Level 60 has been achieved

Congrats and thanks for sharing your insights!

I got it. Now I’m trying to remind myself がん Ghandi. こん Condor. ほぅ @Whologist. ほ Who.


That‘s one of the new additions in Webster‘s dictionary. It‘s called „Humblebrag“.

Congratulations! Amazing feat and very interesting read. You‘re a hero! A Superhero.


Agreed. I never accept a mistake on my first round of reviews (only), and I don’t feel like it has affected my memory thereafter.

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Not really… one is Kyoto and the other one is Little Kyoto :wink:

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Oh boy, yeah that did not help me at all, too little of a detail to stick. :smiley:

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The difference can’t be bigger. Kyoto is a real city. Former capital of Japan and even now still one if its most important cities.

Little Kyoto doesn’t exist. There is Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, where historically many Japanese people lived, and there are parts of other cities that have been informally called Little Tokyo (Vancouver, Düsseldorf), but Little Kyoto is a fictional place.

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That’s certainly true, but I did not think about it that much when learnign those kanji.

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