:Loud_sound: 🎙 Listen Every Day Challenge - Autumn 2024 🍄 🪵

They all sound great, thank you. :slight_smile: I’ll make a list haha


Thanks!! It’s more approachable than I thought it would be, but I’ve already listened to a few children’s audiobooks for an on-ramp into that style of listening. I do find for the adult audiobook I need to be somewhere I can pause when I need to for lookups, so I wouldn’t be able to listen to it in the car or something. I’m also sure I’m missing a lot. Planning on revisiting it in a few months to see how comprehension changes.


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 10月17日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Youtube 大愚和尚の一問一答 ~20min
Crunchy roll Anime >~40min



:yellow_heart: Home Post || My Natively :yellow_heart:

October 17

More nihongo con teppei except every time I finished an episode yuyu’s nihongo kept trying to invade my teppei session and I was like BEGONE DEMON



Trying out another 日本語の文法 channel. This one is aimed at Chinese speakers (ie not me) and so the approach to kanji usage is “take no prisoners” (no furigana attached- I’m okay for most of it but not all). Still as a listening exercise & a grammar class, it’s not bad

4989 American Life Podcast #26



Intro: It’s August, mid-summer you might think, but ever since Utaco’s come to America it feels like the beginning of the end of summer even though it’s hottest in September. That’s because with the end of the summer holidays, a new school year begins and so the end of the holidays feels like the end of summer

Part 1: In Japan, the new year starts in April and so it’s often said that March is the season of farewells but in America the new year starts in August & September so a lot of people move in August. This summer - unusually for Utaco - a lot of friends have moved away so it’s become for her the season of farewells. Among those who have moved away is “obachan”, the first Japanese friend she made in America. When Utaco moved to the US she was writing a blog and it was through this blog she met “obachan”. When “obachan” moved closer to Utaco, she contacted her to ask it they could meet. At that time Utaco was living in a small town with mainly Hispanic people and was also trying to immerse herself in English and thought she could get by without Japanese friends, but she found that they were essential - especially when she had problems. Obachan took her under her wing and really helped her (including baking her yummy cakes!) and was truly someone she couldn’t have lived without. Obachan and her husband were like family for Utaco and her husband. Obachan encouraged アイデアがポンポン浮かぶ/口だけ人間Utaco to follow through with her plans including this podcast which she listened to and gave feedback on.
Even though she’d known for a long time Obachan was moving, she somehow thought of it as happening in the distant future so was unprepared when she finally did move. Utaco & her husband helped them move and Utaco was happy to get to spend that time with them. Obachan moved to a place too far to keep up their frequent contact but Utaco will visit her & they’ll keep in contact through Line etc. Other friends have also moved away like a French friend, a Taiwanese couple and a close Russian friend who was born on the same day & year as Utaco. Even though she’s sad, Utaco comforts herself that the season of farewells, it’s also the season to meet new people.

Part 2: Here she talks about the difficulty of using and answering the English question “Do you mind if…” if you answer “yes”, it means you do mind. So if as a Japanese speaker you want to say いいですよ you need to say “no”, not “yes”. She notes that this is a common source of confusion for non-native speakers. Recently, she’s got into using “sure” as an answer to various questions (she think it sounds friendly, cool & native-like) but wonders whether she can use it to answer “do you mind” questions meaning she doesn’t mind. Researching the topic again for this podcast, she found that native speakers are divided on the issue and so are some friends she asks. “Didn’t you?Isn’t he?” Questions cause similar yes/no answer problems. She’d like them to disappear.

Part 3: Here she briefly revisits to subject of sushi from a previous podcast. Recently a friend recommended a very reasonably priced Chinese buffet restaurant and here Utaco had some fantastic sushi, the best she’s eaten in America.
She misses the quality of Japanese stationery items. American stationery is terrible especially erasers (she won’t use these at all!) in America, stationery is also incredibly expensive and the choice is limited.

Part4: Here she complains about Americans using carpet for floors everywhere except kitchens and bathrooms especially since they wear their outside shoes within the house which really dirties the carpet. Families with children too would have a hard time keeping the carpets clean. If you want something soft under foot why not use a rug, she asks. Everyone has to get pro carpet cleaners. She wonders if carpets are a cheaper flooring option but finds that hard to believe. A friend has a new apartment & surprisingly Utaco doesn’t remember seeing any carpet there. She remembers that in Japan when she was a child you sometimes saw carpet in houses but this is no longer the case she thinks in Japan. Anyway, she wants Americans to cease using carpets in homes.

:sound: 10月18日 Amount
:bird: 君たちはどう生きるか 35 mins - Completed!
:cupid: The Boyfriend 1:34 - 2 Episodes

I finished the boy and the heron again! I get something new each time I watch it. I also started watching Boyfriend thanks to @Lisaveeta 's suggestion and I’m really liking it! I’m not usually into reality tv, but this one seems cute and fun :slight_smile: I’m excited to continue!


<< Prev

Home Post :maple_leaf: | Week 3

10月16日 (水)

Daily brief

Round Up World Now! 2024.10.11 – Well, weekly news, according to 不動産屋.

言語交換 #303 Mister Donut’s Taiwan ごはん祭り. I now put this series in Spotify, as the app UX is better than Podbean.

10月17日 (木)

YUYU, the latest episode

First half of Q&A (coz too many pauses and rewinds today)

言語交換 #304 Paris Olympians

10月18日 (金)

Latter half of Q&A. Struggled a little to finish…

本好きの下剋上 Vol.6 (1:31-2:49/10:31)


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 10月18日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Nihongo con Teppei Podcast ~30min
Crunchyroll Anime >~40min



:arrow_backward: Prev | :house: Home | Next :arrow_forward:

Date Name Type Progress Time
2024-10-18 :woman_elf: 葬送のフリーレン1 :tv: Anime :arrow_forward: Episode 18-19 :hourglass_flowing_sand: 0h50m
2024-10-17 Nothing
2024-10-16 Nothing
2024-10-15 Nothing
2024-10-14 Nothing

While I managed to squeeze some reading into my business trip, I wasn’t so lucky with listening practice, so this week has been a bit of a miss for listening practice.

EDIT: Actually a slight addendum, I mustered up the energy to to watch two episodes of Frieren before bed today.

Frieren’s face this entire episode lol


On the other hand, her holy symbol doesn’t have the aura it has in the manga.


October 18 :sewing_needle:
Home post


For those of you living in Australia, the JFF is on at the current venues:


I’ll be racking up some easy listening hours at it today & tomorrow


:yellow_heart: Home Post || My Natively :yellow_heart:

October 18

:point_up: nihongo con teppei episode, I’m on #728 rn, I would like to catch up to the present day eventually

Also its just occurred to me I could be watching Frieren for listening


Oh that’s really cool! Can you attend digitally or is it only in-person? Next year I might go if it’s an in-person only thing! :slight_smile:


:video_game: :headphones: :maple_leaf: :wood: October 12 - October 17

I’ve listened to Teppei for beginners #105 to #114 and watched the first episode of the series ガリレオ.

:video_game: :headphones: :maple_leaf: :wood: October 18

Today I had a super-listening day since I went on a long-ish walk and had nothing better to do. I listened to Teppei for beginners #115 to #121 and the first 3 episodes of the podcas Let’s Talk Japanese! which seems to have episodes of different levels ranging from N4 to N2 so it’s interesting to see how (un)comfortable I am at each level. I also watched half of the 2nd chapter of ガリレオ.



So today’s listening was pretty cruisy as I got to watch two films at the JFF almost back to back. The first was こんにちは、母さんwhich was a film about a man having a mid-life crisis, unhappy in his HR job involving making staff redundant, including an old friend as well as being in the final stages of a divorce, living alone & lonely who ends up spending more time with his mother who has fallen for the local pastor. Not a bad film, but not a great one either The second film was OUT which was originally a manga apparently based on the mangaka’s own experience in teenage gangs. Surprisingly enjoyable. Great fighting choreography & I loved the way it went from film to manga on occasion


In person only, but the Japan Foundation has a streaming platform which shows films that have appeared at past festivals.


Oh cool! Thank you! I hope you had a fun time and that you have a fun time tomorrow too. I would love to know if you’d recommend going :slight_smile:

:sound: 10月19日 Amount
:cupid: The Boyfriend 1:25 - 2 Episodes

Really enjoying this show haha
I’m finding watching it has really made some things click for me - words, phrases and their usage are all starting to really make sense. I’ve got a long way to go of course, but I think this is actually making a difference. And I thought maybe I was getting out of studying by doing this XD


Home :wood:

:deciduous_tree: :tea: 10月19日 :tea: :deciduous_tree:

Resource :chestnut: Content :maple_leaf: Time :apple:
Nihongo con Teppei Podcast ~30min
Netflix Anime >40min



Shashingo has a listening only mode where it will only speak the name of the thing you’re meant to find. So that’s been my practice recently.

In the process I found a friend who was hiding.