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Wow, nice translation!

Fort the part you were not sure of:

= I hope the baby is well.

〜だといいな’s literal translation is “It’d be good if 〜.”
This is how people explain their hope/wish in Japanese. Your guess is close enough, though :slight_smile:


Thanks for the encouraging words, tel003a and tofugukanae!

It’s been a few days, so here’s another NHK Easy News:
奄美大島の海岸に油のような物 沈んだタンカーの油か
(Oily Substance on Amami Oshima Coast - from Sunken Tanker?)



My go at translation

Last month, an Iranian tanker sank in Japanese waters about 315 km (196 mi) to the west of Amami Oshima. The tanker collided with a large cargo ship in the open ocean off of Shanghai, China and spilled the crude oil which it was carrying.

The Japanese Coast Guard is investigating the substance found on the beach, and they think there’s a possibility that it is oil from the tanker.

Not sure on bolded parts, I feel like I should learn Japanese geographical names at some point. I’ll go look for a map of the accident now that I’ve done my best from the words that are there.

Your translation looks pretty good to me! よく出来ました!

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This one might actually be interesting to people around here!

成田空港 客の荷物の中を立体的に見る機械の実験
(Narita Airport - Testing 3-D Baggage Search Machine)

(text from the middle of the article)


My go at translation

According to the company, this machine produces a three-dimensional view of the items inside the luggage, so that it is easy to find knives or other dangerous things. It can automatically detect explosive devices.

This machine is used together with another machine that automatically transports baggage that requires a second search to a separate location. The company is also studying how much time can be saved in the process.

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Leading NHK Easy News article today:

(Over 300 Newspapers Write Editorials Against President Trump)



My go at translation

On the sixteenth, over three hundred American newspapers wrote editorials expressing opinions against President Trump. The editorials were written to express the opinions of the newspaper companies.

The Boston Globe wrote, “Over the past 200 years, the [American] people have created a balanced society. To say that newspapers and television are the enemy is to tear apart American society.”

This one was tricky, especially the quote from the Globe. Here’s what I could find from the Boston Globe website that seems to correspond with the quote in this article:

To label the press “the enemy of the people” is as un-American as it is dangerous to the civic compact we have shared for more than two centuries.


I feel that they are trying to define 社説 here, since NHK easy reader might not be familiar with the word. “In an editorial, the opinions of a newspaper company is expressed”

I think you misparsed that part. I read it as (国民が中心) (people are the most important) の社会を作ってきました
(Checked with my local native speaker that it’s the correct interpretation)

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Ah, thank you, that clears things up a bit :slightly_smiling_face:

I had considered that initially, but it didn’t seem like something that would need to be defined. But maybe, since the Easy News is for young Japanese too, not just adult foreigners.

Ok, this definitely makes more sense. Thanks for reminding me that の can connect a phrase to a word; I don’t have much experience with that sort of construction.

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