Let's make a leaderboard for ultimate motivation! (I'm at level 11)

Hello fellow Wani bashers!

I am currently on Level 11, with 9 reviews and 90 lessons, and 0 kanji passed.

I found this link [Userscript] Wanikani Leaderboard
which allows us to create a leaderboard and add people by username!

So i’m looking for people as close to level 11 as possible to join my leaderboard and stay motivated!
My username is isaacmcmanus. Tell me yours!


I literally just reached level 11.

Let’s do it! I added you to my leader board, so now it looks like this!

The more people the better I guess! Don’t worry if you’re on a different level!


Also, cringe I just noticed that you only started in May this year! I’ve been at it for a year! Let me try and keep up! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :muscle: :sweat_smile:


Lit lit, added you to mine.

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Oooh, this looks neat! I’m new to userscripts, literally just installed Wanikani Open Framework.
I’ll add you to my leaderboard, you can add me to yours too, of course. :slight_smile:


You could mention it to, or maybe even move the thread to, the Painful group.

P.S. @katvonbirb you might be interested

I am part way through 9 if you want to add me.

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Sounds fun. I’m behind but let’s see if I can catch up :slight_smile:

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