the problem after going to a cafe
with a friend where the icecream was said to be artisan and without artificial flavourings etc.

Part 4: new section called “ What I miss about Japan”. These days she can get most Japanese goods through Amazon or if she drives to a town about an hour away where there’s a large Japanese supermarket. But those goods are often comparatively expensive and the quality is not as good. Anyway, next time she returns to Japan she’s thinking of buying a larger コロコロ roller (used for cleaning) since you can only get the smaller ones in America