:Loud_sound: 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Autumn 2024 🍄 🪵


ゆるキャン (アニメ: S1; episode 5)

I often wonder why in Japanese programs like this and Midnight Diner, the creators feel compelled to give fairly clear recipe instructions.

Learnt a new expression 「知ったか」from 「知ったかぶり」meaning to pretend to know/understand. His story about misunderstanding the two Mexican thugs who were threatening him in Spanish reminded me of the very funny but sobering David Sedaris story where having learnt the useful phrase French expression “d’accord”, Sedaris went on to use it everywhere to gloss over the fact that he didn’t understand what was being said to him in French only to find that he’d inadvertently agreed to something he hadn’t intended to.


:yellow_heart: Home Post || My Natively :yellow_heart:

November 26

:dango: Name Progress
:us: 4989 American Life Ep.002 → 1/2 of Ep.003

Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 11月26日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
大愚和尚の一問一答 Youtube ~15min
Crunchyroll Anime >20min



:arrow_backward: Prev | :house: Home | Next :arrow_forward:

Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-11-26 :mountain: 二ノ国 :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 賢者ソロンの助言
:clipboard: 7 SQs
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 2h10m
  :us: 4989 American Life :headphones: Podcast
:durtle: (PC)
:arrow_forward: 1 Episode
:vhs: 3
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h28m

As mentioned in the reading club, I did a bunch of side quests in Ni No Kuni today. Since this wasn’t the most stimulating listening practice (being mostly repeated dialogue lines in combat etc.), I also took the time today to listen to the next episode of 4989 American Life for the podcast club.



Kiri Tokyo Podcast #29
海外旅行 ベトナム

Kiri Tokyo Podcast #30
海外旅行 フィリピン

ゆるキャン (アニメ: S1; episode 6)


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Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-11-28 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 2 Episodes
:vhs: 7-8
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m

Today is another bit of Yuru Camp which covers Rin’s solo camping adventure.

Episode 5 has なでしこ go for 5.5km walk up a mountain side with all her camping luggage. Hope she fares better at that than I would. Also her sister installed a tracking app on her phone without telling her to go awkwardly hang around one stop behind her, which uhh, what a lack of trust. Also, maybe I’m misremembering, but didn’t she already do a solo camp when she did the photo swap with Rin across the cityscape?

Episode 6 had Sakura rudely rush the narrator. Sakura and Rin made friends over their mutual doubting of Nadeshiko. Look, I realise team-senpai had set the bar low, but Nadeshiko managed it :stuck_out_tongue:


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 11月27日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Crunchyroll Anime >40min



Hey, I’ll try and keep up my listening but I’m really busy now & will be so for a little while. I’ll keep an eye on the page but might not be updating regularly.


:yellow_heart: Home Post || My Natively :yellow_heart:

November 27+28

:dango: Name Progress
:us: 4989 American Life 1/2 of Ep.003 → Ep.003
:memo: JT4U Practice test #1

<< Prev

Home Post :maple_leaf: | Week 9

11月25日 (月)

言語交換 #315 Mister Donut’s Taiwan ごはん祭り

本好きの下剋上 Vol.7 (2:03-3:12/10:18)

Chinese accent (and showing of 老师’s face)

11月26日 (火)

Rebuild #396 (0-0:36/2:55)

11月27日 (水)

Daily brief

Comparing of Chinese and Japanese pronunciations

11月28日 (木)

YUYU, the latest episode

言語交換 #316 baseball league :baseball:

More on Chinese accent

Rebuild #396 (0:36-1:01/2:55)


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Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-11-28 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: 3 Episodes
:vhs: 9-11
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 1h15m

5 episodes left on Yuru Camp, so I watched 3 of them today.

Episode 9

I was wondering if Ena was just on a fishing expedition when she asked Rin about watching over Nadeshiko’s “solo” camping trip.

Rin’s grandfather with the “used” screen for the scooter was pretty funny too. Also, I would certainly not be fit to wake up at 3am, never mind drive lol.

Episode 10

I laughed at Sakura asking the teacher to look over Nadeshiko. I suspect she’d have a very different view of the trip if she released how much the teacher drinks and that the students are going to end up looking after her, lol. Especially if she’s been made wait until this trip to drink. Oh and apparently a dangerous driver too. Maybe piling on Rin’s scooter was a better idea lol.

Hey, no fair, the show’s food spots normally make me feeling more like cooking, don’t turn that power to fast food burgers! I’m already going to be getting takeaway tomorrow, I don’t need another one this week.

Episode 11

Yep, sleepy driving is a problem, no surprise.

See, I was right about those 3am starts, lol. Well at least she got some morning exploration the next day.


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 11月28日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Crunchyroll Anime >20min



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Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-11-29 :tent: ゆるキャン2 :tv: Anime :white_check_mark: 2 Episodes
:vhs: 12-13
:hourglass: 0h50m

Last two episodes of Yuru Camp season 2 today. Tomorrow I’ll probably finish out Non Non Biyori S1 with the anime club, and then that’s my current slate of anime cleared.


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 11月29日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
大愚和尚の一問一答 Video ~35min



Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 11月30日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
大愚和尚の一問一答 Video ~30min



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Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-11-30 :mountain: 二ノ国 :video_game: RPG :arrow_forward: 港町ビッキーん
:clipboard: MQ 19-21
:hourglass_flowing_sand: 3h25m

Combined challenges on the last day. Not quite a perfect score since I missed some days in September due to a business trip, but a pretty good showing nonetheless.


I know there are different time zones so my timing might be off, but congratulations to everyone for finishing the challenge!! :tada: (I started late so I still have a bit more than a week to go) I hope everyone is proud of themselves! :blush:


:sun_behind_rain_cloud: soggy’s challenge review :sun_behind_rain_cloud:

This challenge season, listening was not a huge focus for me. I decided to just listen to however much I felt like, without pushing myself to a huge hours goal.

Total time: 24 hours 05min from podcasts and audiobooks.

I didn’t count youtube, which maybe adds 2-3 hours of casual listening.

I listened to…

18 episodes of YUYUの日本語 (approx. 9 hours)

3 episodes of 4989 American Life (approx 1 hr 30)

All of コーヒーが冷めないうちに (approx 8 hours)

All of アリス&ペンギン (approx. 3 hours 20)

And about 2/3rds of 時間割男子 (approx 3 hours 20)

The biggest win of this challenge was discovering that I can use audiobooks for listening now! I forged my way through all of コーヒーが冷めない, which was difficult (lots of missed details, lots of pausing for lookups) but still rewarding (noticed big improvements in parsing whole spoken sentences). I also can use children’s audiobooks at the L20-24 level for much more comfortable listening (some sentences are 100% comprehension, a good amount are N+1 comprehension with only one or two unknown words, pausing for lookups is less frequent).


:yellow_heart: Home Post || My Natively :yellow_heart:

November 29 → December 1

:dango: Name Progress
:otter: Nihongo con teppei 873 → 880

JLPT practice tests and then the JLPT today :clap: I thiiiiink it went ok, the first chunk was good at least, I did lose focus and guess a few in the second half but hopefully it’s fine


11月26日 - 12月2日

:sound: Source Amount
:newspaper_roll: NHKやさしいことばニュース 21 articles
:apple: Japanesepod101: Nihongo Doujou 5 lessons
:cupid: The Boyfriend 2 eps - Complete!

I had a good week of listening compared to the week before! I’ve now watched the boyfriend twice in japanese, and my biggest achievement is that for the first time, I felt like I understood a lot of a NHK article! I feel like I can understand a bit more and more as time goes on which is really reassuring, because for a while I was wondering whether there was any progress at all.

I have about one more week to go with this challenge!! Congrats to everyone who has finished!