Lifetime appreciation post

If you didn’t buy it yet, wait till Christmas they do like 30% off or something from $300 to $200.

my joy at becoming a lifetime member of WaniKani

Never mind, I did read your post initially but I misunderstood whether you had bought it yet or not because your profile doesn’t have the purple lifetime bubble yet.

I’m gonna assume you did buy it, tbh even at $300 it’s 100% worth it.

Log out and then log in again to change your bubble from grey to purple by the way. @Light958


I’m fine giving support to the company and bsed on the demo I think it will be worth it :)

Ah that’s why it hadn’t changed thank you :D

Edit: I did that but it’s still grey, that’s fine though I think it would be kinda funny to see lvl 60 bubble on a free account.



the beauty of a lifetime sub is, it kinda forces you to commit

best of luck moving forward

:grinning: :grinning: :grinning:

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WK actually doesn’t make this forum, they use someone else’s design or whatever I’m not sure how to put it. Anyway, it’s a forum made by Discourse.

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Absolutely :D

Funny I just got the truest level promotion that explained it and a lot of the tips I’ve been learning lol: Discourse New User Tips and Tricks

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The minimum reply is 10 characters but, if you want to do replies with less than that, click the cogwheel, click “blur spoiler” and leave them empty the spoiler tags will be invisible but will take you over the 10 characters minimum threshold.

Maybe you knew, Idk but it can be useful sometimes.



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It will still be level 3, it will just be purple like mine, it says level 2 but if you hover over it it says “lifetime”.

Also IDR but I think level 60s don’t get the grey bubble even if they’re free, I think they get a special level 60 yellow bubble?

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Do you see a purple one? Weird, mine still shows grey.

Maybe try logging out of the main website and also log out of You do need to log out to update it sadly, it’s also the way you update your level if you go from 3 → 4.

I was level 5 before I reset back down to 1 so I had to do it a few times.

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Ah, okay I just logged out of the main site, thank you for all the help btw :D

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No worries, hopefully, it’ll go purple soon, it’s definitely a good feeling!

Worst case scenario it could just be that it’s still processing. I assume you have access to the new content on the website like lessons and stuff?

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Yeah I have access to new content, that’s good enough for me :)



Found an example of a level 60 free member cause I was unsure if they do get a grey bubble or not. They do indeed keep their beautiful yellow bubble (as they should! they earned it).


Yes they did earn it congrats Trinity :D


You can also see if you can manually override it yet: click your user profile in the top-right → :bust_in_silhouette::gear: 設定

Then you should be able to look at the flair options :wink:

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You can also use the tag trick mentioned before, such as using <10 characters>

It’s also possible to use comment tags, in which case, you can use punctuation (but they are annoying to make on mobile, so I don’t use them)

<- this reads < !-- Henlo Friends! --> (without the space between < and !)

Welcome aboard!


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