Let’s climb Tokyo Skytree - level 60 in autumn 2023

Level 40.

Just one more level 'till I ascend.


SSGSS then UI, can’t wait to see.


Thanks :slight_smile:

Keep repeating the following mantra “Hell is another name for fun :joy:


Looking forward for you to join me in the “fun”


I’d love your advice on my situation. I was meeting with a tutor once a week for a month or so. But now I’ve stopped. They were good teachers, but we basically just chatted for an hour and I wondered if I could find a study partner for free that could do the same.

Then I stumbled onto the Refold people and realized that my listening is really atrocious and instead I should spend my time with listening. Passive and active. I can understand 90% of what my tutor says but I realized she’s talking slowly for me and using easy concepts. Right now I understand maybe 10% of normal ordinary conversation.

Do you think I’m kidding myself that I should be focused on watching Japanese TV instead of using a tutor? Does it make sense to focus a ton of my energy on input rather than output right now, since my input is weaker than my output right now?


Thank you for your interest, @eainge. This is what I think:
Your teacher is helping you by talking slowly. Which is great, because what good does it do if you don’t understand? They will speak faster once you understand better. I am sure they know when you’re ready for that.

If you only listen to input, and I don’t care what Krashen says, you will be in your own world for a long time, your perfect world where you don’t have to expose yourself. But in reality, you have to speak and converse with people and the less you care about your own shortcomings, they easier and more fun it will be to communicate with Japanese people.

Of course you can listen to dramas and such at the same time, but the sooner you‘re exposed to real conversations, the better. There will be a point when you don’t care anymore. Don’t build a wall by doing it alone, use your teachers.

You could ask them to practice situations again and again. For example practice self introduction for a few weeks, until you have all the chops to do it effortlessly, then move to asking directions over and over. Then the next situation and so forth. Japanese has lots of set phrases for situations like this, the „proper“ way of doing things. You can use that to your advantage. If you have a teacher with a good sense of humour and an open mind you can expect some real progress there.

I have some great conversations with my teacher and while I stumble und fumble with grammar, we understand each other and we’re having fun. Meanwhile, I‘m learning a lot, practicing my grammar, and next time I meet a Japanese person, I‘ll just chat without feeling 恥ずかしい about it. I am already pretty good at that. Not the speaking, but the looseness, and that makes a ton of a difference.

One more thing: a month is nothing. Do it for six months, then reevaluate.

頑張ってね! :+1:


Thank you, that’s very helpful!


Finally made it to 現実! Bye bye 天国!


Thank you so much for your encouragement!! It’s nice to know there are others who have overcame their moments of struggle and found consistency along this journey!! どうもありがとう!!!


Level 33!
Things became steady, daily reviews, lessons, including leeches count that never decreased, and failing to burn item.



Just now:


I haven’t even made it to Jigoku and you already crossed Tengoku :stuck_out_tongue:



Very cheery gif, ta! :blush:


:cherry_blossom: 昇進 into the lv33隊! :cherry_blossom:

Lacking Japanese immersion, I keep gradually improving at least my digital environment. Last week improvement was moving onto new OS (Kubuntu, if anything) and when I was asked about default language I was just “hmmmm… like, why not? rather, when if not now?” - so now all the system dialogs around here are looking way more interesting:


(should admit it’s quite unusual to have to switch to EN from JP though, since now system consider the latter as default input one when open new window)


Leveled up to 30 after 18 days and 13 hours🔥
One more step to reach 地獄
Look forward for you to join me :yum:


Level 29. I need a break, and I am behind with my vocab. So level 29 will take me 2 weeks, or until I hit zero Apprentice, whichever comes first. I just need this now.


Levelled up to 38! :tada:

Also the leaderboard was looking a bit messed up so I fixed it (there was an extra line break in there that was interfering with the table format).


Leveled up today I still can’t believe that I can finish wanikani in two months.


Made it to level 16, guess that means I’m a quarter of the way there. I’ve been going along on bunpro for a bit, and it’s interesting to see some basic understanding come together slowly. It’s a shame that the website doesn’t remember the words that you remove the furigana from, that would help things along.

I’ve also been playing some japanese pokemon gold to help with kana recognition. It’s all in kana so I have to look a lot of stuff up, however it’s exciting to see words that I’ve learned in wanikani and I recognize what it is by sounding it out. It’s also really cool to find sentences that you can piece together without looking anything up.


I realised some time ago I rely a lot on kanji when reading. Practicing reading with kana only might actually be a great way to remember words without ‘cheating’ like how Japanese kids learn (only in this context could knowing kanji ever be considered cheating!)

Sword/Shield also have kana-only option if you didn’t know. I want to replay that game one day…