Linux command line client?

Ha! I made a console application text adventure for my games development assignment when I was doing computer science at university. I still have the C++ code for it kicking around somewhere. It only ended up being 4 rooms long, you found a key in the third room then went back to the first room and used it on the locked door, riveting stuff!
If I lose my job and have nothing to do for a few weeks, I’ll make a version where you answer kanji questions to get around :wink:


Hi all,

I improved the app quite a bit. It does not work on windows yet but I will work on it. The app has been tested it on both OSX and Linux. You can check the doc to see how to install it on your system.

Find a preview below with lessons + lessons reviews. I only used data from the WaniKani free tier for the demo.


We need:

  • To improve test coverage

  • To make it work on windows. (Playsound lib + kana input)

I was thinking of changing the name since WaniKani CLI makes it sound official (and it’s not).

Since it’s writtien in python, I was thinking of HebiKani. What do you guys think? Good idea, bad idea?



I like that. Or even HebiWaniCLI. :smiley:

Bravo for all the work put in to this. :+1:

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Nice idea. And the logo for the project (which might only be put on README, anyway)?

Yes. A logo would only work on the doc and the README.

I prefer HebiKani than HebiWani since HebiWani sounds like a KaniWani CLI :stuck_out_tongue:

Anyway, I changed it to HebiKani (GitHub - ajite/hebikani: A CLI interface to do your review on WaniKani)

What is HebiKano?

Now that I think about it, don’t worry about it too much. Maybe too much of a stretch.

I am trying to improve the “summary” output to include incoming reviews number.

I am not quite satisfied. Any idea?

Vertical histogram would be easier to look.

Something like that?

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Yeah, but something is wrong with scale here? Also, you will need some capping and symbolism to accommodate for 112 reviews.

So just like the web version.


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Thanks a lot,

I have been using the CLI so much that I forgot you had an histogram on the website :joy:

Indeed the scale was wrong.

I am trying to play with the size:

50 width:

30 width:

To compare data with my summary graph on WaniKani:

What do you think?


Hi all,

Just to let you know that HebiKani now runs on Windows systems as well.

You will need to make sure that your shell can display Japanese characters (see the doc).

The Windows version is the lightest of the three since it does not require extra set up to play audio.

I also added a logo, it is a Crabigator but with two snakes instead of the alligator.


Since I was playing with OpenAI, I asked it to generate a back story for HebiKani and I kinda like it so I added it to the project.

Back Story (written by OpenAI)

The snake had always been interested in learning Japanese, and so when it saw the Crabigator teaching the language, it decided to enroll in the class. The Crabigator was a great teacher, and the snake quickly learned the basics of the language. After a few months, the snake graduated from the class, and as a reward, the Crabigator gave it a magical stone that would allow it to transform into a half-crab, half-snake creature. The snake was thrilled, and immediately used the stone to transform. It then set out to teach Japanese to people all over the world, using its new form to make learning the language fun and easy.

It is actually the second story since the first story was a tad violent…

Original OpenAI story:

This may sound like a tall tale, but it’s true. A snake ate the crabigator and became a Japanese teacher. The crabigator was a fierce predator, half crab, half alligator. But the snake was smarter and faster and soon had the crabigator for dinner. After digesting the crabigator, the snake felt a sudden urge to teach Japanese. So it slithered into a nearby school and started teaching classes. The students were a bit surprised at first, but soon got used to their new teacher. And the snake loved its new job, especially when it got to eat a few students for lunch.

Next update will let you add your own meanings (like on the app).
I also want to include some reordering (I will check the reordering script).




I made an update that improves the reviews queue system on HebiKani.

It was tedious to use the software when doing more than 50 reviews.
Now reviews are queued 10 by 10.

E.g: You have 157 items to review (314 questions - radicals)

It will take the first 10 items of the queue and ask questions about them.
Readings and meanings are shuffled so you won’t have the meaning and reading questions of the same item in a row (it might happen, since it’s random).

When you complete an item reading and meaning this item will be removed from the queue and a new item will replace it (unless you don’t have any more items to review).

When making a mistake, the 10 items queue is shuffled and your question goes at the back of the queue. (To avoid having the same question twice).

It makes interrupting a session way easier.

It’s available on version 1.5.0


hello is there a way for the app to remember the api key i send the first time? unless i do -k MY_KEY every command it gives me error hebikani: error: api_key is required.. is that on purpose?

also idk what im doing wrong but when i press enter to start session the app automatically quits. im on python 3.9.13 and it installed correctly on my mac m1.

Screen Shot 2022-08-06 at 8.04.08 PM

thanks for making a great cli app!



In your ~/.zprofile you can add


Then you can use HebiKani without having the need to input the key.

The first time you will have to type :

source ~/.zprofile

to take the change in account (or open a new terminal).

Can you show me the output of :

hebikani summary





Could you make it work ? Let me know if you encounter any issue so I can fix it :slight_smile:



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thanks it worked

sorry late reply last few months were hectic with new job and just restarted wanikani.

also doing the key that way made the lessons themselves work, before that it did the error as mentioned prior.

thanks again, its fun to do in the temrinal

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Glad it works for you.

Let me know if you think of any cool features.


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Hello everyone,

I have published some nice updates (version: 1.7.0) :

  • Can download “subjects” to use offline using “hebikani download”.

  • Ask the user to try again when entering a kanji reading on a vocabulary subject (to mimic the WaniKani main interface)

  • Fixed the error on radical without UTF entry (due to WaniKani removing some assets).


  • Supports kana only cards. (without readings such as リンゴ)