Lessons are now ordered

Though this would have saved me many headaches if it existed in the past, I guess there’s nothing wrong with some people wanting it jumbled, even if there was never a good reason for making that the standard in the first place.

But yeah, you can use a script anyway.

@viet thank you for your hard work, even if opinion on this looks mixed :sweat: change is hard for a lot of users to deal with, apparently. I, for one, welcome our new ordered-lessons overlord. And I’m sure it ties in nicely with the long-term vision of WK pedagogy.


With reorder you could have something like a batch of 5 kanji followed by a batch of 5 vocab, but, as far as I’m aware, you can’t arrange to have them mixed in one batch - which is what us naysayers would like.

Adding a “jumble” feature to reorder would be simple if it doesn’t exist, no?


I hope so. Also, if someone does add a jumble feature, I’d like a little animation where all the items swirl around in a big tombola and then Koichi / Viet pulls out a handful and that’s your batch. Thanks.


Make it a vending machine instead.

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ヽ(´∇`)ノ。ヾ(。>v<。)ノ゙*。(*・∀・)~ ♪♪♪

Out of nowhere!

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Actually I’ve changed my mind. Something like this would be best:

Gold tickets could be kanji and silver tickets vocab. Also, instead of an animation it could be player controlled with the WK team as the contestants. And if you could employ Richard O’Brien to record some special harmonica pieces to go along with it, that would be great.


Maybe the Lesson screen should have some roulette buttons. Click on the type of item you want, and it will choose from the available ones that have met all of their prerequisites.

I joke… but it’s still kind of an interesting idea :slight_smile:

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To quote Kumirei.

I tried this and it works. I wasn’t aware you could do this either.


My lessons won’t load while I have any userscripts running and the problem began once this new reordering started. I thought it might just be reordering scripts, but it’s any, as I get an endless loading crabigator screen even with just katakana madness running. Anyone else have this problem?

Like: previous level’s lessons being introduced before the current level’s.

Dislike: type ordering; vocab and radicals are a nice break from how intense the kanji leasons are. Doing radicals before anything else will mean another huge wave of kanji to plough through halfway through a level, and that could be really stressful and might cause people to just stop doing lessons for types they don’t like, and increase dropout rates (since they know exactly what will come up in lessons).

I am SO excited to have this! Just the boost I needed to keep studying. I always get burnt out on all that vocab, but knowing I’ll have a new start with radicles/kanji right after is perfect incentive.

Just want to chime in and say that this is a very welcome change for me. People who are satisfied tend not to comment, so responses to changes like this tend to skew pretty negative. But I’m sure there are plenty of other happy users too :slight_smile:

@viet, It is impossible to please everyone in the community. Thank you for the announcement.


I must be a special case, i have the reorder script going, i get my radicals done then go, I get mixed up lessons all the time with no extra steps involved.

Personally I can’t really tell whether this is good, bad, or neutral, to be honest.

Possibly faster level up times? Preparation for content updates? Yay! Those two are really nice, of course.

As for the potential negative side…

Tofugu have been pushing interleaving pretty hard. From that perspective, this is an odd change to make. On the other hand, there’s no one with formal education in learning sciences on the team (as far as I know), and no one’s got hard data on the change yet. Who’s to say one way is really better than the other?

It might be possible to draw a conclusion if WaniKani collects metrics on retention internally, but for now… I’ll just trust what WaniKani offers and do it the way the team believes works. Do me good, WaniKani!

That would explain how I miraculously got all the kanji in the same, single lesson.

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