Leech Squashing

I can only get 本当. Anything else, forget it. Not even the kanji on its own, ha.

These are my worst right now. Just looking at them is making me twitch.

Screenshot from 2017-09-07 17-10-08

Cross-post for folks interested in seeing the distribution of their leeches across SRS stages: [Unsupported] Dashboard Userscript: Leech, Apprentice, and Guru detail (aka SRS level progress) - #23 by hitechbunny (same logic as in the Leech Detector).

Here’s what mine looks like:

Death to leeches!


艦隊 - naval fleet
艦船 - warship

someday I’ll get these right and be like

Cross-post: A script to warn you at learning time that something it a common leech: Script idea: leech-o-meter?

I’m down to 26 leeches! :dancing_men:

I keep confusing 竹 (bamboo) with 村 (village). Grr.

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when you see a Leech, but answer it correctly and finally watch it burn


FYI I went ahead and created it. Feedback welcome!

You can find it here: Script idea: leech-o-meter?

Is there a list somewhere of the different reasons why something becomes a leech?

E.g. confusion between similar looking kanji, phonetic confusion (eg zu & su), kanji reading confusion (eg jin & hito)., etc.

The first post: ⇑

観念 idea, notion
概念 general idea, notion

oh how long you leechy little twins have been floating around in my queue pretending to be one word but actually you are two words


I’m always getting the meanings mixed up for words that mean “soon” and “recent”

Anybody find some rule that helps remember which is which?

哀悼 condolence
追悼 memorial

I keep mixing memorial and condolence.

A bonus, 暁(あかつき) and 曙(あけぼの)

I am waiting for [Userscript] Item Marker to be collapsible to 1 group, or maybe I should just install it as it is? – I am drilling WaniKani Context Sentences on Anki to further understand the vocab meaning.

This isn’t a real leech for me, as I don’t think I’ve ever actually gotten it wrong but… with 四角, I always type よんかく before backspacing and correcting it. I really wish my brain would think しかく right off the bat.

Hoping that complaining here will help me to do that next time…

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しかく rolls off the tongue better!

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It definitely does which is why I always remember to change it. But when I’m simply reading the kanji, I always think よんかく in my head first.

しかく sounds like a Japanese city or something. That’s how I got the reading xD It reminds me of 新宿 (し sound).

Google told me that しかく was also a character in Naruto.

I don’t have a problem with how it sounds. It certainly sounds correct. It’s just when my eyes first see/read the kanji, my brain goes straight to よん。Just trying to train myself to stop doing that.

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I used to miss the third one a lot. Then I came up with a short mnemonic that covers both the meaning and reading. It’s uh… weird but it works.

What’s a big thing? Your dick. It’s quite important to you.

Since it begins with d, I know it’s dai instead of tai. I’ll show myself out.


I keep putting ‘especially’ for the meaning of ‘取り決め’ (confusing it with ‘取り分け’). It’s an ‘especially’ annoying ‘arrangement’ of kanji.

… Ah, I see… it’s a different meaning of ‘arrangement’. I’ll try to remember it as ‘agreement’ or ‘decision’ - that 決 makes more sense now.