Level 21 before 2021!

sounds like a great idea, im in


Good luck! I think most levels from level 14 on have few radicals.

Welcome! Just jump right in!

Yes my thoughts exactly!
all those new lessons!! But we’ll manage :raised_hands:
I might stick around a bit longer on this level

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I’ve looked up the numbers and do not see any major difference between level 14 and below.
Is the the difficult of the kanji on that level that is dreaded? :relaxed:

For me personally it is the fact I had my apprentice items down to 39, 0/0 in level 13, levelled up and in came about 120 new lessons (even the crabigator panicked!).

And it just looked so good with only 6 radicals and 23 kanji to start of with. I have done 50 lessons now and still feels okay. Most of the vocab make sense and are easy to remember. So I was mostly dreading the sheer volume of new lessons.


That’s me at the start of every new level. And then by the end of the level I feel great, and then it all starts again. Hopefully we’ll get used to it by level 60!

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Yes and afterwards we’ll have to go cold turkey, as we miss our (2)weekly adrenaline shot haha

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Leveled up to 7!

Work heated up recently, which made it hard to have brainspace for new lessons. Then Master items started to come back down for enlightenment and I got about 200 reviews on me during an especially busy work day. It was a little overwhelming, especially since the Master items take more effort to remember, but I just took it easy and got them done over the next couple days.

I have a feeling I might be extra slow on this level since my lesson intake has been reduced to a snail’s pace… but as long as I keep doing reviews, it will be okay! I’ll take lessons when I can.

Thanks for listening!


Keep in mind SRS exposure times are meant to keep the process efficient not to determine a max for exposure. Otherwise reading Japanese would be breaking your SRS.

So by using KaniWani you are decreasing the efficiency of your study by spending double the time on the same study area, but as you are studying from a different perspective, it is absolutely more effective to do so, it’s simply less efficient.

The only reason not to do it, would be if you were time poor and thus had to make the most of your time. Thus you may decide doing both WaniKani and KaniWani isn’t allowing time for say grammar, thus you drop KaniWani so you can focus better on grammar. More exposure is always better in general, you simply have to budget your time between focuses, which is the purpose of an SRS system.


Yes! This! Just do your reviews on time and it will be fine!

Thanks for the explanation! I’ll keep that distinction between efficiency and effectiveness in mind - it’s easy to forget there’s no single ‘optimal’ approach.

Personally I work full time but don’t have many other commitments (in lockdown at least), so I’m happy to sink a fair bit of my free time into Japanese at the moment :kissing_smiling_eyes:


It’s true, level 14 has a lot of lessons in the beginning. The reason for that is its incredible high amount of immediately unlocked vocabulary. 6 + 15 (I guess) + 43, that’s 64 lessons alone plus the vocabulary you unlock with the kanji you guru’d to level up. But 43 immediatly unlocked vocabulary items is very rare, level 15 for example has only 21.


I see. Thanks everyone.

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I am up to Level 8 now!! I took level 7 a whole lot slower making sure I finished the vocab from level 6 first since I was feeling a little overwhelmed. It seems pretty difficult to get 0/0 on lessons/reviews right after you level up. :sweat_smile: I’m still chugging along though!


Congrats on your level up! It’s always smart to slow down if you feel overwhelmed.


Unrelated, are you a big fan of Mr. Mime? Everytime I see you post something encouraging and kind it just makes me giggle because I picture Mr. Mime saying it and he’s (only a little!!!) creepy


Mmmm… I’m a big fan of Pokemon Go! My avatar is a VR picture of Mr. Mime in my living room. In Pokemon Go, Mr. Mime is a regional pokemon from Europe, and since I’m European I felt like it was a good fit. I know nothing about the anime Mr. Mime!

Should I find another avatar? Maybe I should research him more!


I am also at the level 12 plateau right now. But so far only 7 kanji left and then I will also proceed further. Currently I have about 40 vocab lessons waiting for me but I decided to leave them as they are for a few day.
My apprentice stack was a few days ago around 150 and didn’t get lower but today I managed to bring it back to 100. Will try to lower it a little bit more before I continue with the new words and make these remaining kanji stick ^^

Currently, I am 20 days on this level but well… better than burning out. Currently I have also exams and project deadlines from university so I cannot concentrate very well on Wanikani but I still try to do the reviews every day at least.


Level 9 !
Not much to say here. I was able to do lvl 8 a little quicker than excepted and I started into lvl 9 with 0|0, so I hope it will be a smooth sail to lvl 10.

Keep up the hard work everybody !