Let’s climb Tokyo Skytree - level 60 in autumn 2023

@tnetennba3 congrats🥳
Wait how did u know @cephaus from what i see he is still 59 :no_mouth:


They may have had the leaderboard script installed - that will tell you about level ups regardless, because it’s only the forums that require you to log out and back in again, the API and site itself still reflect the new level ^-^

Congratulations @tnetennba3!!!


@Joeni 's guess was correct. I have the leaderboard script installed on my dashboard. I don’t refresh often, but when I do I like to give those shout outs


Can’t install scripts but good to know. don’t have a pc or planning to get one any time soon


Level 31! :sparkles:
Few days slower than usual, but not through any difficulty with kanji/vocab, I just felt like going slower this week. :sweat_smile:


@tnetennba3 congratulations! i hope you get some awesome cake! :smiley:


Haa, this is funny. I entered this thread on Jan 29, at level 26, with 2570 items to burn (=enlightened) and about to burn my first ones. Right now, it’s May 2nd, I’m at level 39 with 1683 burned items… and 2575 items to burn. The number’s been keeping remarkably steady.

To make the mental note complete for future reference, I’m also 108 Apprentice, 790 Guru and 915 Master. The burn rate is around 80%.


:cherry_blossom: Level 50 get! :cherry_blossom:

Getting used to SRS system throughout the last year, made me think about the following.
Do we actually still learn language by ourselves, using machines and SRS? :eyes:
Or is it rather machines use SRS to train organic neural networks (which is us)? :thinking:

I mean, it’s machines who determine our schedule and track the progress, giving rewards (new levels and promotion letters, yay!) and penalties (boo-boo, your leeches number is too high and correct % in review too low!) - everything essential for any (artificial or organic) NN training.

Up to 2020s machines still fail to achieve self-consciousness level essential for self-propelled evolution. So it’s looks quite natural to make use of organic NNs, which are extremely inferior at any other fields (strength, durability, memory, calculations, etc) to machines, excepting the fuzzy learning, creativity and adaption abilities. So we become vanguard frontier for machines to conquer the nature, i.e. key for their evolution and reproduction.

Still, despite inferior of memory ability, protein NN’s still have to acquire some knowledge and skills to be useful. So this process should be automatized as well. This is where SRS steps in.


I’m excited to join this! I reset from level 25 to 11 after multiple years of trying to cull my 2000+ review queue and failing… that number was demoralising :sweat_smile:

It’s all been good so far but let’s see what happens when I reach the 20s again :eyes:


Level 20! A third of the way there! Glad I was able to hit this milestone before my CELTA starts next week since I’m not sure how much time I am going to have to invest in Wanikaki for that month lmao.


Level 22!
This last level was definitely a struggle. It’s not that the level feels particularly difficult, but I have some kind of mental block slowing me down. The past two nights I’ve gone to bed with 50+ reviews waiting for me and even more when I woke up. And then just trying to push through the last few kanji this morning took me way too long. Normally I’ve been able to fly through reviews but lately I just can’t seem to bring myself to finish in a timely manner.

Great advice @KyokaJiro ! I’m actually going to pause leveling for a bit to get a better handle on the reviews I have and try to branch out more to other Japanese learning resources. Maybe my lack of motivation is coming from staring at the same resource all day and changing it up might help. Thinking about signing up for a course on Minato. Regardless, I hope to get back to leveling soon and am still planning to make Level 60 by the deadline next year, which is incidentally about the time I’m hoping to go to Japan.


Hopefully this leads to symbiosis between man and machine (we train them, they train us) for a better future of both.


What tool are you using to get make this spiral design? It’s lovely.


Do not do lessons if you are feeling overwhelmed by your current reviews. You can take the review count close to zero before picking up lessons. The early stages of Death are difficult to transition and will take some time to get used to. You can use multiple sources to learn but stick with one as main and others as supplemental information. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hit level 18 in exactly 11 days, instead of the 10 I was aiming for. No matter, I feel like the review queue is getting full of stuff I’m failing too often and I need to work harder on grammar study, so I won’t push myself to get this one done fast.


Definitely the latter.


I think it’s unnecessary to be so conspiratorial about it. The old maxim of “garbage in, garbage out” applies to AIs as well. Case in point, that sexist Google AI which didn’t serve ads about engineering job postings to women, or all those racist AIs.

The moment machines learn to overcome the biases of their creators - the conscious ones and the subconscious ones - is when I’ll consider them sentient/sapient. That’s the test I apply to human children as well: do they just parrot their parents’ words, or can they recognise the patterns that have been inculcated into them and are thinking for themselves?

On a related note, I’ve been listening to the Westworld renditions of Wicked Games and Paint It Black (both of them) a lot recently.


Fellow climbers, yes, your calendars don’t lie. It is May! It is spring*!
I had a look into my garden and saw that the Skytree is blooming with some new stats, so clearly it is time for some freshly gathered numbers arranged in a bar chart :star_struck:

*on Earth’s northern hemisphere and Mars at least

39 new climbers joined us in April, so that we’re now at a total of 716 climbers! As always, welcome! I hope you all can achieve your goals for the coming months!
69 climbers - almost 10 % - are already beyond the first observation deck and more than half of all climbers are above level 13!
The animation hasn’t changed much tbh, but here you go:



Everyone say “Thank you, mmm333 san!”

Lovely graphics and information as always!


Thank you, mmm333 san